Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 1100 Accepted Submission(s): 316
"Thanks to the best age, I can buy many things!" Now Dong MW has a book to buy, it costs P Jiao. He wonders how many banknotes at least,and how many banknotes at most he can use to buy this nice book. Dong MW is a bit strange, he doesn't like to get the change, that is, he will give the bookseller exactly P Jiao.
T lines with 6 integers each:
P a1 a5 a10 a50 a100
ai means number of i-Jiao banknotes.
All integers are smaller than 1000000.
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- 帮初学者改代码——playerc之“练习:求完数问题”(下)
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