Computer Systems A Programmer's Perspective Second Edition

To this point in our study of systems, we have relied on a simple model of a

computer system as a CPU that executes instructions and a memory system that
holds instructions and data for the CPU. In our simple model, the memory system
is a linear array of bytes, and the CPU can access each memory location in a
constant amount of time. While this is an effective model as far as it goes, it does
not reflect the way that modern systems really work.
In practice, a memory system is a hierarchy of storage devices with different
capacities, costs, and access times. CPU registers hold the most frequently used
data. Small, fast cache memories nearby the CPU act as staging areas for a subset
of the data and instructions stored in the relatively slow main memory. The main
memory stages data stored on large, slow disks, which in turn often serve as
staging areas for data stored on the disks or tapes of other machines connected by
Memory hierarchies work because well-written programs tend to access the
storage at any particular level more frequently than they access the storage at the
next lower level. So the storage at the next level can be slower, and thus larger
and cheaper per bit. The overall effect is a large pool of memory that costs as
much as the cheap storage near the bottom of the hierarchy, but that serves data
to programs at the rate of the fast storage near the top of the hierarchy.
As a programmer, you need to understand the memory hierarchy because it
has a big impact on the performance of your applications. If the data your program
needs are stored in a CPU register, then they can be accessed in zero cycles during
the execution of the instruction. If stored in a cache, 1 to 30 cycles. If stored in main
memory, 50 to 200 cycles. And if stored in disk tens of millions of cycles!
Here, then, is a fundamental and enduring idea in computer systems: if you
understand how the system moves data up and down the memory hierarchy, then
you can write your application programs so that their data items are stored higher
in the hierarchy, where the CPU can access them more quickly.
This idea centers around a fundamental property of computer programs
known as locality. Programs with good locality tend to access the same set of
data items over and over again, or they tend to access sets of nearby data items.
Programs with good locality tend to access more data items from the upper levels
of the memory hierarchy than programs with poor locality, and thus run faster. For
example, the running times of different matrix multiplication kernels that perform
the same number of arithmetic operations, but have different degrees of locality,
can vary by a factor of 20!

zero cycles - 1 to 30 cycles - tens of millions of cycles的更多相关文章

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