From Wikipedia
An autoencoder, autoassociator or Diabolo network[1]:19 is an artificial neural network used for learning efficient codings.[2][3] The aim of an auto-encoder is to learn a compressed, distributed representation (encoding) for a set of data, typically for the purpose of dimensionality reduction. Autoencoder is based on the concept of Sparse coding proposed in a seminal paper by Olshausen et al. [4] in 1996.
1 Overview
2 Training
3 References
4 See also
5 External links
Architecturally, the simplest form of the autoencoder is a feedforward, non-recurrent neural net that is very similar to the multilayer perceptron (MLP), with an input layer, an output layer and one or more hidden layers connecting them. The difference with the MLP is that in an autoencoder, the output layer has equally many nodes as the input layer, and instead of training it to predict some target value y given inputs x, an autoencoder is trained to reconstruct its own inputs x. I.e., the training algorithm can be summarized as
For each input x,
Do a feed-forward pass to compute activations at all hidden layers, then at the output layer to obtain an output
Measure the deviation of x̂ from the input x (typically using squared error, i)
Backpropagate the error through the net and perform weight updates.
(This algorithm trains one sample at a time, but batch learning is also possible.)
If the hidden layers are narrower (have fewer nodes) than the input/output layers, then the activations of the final hidden layer can be regarded as a compressed representation of the input. All the usual activation functions from MLPs can be used in autoencoders; if linear activations are used, or only a single sigmoid hidden layer, then the optimal solution to an auto-encoder is strongly related to principal component analysis (PCA).[5] When the hidden layers are larger than the input layer, an autoencoder can potentially learn the identity function and become useless; however, experimental results have shown that such autoencoders might still learn useful features in this case.[1]:19
如果隐层比输入层更窄(也就是含有较少的结点),那么训练后的结点就可以认为是输入数据的一种压缩表示。多层感知机中所有的挤压函数都能被用在自编码网络中,如果使用线性激活函数或者仅仅使用一层Sigmoid隐层,那么一个自编码网络的最优解就是一个强相关的主成分分析器(PCA)。当隐含层结点数多于输入层,那么自编码网络就有可能称为一个无用的Identiti Function(并非一个空函数,而是输出与输入相同的函数),然而实验结果表明,在这种情况下自编码网络仍然能够学习到有用的特征。
Auto-encoders can also be used to learn overcomplete feature representations of data.[clarification needed][citation needed] They are the precursor to Deep belief networks.[citation needed]
An auto-encoder is often trained using one of the many backpropagation variants (conjugate gradient method, steepest descent, etc.). Though often reasonably effective, there are fundamental problems with using backpropagation to train networks with many hidden layers. Once the errors get backpropagated to the first few layers, they are minuscule, and quite ineffectual. This causes the network to almost always learn to reconstruct the average of all the training data.[citation needed] Though more advanced backpropagation methods (such as the conjugate gradient method) help with this to some degree, it still results in very slow learning and poor solutions. This problem is remedied by using initial weights that approximate the final solution. The process to find these initial weights is often called pretraining.
A pretraining technique developed by Geoffrey Hinton for training many-layered "deep" auto-encoders involves treating each neighboring set of two layers like a restricted Boltzmann machine for pre-training to approximate a good solution and then using a backpropagation technique to fine-tune.
由Geoffrey Hinton提出了一种对于多层深度自编码网络的预训练技术,Hinton让临近的网络层参与当前层的训练和调整,去预训练并近似出一个好的结果,类似限制玻尔兹曼机。随后再通过反向传播技术来微调。
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