
#1154 : Spring Outing





You class are planning for a spring outing. $N$ people are voting for a destination out of $K$ candidate places.

The voting progress is below:

First the class vote for the first candidate place. If more than half of the class agreed on the place, the place is selected. The voting ends.

Otherwise they vote for the second candidate place. If more than half of the class agreed on the place, the place is selected. The voting ends.

Otherwise they vote for the third candidate place in the same way and go on.

If no place is selected at last there will be no spring outing and everybody stays at home.

Before the voting, the Chief Entertainment Officer did a survey, found out every one's preference which can be represented as a permutation of $0, 1, ... K$. ($0$ is for staying at home.) For example, when $K=3$, preference "$1, 0, 2, 3$" means that the first place is his first choice, staying at home is the second choice, the second place is the third choice and the third place is the last choice.

The Chief Entertainment Officer sends the survey results to the class. So everybody knows the others' preferences. Everybody wants his more prefered place to be selected. And they are very smart, they always choose the optimal strategy in the voting progress to achieve his goal.

Can you predict which place will be selected?


The first line contains two integers, $N$ and $K$, the number of people in your class and the number of candidate places.

The next $N$ lines each contain a permutation of $0$ ~$ K$, representing someone's preference.

For 40% of the data, $1 \le N, K \le 10$

For 100% of the data, $1 \le N, K \le 1000$


Output the selected place. Or "otaku" without quotes if no place is selected.


In the sample case, if the second peoson vote against the first place, no place would be selected finally because the first person must vote against the second place for his own interest. Considering staying at home is a worse choice than the first place, the second person's optimal strategy is voting for the first place. So the first place will be selected.

2 2 1 0 2 2 1 0




假设投票进行到了最后一轮(表决第K个也是最后一个地点)。此轮投票前,众人都知道(每个人都足够聪明)结果只有两种:去第K个地点 or 呆在家。此时,显然地,每个人都将投更想去的地方。将要进行第K轮投票时,大家已经知道最后结果了。因此事实上第K轮投票是没必要的。



我们看到在本题中,无需投票众人就知到最后结果了,当然这是由于投票前preference list已成为common knowledge,在实际中这往往是不可能的。



#define X first
#define Y second
#define MP make_pair
using namespace std;
const int MAX_N=1e3+, MAX_K=1e3+;
int pref[MAX_N][MAX_K];
typedef pair<int, int> pii;
int N, K;
bool cmp(const int &x, const int &y){
int a=x%(K+), b=y%(K+);
int cnt1=, cnt2=;
for(int i=; i<N; i++){
return cnt1==cnt2?x>y:cnt1>cnt2;
int main(){
//freopen("in", "r", stdin);
int place;
scanf("%d%d", &N, &K);
for(int i=; i<N; i++){
for(int j=; j<=K; j++){
scanf("%d", &place);
int last=K+, pre=K;
if(cmp(last, pre)) --pre;
else last=pre, --pre;
//printf("%d %d\n", pre, last);
last==K+?puts("otaku"):printf("%d\n", last);
return ;

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