


  1. var
  2. ch:char;
  3. q,g,num:array [0..500001] of longint;
  4. st:string;
  5. son:array [0..500001,'a'..'z'] of longint;
  6. ts:array [0..1000001] of char;
  7. l,s,t,n,i,j,m,k,ans,head,tail:longint;
  8. begin
  9. readln(t);
  10. while t<>0 do
  11. begin
  12. for ch:='a' to 'z' do begin son[0,ch]:=1; son[1,ch]:=0; end;
  13. dec(t);
  14. s:=1;
  15. g[1]:=0;
  16. fillchar(num,sizeof(num),0);
  17. readln(n);
  18. for i:=1 to n do begin
  19. readln(st);
  20. m:=length(st);
  21. l:=1;
  22. for j:=1 to m do
  23. if son[l,st[j]]<>0 then l:=son[l,st[j]]
  24. else begin
  25. inc(s);
  26. g[s]:=0;
  27. son[l,st[j]]:=s;
  28. l:=s;
  29. for ch:='a' to 'z' do son[s,ch]:=0;
  30. end;
  31. inc(num[l]);
  32. end;
  33. s:=1;
  34. head:=0;
  35. tail:=1;
  36. q[1]:=1;
  37. n:=0;
  38. while head<tail do
  39. begin
  40. inc(head);
  41. k:=q[head];
  42. for ch:='a' to 'z' do
  43. if son[k,ch]=0 then son[k,ch]:=son[g[k],ch]
  44. else begin g[son[k,ch]]:=son[g[k],ch];
  45. inc(tail);
  46. q[tail]:=son[k,ch];
  47. end;
  48. end;



  1. #include<queue>
  2. #include<cstdio>
  3. #include<cstring>
  4. #include<algorithm>
  5. #define for1(i,a,n) for(int i=(a);i<=(n);++i)
  6. #define for2(i,a,n) for(int i=(a);i<(n);++i)
  7. #define for3(i,a,n) for(int i=(a);i>=(n);--i)
  8. #define for4(i,a,n) for(int i=(a);i>(n);--i)
  9. #define CC(i,a) memset(i,a,sizeof(i));
  10. using namespace std;
  11. char a[10010],s[1000010];
  12. int ch[500010][30],fail[500010],w[500010],ans,cnt;
  13. inline void ins(char *b){
  14. int u=0,v,len=strlen(b);
  15. for2(i,0,len){
  16. v=b[i]-'a';
  17. if (!ch[u][v])ch[u][v]=cnt++;
  18. u=ch[u][v];
  19. }w[u]++;
  20. }
  21. inline void bfs(){
  22. queue<int>q;
  23. q.push(0);
  24. int u,p;
  25. while (!q.empty()){
  26. u=q.front();q.pop();
  27. for2(i,0,26) if (ch[u][i]){
  28. q.push(ch[u][i]);
  29. if (!u) continue;
  30. p=fail[u];
  31. while (p&&!ch[p][i])p=fail[p];
  32. fail[ch[u][i]]=ch[p][i];
  33. }
  34. }
  35. }
  36. inline void ac(char *b){
  37. int u=0,v,len=strlen(b),t;
  38. for2(i,0,len){
  39. v=b[i]-'a';
  40. while (u&&!ch[u][v])u=fail[u];
  41. u=ch[u][v];
  42. t=u;
  43. while (t){
  44. ans+=w[t];
  45. w[t]=0;
  46. t=fail[t];
  47. }
  48. }
  49. }
  50. inline void init(){CC(fail,0);CC(ch,0);CC(w,0);ans=0;cnt=1;}
  51. int main(){
  52. int T;scanf("%d",&T);
  53. while (T--){
  54. init(); int n;
  55. scanf("%d",&n);
  56. for1(i,1,n){
  57. scanf("%s",a);
  58. ins(a);
  59. }bfs();
  60. scanf("%s",s);
  61. ac(s);
  62. printf("%d\n",ans);
  63. }return 0;
  64. }


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