Microsoft Build 2015 汇总
简要概括(GitHub 完成约 45%):
- Visual Studio Code Preview(意料之外)
- Visual Studio 2015 RC
- Visual Studio 2013 Update 5
- Open Sourcing Visual Studio’s GDB/LLDB Debug Engine
- Entity Framework 7 Beta 4
- ASP.NET 4.6 – Web Forms/ MVC 5/ Web API 2
- ASP.NET 5 Preview
- Visual Basic 14 and C# 6 are language complete
- Visual F# 4.0 RC
- .NET Framework 4.6 RC
- .NET Core RC For Windows
- .NET Core Preview For Mac OS
- .NET Core Preview For Linux
- .NET Execution Environment (DNX)
Microsoft Build 2015 部分精选视频:
- Meet the Visual Studio Code team(必看)
- A Lap Around .NET 2015(必看)
- Cross-Platform Continuous Delivery with Release Management to Embrace DevOps
- C# 6, VB14, and all Things Roslyn
- Strategies for Developing Cross-Platform Applications with Visual Studio 2015
- Maximize Your Coding Productivity for Apps, Devices, and Services with Visual Studio 2015
- On the Shoulders of Giants: Building Apps that Consume Modern SaaS Endpoints with Visual Studio 2015
- Developing Universal Windows Apps in Visual Studio 2015
- Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps in C++ with Visual Studio 2015
- Debugger Tips and Tricks for .NET Developers with Visual Studio 2015
- Introducing ASP.NET 5(必看)
- Visual Studio Code: A Deep Dive on the Redefined Code Editor for OS X, Linux and Windows
- Hosted Web Apps and Web Platform Innovations
- Taking .NET Cross-Platform: Building .NET Applications on Linux and Mac
- Using Git in Visual Studio
- Debugging Performance Issues Using Visual Studio 2015
- Deep Dive into ASP.NET 5(必看)
- What's New in C# 6 and Visual Basic 14
- .NET Open Source Initiative
- New XAML Tools in Visual Studio 2015
- Go Mobile with C#, Visual Studio and Xamarin
MSDN 部分精选文章:
- .NET Announcements at Build 2015(必看)
- Build 2015 marks an important step in our journey with developers – and it’s just the beginning
- Introducing Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio 2015 RC, Application Insights Public Preview and .NET Core Preview for Linux and Mac
- Entity Framework and Visual Studio 2015 RC
- Roslyn ships v1.0-rc2 with "Go-Live" license
- Application Insights now supports ASP.NET 5 applications
- Updates for ASP.NET 4.6 – Web Forms/ MVC 5/ Web API 2
- BUILD 2015 ASP.NET 5 Training Videos - Introduction and Deep Dive(必看)
- New ASP.NET Features and Fixes in Visual Studio 2015 RC
- BUILD 2015 News: Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio 2015 RC, Team Foundation Server 2015 RC, Visual Studio 2013 Update 5
- Introducing Visual Studio Code for Windows, Mac, and Linux
- Visual Studio and Team Foundation Server at Build 2015
- Visual Studio 2015 RC Now Available!
- Open Sourcing Visual Studio’s GDB/LLDB Debug Engine
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