hdu3511-Prison Break
对于每个圆,进入和出去的时候分别做扫描线,分别是x = c[i].x - c[i].r, x' = c[i].x + c[i].r;
如果扫描线向上或向下没有点,那么这个圆的depth = 1;
如果上下两个点属于同一个圆id,那么这个圆的depth = depth[id]+1;
如果上下两个圆属于不同的圆id1,id2,那么这个圆的depth = max(depth[id1], depth[id2]);
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std;
const int maxn = + ; typedef struct Circle{
int id, x, y, r; Circle( int id = , int x = , int y = , int r = ){
this->id = id;
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->r = r;
}Circle; Circle c[maxn]; typedef struct Point{
int id, ty; Point( int id = , int ty = ){
this->id = id;
this->ty = ty;
}Point; set<Point> s; typedef struct Line{
int id, x, ty; Line( int id = , int x = , int ty = ){
this->id = id;
this->x = x;
this->ty = ty;
} bool operator < ( const Line& l )const{
if( x == l.x )
return id < l.id;
return x < l.x;
}Line; Line l[maxn<<]; int depth[maxn]; int n, ans, xlog; double intersector( const Point& p ){
int id = p.id;
double r = 1.0*c[id].r; double x = 1.0*(xlog - c[id].x);
double y = sqrt((r*r - x*x)); if(p.ty == )
return 1.0*c[id].y + y;
return 1.0*c[id].y - y;
} bool operator < ( const Point& p1, const Point& p2 ){
if(p1.id == p2.id)
return p1.ty < p2.ty;
return intersector(p1) < intersector(p2);
} void solve( int nn ){
memset(depth, , sizeof(depth));
ans = ; for( int i = ; i < nn; ++i ){
int id = l[i].id, ty = l[i].ty;
xlog = l[i].x;
//cout << "id: " << id << " ty: " << ty << endl; if( ty == ){
s.erase(Point(id, ));
s.erase(Point(id, ));
s.insert(Point(id, ));
set<Point>::iterator it1 = s.find(Point(id, )), it2;
it2 = it1;
it2++; if( it1 == s.begin() || it2 == s.end() ){
depth[id] = ;
//cout << "id: " << id << " depth[id]: " << depth[id] << endl;
if( it1->id == it2->id ){
depth[id] = depth[it1->id]+;
depth[id] = max( depth[it1->id], depth[it2->id] );
//cout << "id: " << id << " depth[id]: " << depth[id] << endl;
s.insert(Point(id, ));
ans = max( ans, depth[id]);
} printf("%d\n", ans);
} int main(void){
while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF){
memset( c, , sizeof(c) );
memset( l, , sizeof(l) ); for( int i = ; i < n; ++i ){
c[i].id = i;
scanf("%d%d%d", &c[i].x, &c[i].y, &c[i].r);
l[i*] = Line(i, c[i].x-c[i].r, );
l[i*+] = Line(i, c[i].x+c[i].r, );
int nn = n * ;
sort( l, l + nn ); solve(nn);
} return ;
} /*
0 0 100
0 0 1
0 5 3
3 0 2
0 0 200
0 0 100
0 0 1
0 5 3
0 5 2
3 0 2
0 0 200
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