
  • SEEprog is universal programmer of all types of serial EEPROMs in 8-pin package. SEEprog enables programming EEPROMs with interface types IIC (24Cxx), Microwire (93Cxx) and SPI (25Cxx). Programmer supports programming LV EEPROMs (3.3V). The programmer is equipped by ZIF socket. The quality of programmer is completed by comfortable control program. SEEprog is computer peripheral, it is connecting to PC via standard parallel port.
  • Free software updates are available by download


Socket and control of pins:

  • ZIF (Zero Insertion Force) DIL socket (300mil wide)
  • each pin is possible to set in position Low and H/Pull-up
  • from each pin is possible to read
  • support of Low Voltage devices

Supported devices:

  • EEPROM I2C (24Cxxx)
  • EEPROM Microwire (93Cxxx)
  • EEPROM SPI (25Cxxx, 25LVxxx, 25Fxxx, 25Pxxx)
  • Configuration (EE)PROM: AT17xxx, LV series including
  • speciall devices (digital thermometers, ...)


    • the SEEprog programmer is NOT INTENDED to be a ISP programmer. If you think about ISP, use please the programmers, equipped by ISP connector (SmartProg2BeeProg+, ...)

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