Some books that I really enjoy(ed)

It's been quite some time since I blogged about what I've been reading.  That's not because I haven't been reading -- au contraire! -- but rather because I've been busy doing so.  I find these posts interesting for myself, so that I can look back and see where my interests were at a particular point in time.  Given the sheer number of additions, I can't properly rate them like I have in the past. Here are the more interesting ones, those that stick out in my mind:




Based on this list, you might surmise that I read a lot.  ;)  In fact, I typically have between 3 and 5 books going simultaneously (how parallel of me), so I use the term "read" somewhat nontraditionally.  I prefer to absorb the information by immersing myself in many books in the same genre simultaneously, instead of committing to a single one.  This seems to be effective, but is also slightly odd and perhaps quite esoteric to other people; the result is that every room in my home is littered with books each in some possibly long-forgotten state of being "read" (along with tattered academic papers, language manuals, etc).  I like it, but some people believe this is an indication that I'm a tad insane. C'est la vie.

Books from Joe's blog的更多相关文章

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  4. vue.js实战——splice使用

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  5. tomcat server.xml

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  6. Oracle:使用nginx做为代理访问

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  7. SQL SERVER CXPACKET-Parallelism Wait Type 的惯用解决方案

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  8. mongodb学习比较(数据操作篇)

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  9. APS.NET MVC + EF (04)---路由和数据传递

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  5. 【Oracle】锁

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  8. Oracle执行SQL报错ORA-00922

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  9. Go 1.5keyword搜索文件夹、文件、文件内容_修复一个小BUG

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