


curl -LJO https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/gitlab-ce/yum/el7/gitlab-ce-8.9.8-ce.0.el7.x86_64.rpm


rpm -i gitlab-ce-8.9.8-ce.0.el7.x86_64.rpm


vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

external_url 'http://gitlab.federico.xin:7389'



gitlab-ctl reconfigure



gitlab-ctl start

ok: run: gitlab-workhorse: (pid 5294) 0s
ok: run: logrotate: (pid 5296) 0s
ok: run: nginx: (pid 5300) 0s
ok: run: postgresql: (pid 5302) 0s
ok: run: redis: (pid 5306) 0s
ok: run: sidekiq: (pid 5309) 0s
ok: run: unicorn: (pid 5312) 0s


ps aux|grep git

git       5271 57.6 11.2 399596 212268 ?       Rl   10:29   0:07 ruby /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gem/ruby/2.1.0/bin/unicorn -D -E production -c /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/etc/unicorn.rb /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/config.ru
git 5294 0.0 0.2 37768 4036 ? Ssl 10:29 0:00 /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/gitlab-workhorse -listenNetwork unix -listenUmask 0 -listenAddr /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse/socket -authBackend http://localhost:8080 -authSocket /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/sockets/gitlab.socket -documentRoot /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public -pprofListenAddr
root 5296 0.0 0.0 11628 1408 ? Ss 10:29 0:00 /bin/sh /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/gitlab-logrotate-wrapper
root 5300 0.0 0.1 37608 2920 ? Ss 10:29 0:00 nginx: master process /opt/gitlab/embedded/sbin/nginx -p /var/opt/gitlab/nginx
gitlab-+ 5302 0.2 1.8 532352 34240 ? Ss 10:29 0:00 /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/postgres -D /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data
gitlab-+ 5306 0.0 0.4 37400 7864 ? Ssl 10:29 0:00 /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/redis-server
git 5309 43.8 3.0 159376 58368 ? Rsl 10:29 0:02 ruby /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gem/ruby/2.1.0/bin/sidekiq -q post_receive -q mailers -q archive_repo -q system_hook -q project_web_hook -q gitlab_shell -q incoming_email -q common -q pages -q elasticsearch -q default -e production -r /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails -t 4 -c 25
git 5312 0.0 0.0 11632 1516 ? Ss 10:29 0:00 /bin/bash /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/gitlab-unicorn-wrapper
gitlab-+ 5313 0.0 0.2 41700 5172 ? S 10:29 0:00 nginx: worker process
gitlab-+ 5314 0.0 0.0 37760 1492 ? S 10:29 0:00 nginx: cache manager process
gitlab-+ 5315 0.0 0.0 37760 1492 ? S 10:29 0:00 nginx: cache loader process
gitlab-+ 5330 0.0 0.0 532584 1184 ? Ss 10:29 0:00 postgres: checkpointer process
gitlab-+ 5331 0.0 0.0 532584 1192 ? Ss 10:29 0:00 postgres: writer process
gitlab-+ 5332 0.0 0.0 532584 944 ? Ss 10:29 0:00 postgres: wal writer process
gitlab-+ 5333 0.0 0.1 533572 2384 ? Ss 10:29 0:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher process
gitlab-+ 5334 0.0 0.0 26556 1264 ? Ss 10:29 0:00 postgres: stats collector process
git 5339 0.0 0.0 4308 344 ? S 10:29 0:00 sleep 1
gitlab-+ 5340 0.0 0.4 638200 7964 ? Ss 10:29 0:00 postgres: gitlab gitlabhq_production [local] idle
root 5342 0.0 0.0 112656 960 pts/0 S+ 10:29 0:00 grep --color=auto git
root 32239 0.0 0.0 4328 488 ? Ss 09:41 0:00 runsvdir -P /opt/gitlab/service log: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
root 32260 0.0 0.0 4320 540 ? S 09:41 0:00 svlogd -tt /var/log/gitlab/redis
root 32343 0.0 0.0 4320 536 ? S 09:41 0:00 svlogd -tt /var/log/gitlab/postgresql
root 32426 0.0 0.0 4320 540 ? S 09:42 0:00 svlogd -tt /var/log/gitlab/unicorn
root 32458 0.0 0.0 4320 544 ? S 09:42 0:00 svlogd -tt /var/log/gitlab/sidekiq
root 32468 0.0 0.0 4176 344 ? Ss 09:42 0:00 runsv gitlab-workhorse
root 32469 0.0 0.0 4320 540 ? S 09:42 0:00 svlogd -tt /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse
root 32475 0.0 0.0 4320 340 ? S 09:42 0:00 svlogd -tt /var/log/gitlab/nginx
root 32487 0.0 0.0 4320 540 ? S 09:42 0:00 svlogd -tt /var/log/gitlab/logrotate




vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/gitlab.conf

upstream  git{
server ip:port;
} server{
listen 80;
server_name gitlab.federico.xin; location / {
client_max_body_size 500m;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_pass http://git;
index index.html index.htm;


nginx -t

nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

nginx -s reload


1.fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly


git config http.postBuffer 524288000

2.error: RPC failed; HTTP 413 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 413 Request Entity Too Large


grep -r "client_max_body_size" /var/opt/gitlab/

/var/opt/gitlab/nginx/conf/gitlab-http.conf:  client_max_body_size 500M;
/var/opt/gitlab/nginx/conf/nginx.conf: client_max_body_size 50m;

vim /var/opt/gitlab/nginx/conf/nginx.conf

client_max_body_size 500m;

nginx -t

nginx -s reload


  1. Ubuntu18.04安装GitLab搭建私有仓库服务器过程笔记

      百度了很多资料结果折腾很久还没安装成功,索性就直接上官网找文档参考顺利搭建完成 因为有2台服务器做练习,总结了2种安装方式提供参考:第一种官网安装方式,第二种国内镜像安装方式(建议采用第二种) 第 ...

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    相信很多技术人员都知道有个github造福开发人员的git(分布式版本管理工具)代码管理社区,可以说现在git是开发人员的必备技能之一 本周有个朋友公司需要一个类似github的代码仓库管理系统,本人 ...

  4. Jenkins+Gitlab搭建持续集成(CI)环境

    利用Jenkins+Gitlab搭建持续集成(CI)环境 Permalink: 2013-09-08 22:04:00 by hyhx2008in intern tags: jenkins gitla ...

  5. GitLab搭建详细过程

    一.前提 系统:Centos 6.5 软件版本:gitlab-7.8.4 Selinux:关闭 防火墙规则:先清空(搭建好了后续自己添加相关放行规则) 二.yum源配置和相关依赖包 1.添加epel源 ...

  6. CentOS 7.x上gitlab搭建教程(https可用,邮件可用)

    目录 知识要求 搭建感想 搭建过程 参考 知识要求: nginx基础知识 搭建感想 注:以下是我搭建gitlab时的思考,需要nginx的基础知识,Docker的基础知识才容易理解,与下面的搭建过程是 ...

  7. Gitlab的安装与实践

    tucao 先让我来吐槽一下下,使用GitHub以及Bitbucket比较不太稳定,尤其是后者,可以说是极其不稳定,甚至无法克隆仓库到本地.因此,决定安装一款开源且免费的Git服务到自己的服务器主机上 ...

  8. CentOS 7下GitLab搭建及配置

    由于公司业务,需要上Git版本控制. * 目前市面上比较有名的Git服务提供商,国外有GitHub.BitBucket.GitLab,国内有码云,Coding. * 现有的服务商,对于免费的套餐都有一 ...

  9. CentOS 7 系统下 GitLab 搭建

    参考地址:https://blog.csdn.net/t748588330/article/details/79915003 1. 安装:使用 GitLab 提供仓库在线安装 curl -sS htt ...


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