**1、boost方式 **


需求:查询出title和content中包含java spark的document


GET /forum/article/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"title": "java spark"
"match": {
"content": "java spark"


"took": 3,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
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"articleID": "DHJK-B-1395-#Ky5",
"userID": 3,
"hidden": false,
"postDate": "2017-03-01",
"tag": [
"tag_cnt": 1,
"view_cnt": 10,
"title": "this is spark blog",
"content": "spark is best big data solution based on scala ,an programming language similar to java spark",
"sub_title": "haha, hello world",
"author_first_name": "Tonny",
"author_last_name": "Peter Smith",
"new_author_last_name": "Peter Smith",
"new_author_first_name": "Tonny"
"_index": "forum",
"_type": "article",
"_id": "2",
"_score": 0.8849759,
"_source": {
"articleID": "KDKE-B-9947-#kL5",
"userID": 1,
"hidden": false,
"postDate": "2017-01-02",
"tag": [
"tag_cnt": 1,
"view_cnt": 50,
"title": "this is java blog",
"content": "i think java is the best programming language",
"sub_title": "learned a lot of course",
"author_first_name": "Smith",
"author_last_name": "Williams",
"new_author_last_name": "Williams",
"new_author_first_name": "Smith"


GET /forum/article/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"title": {
"query": "java spark",
"boost" : 2
"match": {
"content": "java spark"


"took": 3,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"max_score": 1.258609,
"hits": [
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"_score": 1.258609,
"_source": {
"articleID": "DHJK-B-1395-#Ky5",
"userID": 3,
"hidden": false,
"postDate": "2017-03-01",
"tag": [
"tag_cnt": 1,
"view_cnt": 10,
"title": "this is spark blog",
"content": "spark is best big data solution based on scala ,an programming language similar to java spark",
"sub_title": "haha, hello world",
"author_first_name": "Tonny",
"author_last_name": "Peter Smith",
"new_author_last_name": "Peter Smith",
"new_author_first_name": "Tonny"
"_index": "forum",
"_type": "article",
"_id": "2",
"_score": 1.083544,
"_source": {
"articleID": "KDKE-B-9947-#kL5",
"userID": 1,
"hidden": false,
"postDate": "2017-01-02",
"tag": [
"tag_cnt": 1,
"view_cnt": 50,
"title": "this is java blog",
"content": "i think java is the best programming language",
"sub_title": "learned a lot of course",
"author_first_name": "Smith",
"author_last_name": "Williams",
"new_author_last_name": "Williams",
"new_author_first_name": "Smith"




需求:查询出content中包含java spark solution beginner的document


GET /forum/article/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"content": "java"
"match": {
"content": "spark"
"match": {
"content": "solution"
"match": {
"content": "beginner"


"took": 3,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 2,
"max_score": 1.113083,
"hits": [
"_index": "forum",
"_type": "article",
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"articleID": "QQPX-R-3956-#aD8",
"userID": 2,
"hidden": true,
"postDate": "2017-01-02",
"tag": [
"tag_cnt": 2,
"view_cnt": 80,
"title": "this is java, elasticsearch, hadoop blog",
"content": "elasticsearch and hadoop are all very good solution, i am a beginner",
"sub_title": "both of them are good",
"author_first_name": "Robbin",
"author_last_name": "Li",
"new_author_last_name": "Li",
"new_author_first_name": "Robbin"
"_index": "forum",
"_type": "article",
"_id": "5",
"_score": 0.970927,
"_source": {
"articleID": "DHJK-B-1395-#Ky5",
"userID": 3,
"hidden": false,
"postDate": "2017-03-01",
"tag": [
"tag_cnt": 1,
"view_cnt": 10,
"title": "this is spark blog",
"content": "spark is best big data solution based on scala ,an programming language similar to java spark",
"sub_title": "haha, hello world",
"author_first_name": "Tonny",
"author_last_name": "Peter Smith",
"new_author_last_name": "Peter Smith",
"new_author_first_name": "Tonny"


GET /forum/article/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"content": "java"
"match": {
"content": "spark"
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"content": "solution"
"match": {
"content": "beginner"


"took": 3,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 2,
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"hits": [
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"_id": "4",
"_score": 1.113083,
"_source": {
"articleID": "QQPX-R-3956-#aD8",
"userID": 2,
"hidden": true,
"postDate": "2017-01-02",
"tag": [
"tag_cnt": 2,
"view_cnt": 80,
"title": "this is java, elasticsearch, hadoop blog",
"content": "elasticsearch and hadoop are all very good solution, i am a beginner",
"sub_title": "both of them are good",
"author_first_name": "Robbin",
"author_last_name": "Li",
"new_author_last_name": "Li",
"new_author_first_name": "Robbin"
"_index": "forum",
"_type": "article",
"_id": "5",
"_score": 0.970927,
"_source": {
"articleID": "DHJK-B-1395-#Ky5",
"userID": 3,
"hidden": false,
"postDate": "2017-03-01",
"tag": [
"tag_cnt": 1,
"view_cnt": 10,
"title": "this is spark blog",
"content": "spark is best big data solution based on scala ,an programming language similar to java spark",
"sub_title": "haha, hello world",
"author_first_name": "Tonny",
"author_last_name": "Peter Smith",
"new_author_last_name": "Peter Smith",
"new_author_first_name": "Tonny"


3、negative boost


GET /forum/article/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"content": "java"
"must_not": [
"match": {
"content": "spark"


"took": 58,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
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"total": 1,
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"articleID": "KDKE-B-9947-#kL5",
"userID": 1,
"hidden": false,
"postDate": "2017-01-02",
"tag": [
"tag_cnt": 1,
"view_cnt": 50,
"title": "this is java blog",
"content": "i think java is the best programming language",
"sub_title": "learned a lot of course",
"author_first_name": "Smith",
"author_last_name": "Williams",
"new_author_last_name": "Williams",
"new_author_first_name": "Smith"



包含了nagative term的doc,分数乘以negative boost分数降低。

GET /forum/article/_search
"query": {
"boosting": {
"positive": {
"match": {
"content": "java"
"negative": {
"match": {
"content": "spark"
"negative_boost": 0.2


"took": 10,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
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"hidden": false,
"postDate": "2017-01-02",
"tag": [
"tag_cnt": 1,
"view_cnt": 50,
"title": "this is java blog",
"content": "i think java is the best programming language",
"sub_title": "learned a lot of course",
"author_first_name": "Smith",
"author_last_name": "Williams",
"new_author_last_name": "Williams",
"new_author_first_name": "Smith"
"_index": "forum",
"_type": "article",
"_id": "5",
"_score": 0.05753642,
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"articleID": "DHJK-B-1395-#Ky5",
"userID": 3,
"hidden": false,
"postDate": "2017-03-01",
"tag": [
"tag_cnt": 1,
"view_cnt": 10,
"title": "this is spark blog",
"content": "spark is best big data solution based on scala ,an programming language similar to java spark",
"sub_title": "haha, hello world",
"author_first_name": "Tonny",
"author_last_name": "Peter Smith",
"new_author_last_name": "Peter Smith",
"new_author_first_name": "Tonny"




GET /forum/article/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"constant_score": {
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "java"
"constant_score": {
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "spark"


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