Experiment report of Besti

course:《Program Design & Data Structures》

Class: 1623

Student Name: Wang, Yixiao

Student Number:20162314


Experiment date:2017.9.26

Secret level: Unsecretive

Experiment time:60 minutes


Experiment order:5

Experiment content

  1. Linear-list test of Java :Process, Problem.
  1. Linear-list application of Java :Process, Problem.
  1. Implement ArrayList(Pseudocode, Productcode, Testcode): Process(Analysis, Design,implement,test),Problem.
  1. Implement LinkedList (Pseudocode, Productcode, Testcode): Process(Analysis, Design,implement,test),Problem.
  1. Analyze source code of ArrayList and LinkedList:Process,Skill.

Experiment situation

Exp1 Linear-list test of Java

  • It's easy to finish this experiment.
  • To start with , import to form a new Linked-list to start the experiment.
  • Next , use the method list.add() to ealuation.
  • Then , use the for-loop to test the Linked-list.add method respectively.
  • Last , export the value of three loops respectively.

Exp2 Linear-list application of Java

  • To start with , set a class by using List to creat alist and blist, make the two lists' size equally.
  • Next , use the sentence while-if, value alist(i) and blist(j)
  • If the alist(i) > blist(j) , then merge the first place with index i+j by bList.get(j)
  • Else , take the opposite.
  • Then , when the length of alist > i , merge the list with index i+j by alist.get(i)
  • while the length of blist > j , do the opposite
  • After the loops end , return the result of merging lists.
  • Last , write a test with valuing two arraylists by using list.add() and print the result.

Exp3 Implement ArrayList

  • To start with , import to form a new Array-list to start the experiment.
  • Next , write the index and the first element
  • Next , use the method list.add to make the array list.
  • Then , output and explain the fist element.
  • Then , use the method list.remove to remove a number.
  • Next , use the method list.contain to check whether the number is in list right now.
  • Then , use the for-loop and leam.iterator to print iter.next() .
  • Next , form a new String Array to print string.
  • Then , use the list.clear to clear the list number.
  • Last , use the method list.isEmpty to check whether the list is empty now.

Exp4 Implement LinkedList

  • The whole test is made of three methods:testLinkedListAPIs(),useLinkedListAsLIFO();,useLinkedListAsFIFO();
  • Then creat a class to explain this three methods.
  • import a new linkedlist
  • Next, use list.add to print
  • Then, use stack to pop and peek.
  • Next, creat a new queue
  • Use the method to add and remove ,last print.

Exp5 Analyze source code of ArrayList and LinkedList

Assume when we creat a Linkedlist at the start, there is only a hearder point,as the following picture.

There is a elementA1 insert ahead the header.
Now,insert a element A2 after implementing the code as the following
Entry newEntry = new Entry(A2, header, header.previous);
//Make newEntry.next point to the header, new Entry point to header.previous(A1)
newEntry.previous.next = newEntry;
newEntry.next.previous = newEntry;
Then, the picture turn to this

Code hosting

PSP5.1(Personal Software Process)

Steps Time percent
requirement 45minutes 16.7%
design 50minutes 18.5%
coding 1.5hours 32.2%
test 30minutes 11.1%
summary 55minutes 19.2%

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