The 6 inspectors in XCode
Name | Shortcut Key | Description |
file helper | Command + Option + 1 |
shows you all the file details related to this |
quick help | Command + Option + 2 |
shows you quick help documentation related to |
identity inspector | Command + Option + 3 |
lets you see and change the class that represents the view controller This tab within the inspector is particularly important because you’ll be using it |
attributes inspector | Command + Option + 4 |
allows you to change any attribute on the eg: You commonly use this section to change titles of buttons and other |
size inspector | Command + Option + 5 |
you can modify all Below that is a section called Constraints, which you used to set the auto-layout |
connections inspector | Command + Option + 6 | make connections to allow for your code to communicate with your interface
you can see the outlet connections we made for the tableView property on |
Create By Master HaKu
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