
  无奈只能copy代码中原有的一份算法解码库,进行类似操作后,小图转为jpg后还是空的,求助算法大佬后发现自己一开始就给自己写了个大bug,就是小图yuv转为jpg后是存储在malloc的一段内存里的,类型为char*,一开始为了数据copy方便,就直接将jpg的指针赋给了std::string,再利用string中数据写到文件里,导致文件一直是空的,其实小图的jpg数据已经成功的转化了,只是自己没理解char*指针和string的区别,以为所有指针都可以直接赋给std::string,其实char*型指针里如果保存的是类似图片数据这种不是标准的字符串的话,是很容易出现数据被截断的情况的,如果实在要赋值的话,需要加上需要复制的长度才行,实在汗颜,期间遇到很多指针操作,如三级指针、指针数组、指针分配内存(要使用指针必须分配内存或者指向已分配内存的地址,还要注意不要提前释放掉还在使用的指针指向的内存)、指针转string(指针若指向的非标准字符串则赋给std::string时需要加上需要复制的长度),char*和unsigned char*的区别(例如16进制0xffffffff存储在char*里表示为-1,存储在unsigned char*里表示为0xff),感觉自己对C的指针了解还是太少。




 #include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <jpeglib.h> #define NEW_BUFFER(param, len) if(!param)\
{ param = new unsigned char[len];}\
else { delete param; param = new unsigned char[len];}; using namespace std; unsigned char** yuvptr_[];
std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char*> > yuvbuf_();
unsigned char* m_pYbuffer = NULL;
unsigned char* m_pUbuffer = NULL;
unsigned char* m_pVbuffer = NULL; std::string jpg_to_yuv420p(char* pBuffer, int nSize, int &uPicWidth, int &uPicHeight)
struct jpeg_error_mgr e_;
jpeg_decompress_struct info_;
info_.err = jpeg_std_error(&e_);
jpeg_mem_src(&info_, (unsigned char*)pBuffer, nSize); //// 指定图片在内存的地址及大小
jpeg_read_header(&info_, );
info_.out_color_space = JCS_YCbCr;
info_.raw_data_out = ;
info_.do_fancy_upsampling = FALSE;
jpeg_start_decompress(&info_); for (int i = ; i < ; ++i)
yuvptr_[i] = &yuvbuf_[i][];
} int nLen = info_.output_width * info_.output_height; NEW_BUFFER(m_pYbuffer, nLen);
NEW_BUFFER(m_pUbuffer, nLen);
NEW_BUFFER(m_pVbuffer, nLen); unsigned char* row = m_pYbuffer;
yuvptr_[][] = row;
for (int i = ; i < info_.output_height; ++i, row += info_.output_width)
yuvptr_[][i] = row; //y 分量空间初始化
} row = m_pUbuffer;
for (int i = ; i < info_.output_height; i += , row += info_.output_width / )
yuvptr_[][i / ] = row; //u 分量初始化 } row = m_pVbuffer;
for (int i = ; i < info_.output_height; i += , row += info_.output_width / )
yuvptr_[][i / ] = row; //v 分量初始化
} for (int i = ; i < info_.output_height; i += )
int nRows = ;
if ((info_.output_height) < (i + ))
nRows = info_.output_height - i;
jpeg_read_raw_data(&info_, yuvptr_, nRows);
yuvptr_[] += ;
yuvptr_[] += ;
yuvptr_[] += ;
uPicWidth = info_.image_width;
uPicHeight = info_.image_height; std::string Y((char*)yuvbuf_[][], uPicWidth*uPicHeight); std::string U((char*)yuvbuf_[][], uPicWidth*uPicHeight / ); std::string V((char*)yuvbuf_[][], uPicWidth*uPicHeight / ); std::string YUV = Y + U + V; cout << YUV.size() << endl; jpeg_finish_decompress(&info_);
jpeg_destroy_decompress(&info_); return YUV;
} int yuv420p_to_jpeg(unsigned char* pdata, int image_width, int image_height, int quality)
if (image_width == || image_height == ) {
cout << "err param\n";
return ;
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
unsigned char *outbuffer;
unsigned long size = ;
jpeg_mem_dest(&cinfo, &outbuffer, &size); cinfo.image_width = image_width; // image width and height, in pixels
cinfo.image_height = image_height;
cinfo.input_components = ; // # of color components per pixel
cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_YCbCr; //colorspace of input image
jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, quality, TRUE); //////////////////////////////
// cinfo.raw_data_in = TRUE;
cinfo.jpeg_color_space = JCS_YCbCr;
cinfo.comp_info[].h_samp_factor = ;
cinfo.comp_info[].v_samp_factor = ;
jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE); JSAMPROW row_pointer[]; unsigned char *yuvbuf;
if ((yuvbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(image_width * )) != NULL)
memset(yuvbuf, , image_width * ); unsigned char *ybase, *ubase, *vbase;
ybase = pdata;
ubase = pdata + image_width*image_height;
vbase = ubase + image_width*image_height / ;
int j = ;
while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height)
int idx = ;
for (int i = ; i < image_width; i++)
yuvbuf[idx++] = ybase[i + j * image_width];
yuvbuf[idx++] = ubase[j / * image_width/ + (i / )];
yuvbuf[idx++] = vbase[j / * image_width/ + (i / )];
row_pointer[] = yuvbuf;
jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, row_pointer, );
if (yuvbuf != NULL)
} FILE *fp = NULL;
errno_t err;
err = fopen_s(&fp, "C:/Users/chenwenjun/Desktop/ok.jpg", "wb");
if (fp) {
fwrite(outbuffer, size, , fp);
else {
cout << "nok\n";
} free(outbuffer);
} int main()
std::shared_ptr<char> PicData = NULL; //get pic data
FILE* fp = NULL;
errno_t err;
err = fopen_s(&fp, "C:/Users/chenwenjun/Desktop/test.jpg", "rb");
if (!err) {
PicData.reset(new char[ * * ]);
fread((void*)PicData.get(), * * , , fp);
else {
cout << "nok\n";
} //jpg -> yuv
int uPicWidth = , uPicHeight = ;
std::string YUVData = jpg_to_yuv420p(PicData.get(), * * , uPicWidth, uPicHeight); //yuv -> jpg
yuv420p_to_jpeg((unsigned char*)const_cast<char*>(YUVData.c_str()), uPicWidth, uPicHeight, ); Sleep(); return ;



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