1. 基本概念

1.1 Instrumentation是什么?


当ActivityThread 创建(callActivityOnCreate)、暂停、恢复某个Activity时,通过调用此对象的方法来实现,如:

1) 创建: callActivityOnCreate

2) 暂停: callActivityOnPause

3) 恢复: callActivityOnResume

Instrumentation和ActivityThread的关系,类似于老板与经理的关系,老板负责对外交流(如与Activity Manager Service<AMS>),Instrumentation负责管理并完成老板交待的任务。


  1. private List<ActivityWaiter> mWaitingActivities;
  2. private List<ActivityMonitor> mActivityMonitors;


功能 函数
增加删除Monitor addMonitor(ActivityMonitor monitor)
removeMonitor(ActivityMonitor monitor)
Application与Activity生命周期控制 newApplication(Class<?> clazz, Context context)
newActivity(ClassLoader cl, String className,Intent intent)
callActivityOnCreate(Activity activity, Bundle icicle)
callActivityOnDestroy(Activity activity)
callActivityOnStart(Activity activity)
callActivityOnRestart(Activity activity)
callActivityOnResume(Activity activity)
callActivityOnStop(Activity activity)
callActivityOnPause(Activity activity)
Instrumentation生命周期控制 onCreate(Bundle arguments)
finish(int resultCode, Bundle results)
发送用户操控信息到当前窗口 sendCharacterSync(int keyCode)
sendPointerSync(MotionEvent event)
sendTrackballEventSync(MotionEvent event)
sendTrackballEventSync(MotionEvent event)
同步操作 startActivitySync(Intent intent) //它调用Context.startActivity
runOnMainSync(Runnable runner)

2. Android应用程序启动过程(MainActivity)



  1. /*****************************************************************
  2. * Launcher通过Binder告诉ActivityManagerService,
  3. * 它将要启动一个新的Activity;
  4. ****************************************************************/
  5. Launcher.startActivitySafely->
  6. Launcher.startActivity->
  7. //要求在新的Task中启动此Activity
  8. //intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK)
  9. Activity.startActivity->
  10. Activity.startActivityForResult->
  11. Instrumentation.execStartActivity->
  12. // ActivityManagerNative.getDefault()返回AMS Proxy接口
  13. ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().startActivity->
  14. ActivityManagerProxy.startActivity->
  15. ActivityManagerService.startActivity-> (AMS)
  16. ActivityManagerService.startActivityAsUser->
  17. ActivityStack.startActivityMayWait->
  18. ActivityStack.resolveActivity(获取ActivityInfo)
  19. //aInfo.name为main Activity,如
  20. //aInfo.applicationInfo.packageName为包名,如
  21. ActivityStack.startActivityLocked->
  22. //ProcessRecord callerApp; 调用者即Launcher信息
  23. //ActivityRecord sourceRecord; Launcher Activity相关信息
  24. //ActivityRecord r=new ActivityRecord(...),将要创建的Activity相关信息
  25. ActivityStack.startActivityUncheckedLocked->
  27. //             ActivityInfo.LAUNCH_SINGLE_TASK/LAUNCH_SINGLE_TOP)
  28. // 创建一个新的task,即TaskRecord,并保存在ActivityRecord.task中
  29. //r.setTask(new TaskRecord(mService.mCurTask,, intent), null, true)
  30. // 把新创建的Activity放在栈顶
  31. ActivityStack.startActivityLocked->
  32. ActivityStack.resumeTopActivityLocked->
  33. ActivityStack.startPausingLocked (使Launcher进入Paused状态)->
  34. /*****************************************************************
  35. * AMS通过Binder通知Launcher进入Paused状态
  36. ****************************************************************/
  37. ApplicationThreadProxy.schedulePauseActivity->
  38. //private class ApplicationThread extends ApplicationThreadNative
  39. ApplicationThread.schedulePauseActivity->
  40. ActivityThread.queueOrSendMessage->
  41. // 调用Activity.onUserLeaveHint
  42. // 调用Activity.onPause
  43. // 通知activity manager我进入了pause状态
  44. ActivityThread.handlePauseActivity->
  45. /*****************************************************************
  46. * Launcher通过Binder告诉AMS,它已经进入Paused状态
  47. ****************************************************************/
  48. ActivityManagerProxy.activityPaused->
  49. ActivityManagerService.activityPaused->
  50. ActivityStack.activityPaused->(把Activity状态修改为PAUSED)
  51. ActivityStack.completePauseLocked->
  52. // 参数为代表Launcher这个Activity的ActivityRecord
  53. // 使用栈顶的Activity进入RESUME状态
  54. ActivityStack.resumeTopActivityLokced->
  55. //topRunningActivityLocked将刚创建的放于栈顶的activity取回来
  56. // 即在ActivityStack.startActivityUncheckedLocked中创建的
  57. /*****************************************************************
  58. * AMS创建一个新的进程,用来启动一个ActivityThread实例,
  59. * 即将要启动的Activity就是在这个ActivityThread实例中运行
  60. ****************************************************************/
  61. ActivityStack.startSpecificActivityLocked->
  62. // 创建对应的ProcessRecord
  63. ActivityManagerService.startProcessLocked->
  64. // 启动一个新的进程
  65. // 新的进程会导入类,并且执行它的main函数,
  66. // 即实例化ActivityThread, 每个应用有且仅有一个ActivityThread实例
  67. Process.start("",...)->
  68. // 通过zygote机制创建一个新的进程
  69. Process.startViaZygote->
  70. // 这个函数在进程中创建一个ActivityThread实例,然后调用
  71. // 它的attach函数,接着就进入消息循环
  72. ActivityThread.main->
  73. /*****************************************************************
  74. * ActivityThread通过Binder将一个ApplicationThread类的Binder对象
  75. * 传递给AMS,以便AMS通过此Binder对象来控制Activity整个生命周期
  76. ****************************************************************/
  77. ActivityThread.attach->
  78. IActivityManager.attachApplication(mAppThread)->
  79. ActivityManagerProxy.attachApplication->
  80. ActivityManagerService.attachApplication->
  81. // 把在ActivityManagerService.startProcessLocked中创建的ProcessRecord取出来
  82. ActivityManagerService.attachApplicationLocked->
  83. /*****************************************************************
  84. * AMS通过Binder通知ActivityThread一切准备OK,它可以真正启动新的Activity了
  85. ****************************************************************/
  86. // 真正启动Activity
  87. ActivityStack.realStartActivityLocked->
  88. ApplicationThreadProxy.scheduleLaunchActivity->
  89. ApplicationThread.scheduleLaunchActivity->
  90. ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity->
  91. // 加载新的Activity类,并执行它的onCreate
  92. ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity
  93. /*1) Instrumentation.newActivity: 加载新类,即创建Activity对象;
  94. 2) ActivityClientRecord.packageInfo.makeApplication:创建Application对象;
  95. <LoadedApk.makeApplication>
  96. 3) Activity.attach(Context context, ActivityThread aThread,
  97. Instrumentation instr, IBinder token, int ident,
  98. Application application, Intent intent, ActivityInfo info,
  99. CharSequence title, Activity parent, String id,
  100. NonConfigurationInstances lastNonConfigurationInstances,
  101. Configuration config):把Application attach到Activity, 即把Activtiy
  102. 相关信息设置到新创建的Activity中
  103. 4) Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate:调用onCreate;*/
  104. // 使用Activity进入RESUMED状态,并调用onResume
  105. ActivityThread.handleResumeActivity

3. ActivityManagerService

3.1 类中关键信息

  1. public final class ActivityManagerService extends ActivityManagerNative
  2. implements Watchdog.Monitor, BatteryStatsImpl.BatteryCallback {
  3. ...
  4. // Maximum number of recent tasks that we can remember.
  5. static final int MAX_RECENT_TASKS = 20;
  6. public ActivityStack mMainStack; // 管理Activity堆栈
  7. // Whether we should show our dialogs (ANR, crash, etc) or just perform their
  8. // default actuion automatically.  Important for devices without direct input
  9. // devices.
  10. private boolean mShowDialogs = true;
  11. /**
  12. * Description of a request to start a new activity, which has been held
  13. * due to app switches being disabled.
  14. */
  15. static class PendingActivityLaunch {
  16. ActivityRecord r;
  17. ActivityRecord sourceRecord;
  18. int startFlags;
  19. }
  20. /**
  21. * Activity we have told the window manager to have key focus.
  22. */
  23. ActivityRecord mFocusedActivity = null;
  24. /**
  25. * List of intents that were used to start the most recent tasks.
  26. */
  27. final ArrayList<TaskRecord> mRecentTasks = new ArrayList<TaskRecord>();
  28. /**
  29. * Process management.
  30. */
  31. final ProcessList mProcessList = new ProcessList();
  32. /**
  33. * All of the applications we currently have running organized by name.
  34. * The keys are strings of the application package name (as
  35. * returned by the package manager), and the keys are ApplicationRecord
  36. * objects.
  37. */
  38. final ProcessMap<ProcessRecord> mProcessNames = new ProcessMap<ProcessRecord>();
  39. /**
  40. * The currently running isolated processes.
  41. */
  42. final SparseArray<ProcessRecord> mIsolatedProcesses = new SparseArray<ProcessRecord>();
  43. ...
  44. public static final Context main(int factoryTest) { //main入口函数
  45. AThread thr = new AThread();
  46. thr.start();
  47. synchronized (thr) {
  48. while (thr.mService == null) {
  49. try {
  50. thr.wait();
  51. } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  52. }
  53. }
  54. }
  55. ActivityManagerService m = thr.mService;
  56. mSelf = m;
  57. ActivityThread at = ActivityThread.systemMain();
  58. mSystemThread = at;
  59. Context context = at.getSystemContext();
  60. context.setTheme(;
  61. m.mContext = context;
  62. m.mFactoryTest = factoryTest;
  63. m.mMainStack = new ActivityStack(m, context, true); // 创建ActivityStack
  64. m.mBatteryStatsService.publish(context);
  65. m.mUsageStatsService.publish(context);
  66. synchronized (thr) {
  67. thr.mReady = true;
  68. thr.notifyAll();
  69. }
  70. m.startRunning(null, null, null, null);
  71. return context;
  72. }
  73. }

3.2 家族图谱

4. ActivityStack-真正做事的家伙


4.1 类中关键信息

  1. /**
  2. * State and management of a single stack of activities.
  3. */
  4. final class ActivityStack {
  5. final ActivityManagerService mService;
  6. final boolean mMainStack;
  7. final Context mContext;
  8. enum ActivityState {
  10. RESUMED,
  11. PAUSING,
  12. PAUSED,
  14. STOPPED,
  18. }
  19. /**
  20. * The back history of all previous (and possibly still
  21. * running) activities.  It contains HistoryRecord objects.
  22. */
  23. final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> mHistory = new ArrayList<ActivityRecord>();
  24. /**
  25. * Used for validating app tokens with window manager.
  26. */
  27. final ArrayList<IBinder> mValidateAppTokens = new ArrayList<IBinder>();
  28. /**
  29. * List of running activities, sorted by recent usage.
  30. * The first entry in the list is the least recently used.
  31. * It contains HistoryRecord objects.
  32. */
  33. final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> mLRUActivities = new ArrayList<ActivityRecord>();
  34. /**
  35. * List of activities that are waiting for a new activity
  36. * to become visible before completing whatever operation they are
  37. * supposed to do.
  38. */
  39. final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> mWaitingVisibleActivities
  40. = new ArrayList<ActivityRecord>();
  41. /**
  42. * List of activities that are ready to be stopped, but waiting
  43. * for the next activity to settle down before doing so.  It contains
  44. * HistoryRecord objects.
  45. */
  46. final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> mStoppingActivities
  47. = new ArrayList<ActivityRecord>();
  48. /**
  49. * List of activities that are in the process of going to sleep.
  50. */
  51. final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> mGoingToSleepActivities
  52. = new ArrayList<ActivityRecord>();
  53. /**
  54. * When we are in the process of pausing an activity, before starting the
  55. * next one, this variable holds the activity that is currently being paused.
  56. */
  57. ActivityRecord mPausingActivity = null;
  58. /**
  59. * This is the last activity that we put into the paused state.  This is
  60. * used to determine if we need to do an activity transition while sleeping,
  61. * when we normally hold the top activity paused.
  62. */
  63. ActivityRecord mLastPausedActivity = null;
  64. /**
  65. * Current activity that is resumed, or null if there is none.
  66. */
  67. ActivityRecord mResumedActivity = null;
  68. /**
  69. * This is the last activity that has been started.  It is only used to
  70. * identify when multiple activities are started at once so that the user
  71. * can be warned they may not be in the activity they think they are.
  72. */
  73. ActivityRecord mLastStartedActivity = null;
  74. /**
  75. * Set to indicate whether to issue an onUserLeaving callback when a
  76. * newly launched activity is being brought in front of us.
  77. */
  78. boolean mUserLeaving = false;
  79. ActivityStack(ActivityManagerService service, Context context, boolean mainStack) {
  80. mService = service;
  81. mContext = context;
  82. mMainStack = mainStack;
  83. ...
  84. }
  85. ...
  86. }

4.2 家族图谱

5. ProcessRecord


5.1 类中关键信息

  1. /**
  2. * Full information about a particular process that
  3. * is currently running.
  4. */
  5. class ProcessRecord {
  6. final ApplicationInfo info; // all about the first app in the process
  7. final boolean isolated;     // true if this is a special isolated process
  8. final int uid;              // uid of process; may be different from 'info' if isolated
  9. final int userId;           // user of process.
  10. final String processName;   // name of the process
  11. IApplicationThread thread;  // the actual proc...  may be null only if
  12. // 'persistent' is true (in which case we
  13. // are in the process of launching the app)
  14. // 是ApplicationThread对象的远程接口,
  15. // 通过此接口通知Activity进入对应的状态
  16. int pid;                    // The process of this application; 0 if none
  17. ApplicationInfo instrumentationInfo; // the application being instrumented
  18. BroadcastRecord curReceiver;// receiver currently running in the app
  19. // contains HistoryRecord objects
  20. final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> activities = new ArrayList<ActivityRecord>();
  21. // all ServiceRecord running in this process
  22. final HashSet<ServiceRecord> services = new HashSet<ServiceRecord>();
  23. // services that are currently executing code (need to remain foreground).
  24. final HashSet<ServiceRecord> executingServices
  25. = new HashSet<ServiceRecord>();
  26. // All ConnectionRecord this process holds
  27. final HashSet<ConnectionRecord> connections
  28. = new HashSet<ConnectionRecord>();
  29. // all IIntentReceivers that are registered from this process.
  30. final HashSet<ReceiverList> receivers = new HashSet<ReceiverList>();
  31. // class (String) -> ContentProviderRecord
  32. final HashMap<String, ContentProviderRecord> pubProviders
  33. = new HashMap<String, ContentProviderRecord>();
  34. // All ContentProviderRecord process is using
  35. final ArrayList<ContentProviderConnection> conProviders
  36. = new ArrayList<ContentProviderConnection>();
  37. boolean persistent;         // always keep this application running?
  38. boolean crashing;           // are we in the process of crashing?
  39. Dialog crashDialog;         // dialog being displayed due to crash.
  40. boolean notResponding;      // does the app have a not responding dialog?
  41. Dialog anrDialog;           // dialog being displayed due to app not resp.
  42. boolean removed;            // has app package been removed from device?
  43. boolean debugging;          // was app launched for debugging?
  44. boolean waitedForDebugger;  // has process show wait for debugger dialog?
  45. Dialog waitDialog;          // current wait for debugger dialog
  46. ProcessRecord(BatteryStatsImpl.Uid.Proc _batteryStats, IApplicationThread _thread,
  47. ApplicationInfo _info, String _processName, int _uid) {
  48. batteryStats = _batteryStats;
  49. info = _info;
  50. isolated = _info.uid != _uid;
  51. uid = _uid;
  52. userId = UserHandle.getUserId(_uid);
  53. processName = _processName;
  54. pkgList.add(_info.packageName);
  55. thread = _thread;
  56. maxAdj = ProcessList.HIDDEN_APP_MAX_ADJ;
  57. hiddenAdj = clientHiddenAdj = emptyAdj = ProcessList.HIDDEN_APP_MIN_ADJ;
  58. curRawAdj = setRawAdj = -100;
  59. curAdj = setAdj = -100;
  60. persistent = false;
  61. removed = false;
  62. }
  63. ...
  64. }

5. 2 家族图谱

6. IApplicationThread接口AMS->Application



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