
POJ - 3984

 #include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <cstring> using namespace std; /*广度优先搜索*/
/*将每个未访问过的邻接点进队列,然后出队列,知道到达终点*/ typedef class
int x;
int y;
}coordinate; int maze[][]; //迷宫
int road[][] = { { , - }, { , }, { -, }, { , } };
coordinate pre[][]; //记录当前坐标的前一个坐标 int visited[][] = { }; /*利用一个栈,倒序输出pre中存入的坐标*/
void print()
stack<coordinate> S;
coordinate rhs = { , }; while ()
if (rhs.x == && rhs.y == )
rhs = pre[rhs.x][rhs.y];
} while (!S.empty())
rhs = S.top();
cout << "(" << rhs.x << ", " << rhs.y << ")" << endl;
} void bfs(int x, int y)
queue<coordinate> Q; //用来帮助广度优先搜索
coordinate position; position.x = x, position.y = y; Q.push(position); while (!Q.empty())
position = Q.front();
Q.pop(); visited[position.x][position.y] = ;
coordinate position2; if (position.x == && position.y == ) //如果找到终点,停止搜索
} for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
{ position2.x = position.x + road[i][];
position2.y = position.y + road[i][]; if (position2.x >= && position2.x <= && position2.y >= && position2.y <= && maze[position2.x][position2.y] == && !visited[position2.x][position2.y]) //如果这个邻接点不是墙且未访问过,则进队列
pre[position2.x][position2.y] = position; //记录当前坐标的前一个坐标位置
visited[position2.x][position2.y] = ;
} }
} int main()
memset(maze, , sizeof(pre));
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
cin >> maze[i][j];
} //memset(pre, 0, sizeof(pre)); //现将pre初始化 bfs(, ); return ;

A Knight's Journey

OpenJ_Bailian - 2488

 #include <cstring>
using namespace std; char route[][]; //记录行驶的路线
int board[][]; //棋盘 int total = ;
int length;
/*dfs深度优先搜索*/ int go[][] = { { -, - }, { , - }, { -, - }, { , - }, { -, }, { , }, { -, }, { , } };//字典序方向 /*一次跳跃*/
void knight(int p, int q,int len ,int row, int col) //len为行走的距离,用来判断是否遍历整个棋盘, row和col为当前坐标
board[row][col] = ;
route[len][] = col + 'A' - , route[len][] = row + '';
length = len;
/*让马分别尝试8个方向的跳跃,知道跳不动为止*/ int x, y; for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
{ x = row + go[i][];
y = col + go[i][]; if (x > && x <= p && y > && y <= q && board[x][y] == )
knight(p, q, len + , x, y);
} /*if (row - 1 >= 1 && col - 2 > 0 && board[row - 1][col - 2] == 0)
knight(p, q, len + 1, row - 1, col - 2); if (row + 1 <= p && col - 2 > 0 && board[row + 1][col - 2] == 0)
knight(p, q, len + 1, row + 1, col - 2); if (row - 2 >= 1 && col - 1 > 0 && board[row - 2][col - 1] == 0)
knight(p, q, len + 1, row - 2, col - 1); if (row + 2 <= p && col - 1 > 0 && board[row + 2][col - 1] == 0)
knight(p, q, len + 1, row + 2, col - 1); if (row - 2 >= 1 && col + 1 <= q && board[row - 2][col + 1] == 0)
knight(p, q, len + 1, row - 2, col + 1); if (row + 2 <= p && col + 1 <= q && board[row + 2][col + 1] == 0)
knight(p, q, len + 1, row + 2, col + 1); if (row - 1 >= 1 && col + 2 <= q && board[row - 1][col + 2] == 0)
knight(p, q, len + 1, row - 1, col + 2); if (row + 1 <= p && col + 2 <= q && board[row + 1][col + 2] == 0)
knight(p, q, len + 1, row + 1, col + 2);*/ } int main()
int N, p, q; //行数, 每次的宽和高
cin >> N; while (N--)
cin >> p >> q;
knight(p, q, , , ); //以行走了0个单元
cout << "Scenario #" << ++total << ":" << endl;
if (length == p * q - )
{ for (int i = ; i <= length; i++)
cout << route[i][] << route[i][];
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "impossible" << endl << endl;
memset(board, , sizeof(board)); //清空棋盘的足迹
memset(route, , sizeof(route)); //清空路线
} return ;

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