<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>jQuery UI Tabs - Open on mouseover</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
$( function() {
$( "#tabs" ).tabs({
event: "mouseover"
} );
$( function() {
$( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
event: "mouseover"
} );
$( function() {
$( "#tabs2" ).tabs({
event: "mouseover"
} );
<body> <div id="tabs">
<li><a href="#tabs-1">COSW 10</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs-2">COSW 20</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs-3">COSW 200</a></li> </ul>
<div id="tabs-1">
<h3>COSW 10: Beginning Website Development</h3>
<p>This course introduces the fundamental skills needed to design, develop and publish websites using industry standard software. Students will create websites using HTML and CSS and incorporate web design principles such as site planning, usability and accessibility standards.</p>
<p>Topics covered include formatting text, creating hyperlinks, building navigation menus, inserting images and other media, creating tables and forms, using CSS for layout and design, creating responsive websites and working with content management systems. Students should have completed a basic computer concepts course such as COSA 1 as preparation for this course.</p>
<div id="tabs-2">
<h3>COSW 20: Advanced Website Development</h3>
<p>This course is an web page construction course focusing on emerging HTML standards, XML, JavaScript and other scripting languages. Students should already have a basic knowledge of web design such as from COSW 10AD in preparation for taking this course.</p>
<div id="tabs-3">
<h3>COSW 200: Introduction to JavaScript and jQuery</h3>
<p>This course provides an overview of client-side programming using JavaScript, variables, arrays, functions, event handlers, objects, form validation, cookies, and the DOM. Introduces Web 2.0 technologies, Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and JSON), and it is a introduction to using popular libraries like JQuery.</p>
<div id="tabs1">
<li><a href="#tabs1-1">COSW 10</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs1-2">COSW 20</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs1-3">COSW 200</a></li> </ul>
<div id="tabs1-1">
<h3>COSW 10: Beginning Website Development</h3>
<p>This course introduces the fundamental skills needed to design, develop and publish websites using industry standard software. Students will create websites using HTML and CSS and incorporate web design principles such as site planning, usability and accessibility standards.</p>
<p>Topics covered include formatting text, creating hyperlinks, building navigation menus, inserting images and other media, creating tables and forms, using CSS for layout and design, creating responsive websites and working with content management systems. Students should have completed a basic computer concepts course such as COSA 1 as preparation for this course.</p>
<div id="tabs1-2">
<h3>COSW 20: Advanced Website Development</h3>
<p>This course is an web page construction course focusing on emerging HTML standards, XML, JavaScript and other scripting languages. Students should already have a basic knowledge of web design such as from COSW 10AD in preparation for taking this course.</p>
<div id="tabs1-3">
<h3>COSW 200: Introduction to JavaScript and jQuery</h3>
<p>This course provides an overview of client-side programming using JavaScript, variables, arrays, functions, event handlers, objects, form validation, cookies, and the DOM. Introduces Web 2.0 technologies, Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and JSON), and it is a introduction to using popular libraries like JQuery.</p>
</div> <div id="tabs2">
<li><a href="#tabs2-1">COSW 10</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs2-2">COSW 20</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs2-3">COSW 200</a></li> </ul>
<div id="tabs2-1">
<h3>COSW 10: Beginning Website Development</h3>
<p>This course introduces the fundamental skills needed to design, develop and publish websites using industry standard software. Students will create websites using HTML and CSS and incorporate web design principles such as site planning, usability and accessibility standards.</p>
<p>Topics covered include formatting text, creating hyperlinks, building navigation menus, inserting images and other media, creating tables and forms, using CSS for layout and design, creating responsive websites and working with content management systems. Students should have completed a basic computer concepts course such as COSA 1 as preparation for this course.</p>
<div id="tabs2-2">
<h3>COSW 20: Advanced Website Development</h3>
<p>This course is an web page construction course focusing on emerging HTML standards, XML, JavaScript and other scripting languages. Students should already have a basic knowledge of web design such as from COSW 10AD in preparation for taking this course.</p>
<div id="tabs2-3">
<h3>COSW 200: Introduction to JavaScript and jQuery</h3>
<p>This course provides an overview of client-side programming using JavaScript, variables, arrays, functions, event handlers, objects, form validation, cookies, and the DOM. Introduces Web 2.0 technologies, Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and JSON), and it is a introduction to using popular libraries like JQuery.</p>
</div> </body>
- js基础练习一之tab选项卡
最近在学习前端,当然包括js,css,html什么的,在听课时做的一些小练习,记录下来: 实例一: --Tab选项卡-- <script type="text/javascript&q ...
- 面向对象的tab选项卡实现
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- mui在tab选项卡中echarts图表不能动态随页面变化大小 只能固定大小
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- Android应用底部导航栏(选项卡)实例
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- 可轮播滚动的Tab选项卡
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- android tab选项卡的使用
项目做完了,写写博客,在项目中遇到的一些问题,或者是自己觉得很不错的东西.这一篇主要是想和大家分享一下我在项目中封装的一个东西,就是tab选项卡.先看看效果图: 我在网上看了很多有关选项卡的demo, ...
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