Porsche Piwis Tester II V14.000 with CF30 Laptop at autonumen.com
Porsche piwis tester ii is the latest professional tester for Porshe,the most poweful diagnose and offline programming tool for Porsche,with latest tester for Porsche,powerful functions,full access
Porsche Piwis Tester II Functions:
1. Read/clear error code, catch data stream, computer programming match,
component test, maintenance information consult, components site
drawing, wiring diagram.
2. Porsche Piwis Tester II works with the old and latest Porsche cars.
It is equipped with the Panasonic laptop and original software for the
test. Porsche Piwis Tester II can help you diagnose and program the most
new and old kind of Porsche cars. For example: 911(997)(991),
Boxster/Cayman, (987), Cayenne up to MY 2010, Cayenne from MY 2011 and
3. New Panamera can only be diagnosed by using Porsche Piwis Tester II.
Based on current project planning, all earlier vehicle models will
gradually be changed over to the new Porsche Piwis Tester II by the end
of 2010. Porsche Piwis Tester I must be used for older models in the
Porsche workshop until end of 2010.
4. Support for Porsche. Piwis Tester I will no longer be available once
the earlier diagnostic programs have been transferred to Porsche Piwis
Tester II.
5. When Porsche Piwis Tester II is distributed, it will contain one
basic piece of software. This is necessary in order to start and
configure the tester.
Piwis Tester II Support Systems:
ENGINE automatio transmission, air-conditioner, SRS, ABS, ASR, MPL, GM,
Original antitheft System,KEYLESS GO system, OBDII system.
Piwis Tester II Vehicle Coverage:
1. 911(997) (991)
2. Boxster/Cayman (987)
3. Cayenne up to MY 2010
4. Cayenne from MY 2011
5. Panamera
6. Support 2013 year Porsche car models
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