function traits.




    template<typename R, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (Args...)>
typedef R return_type;
typedef typelist<Args...> arglist;
enum { arg_count = sizeof...(Args) };
template<unsigned int N>
struct arg
typedef typename at<N, arglist>::type type;


int testfunc1(char) { return 1; }

int main()
bool b;
b = std::is_same< typename function_traits<int(double)>::return_type, int>::value;
std::cout << "is same: " << b << std::endl; b = std::is_same< typename function_traits<decltype(testfunc1)>::arg<0>::type, char>::value;
std::cout << "is same: " << b << std::endl; }


bool testfunc1(double, char) { return false; }



    template<typename R, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (*)(Args...)>
typedef R return_type;
typedef typelist<Args...> arglist;
enum { arg_count = sizeof...(Args) };
template<unsigned int N>
struct arg
typedef typename at<N, arglist>::type type;


int (*castfunc)(char) = &testfunc1;
b = std::is_same< typename function_traits<decltype(castfunc)>::arg<0>::type, char>::value;
std::cout << "is same: " << b << std::endl;





    template<typename ...Args>
struct OverloadResolved
template<typename R>
static auto static_doit( R (*f) (Args...), Args ... args ) -> R { return f(args...);}
}; template<typename ...Args>
auto deduce(Args...) -> OverloadResolved<Args...> { return OverloadResolved<Args...>(); } template<typename T>
struct dummy : public T { }; #define doit(f, ...) ( dummy<decltype(deduce( __VA_ARGS__ ))> :: static_doit(f, __VA_ARGS__) )


char aa = 'a'; double ff = 0.1;
std::cout << doit(testfunc1, aa) << " " << doit(testfunc1, ff, aa) << std::endl;

可以看到,虽然testfunc1有2个重载版本,但仍能正确的执行testfunc1(aa)和testfunc1(ff, aa).



template <typename R, typename T, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (T::*)(Args...)>
typedef T class_type;
typedef R return_type;
typedef typelist<Args...> arglist;
enum { arg_count = sizeof...(Args) };
template<unsigned int N>
struct arg
typedef typename at<N, arglist>::type type;


    template<typename T>
struct function_traits; template<typename R, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (Args...)>
typedef R return_type;
typedef typelist<Args...> arglist;
enum { arg_count = sizeof...(Args) };
template<unsigned int N>
struct arg
typedef typename at<N, arglist>::type type;
}; template<typename R, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (Args...) const>
typedef R return_type;
typedef typelist<Args...> arglist;
enum { arg_count = sizeof...(Args) };
template<unsigned int N>
struct arg
typedef typename at<N, arglist>::type type;
}; template<typename R, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (Args...) volatile>
typedef R return_type;
typedef typelist<Args...> arglist;
enum { arg_count = sizeof...(Args) };
template<unsigned int N>
struct arg
typedef typename at<N, arglist>::type type;
}; template<typename R, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (Args...) const volatile>
typedef R return_type;
typedef typelist<Args...> arglist;
enum { arg_count = sizeof...(Args) };
template<unsigned int N>
struct arg
typedef typename at<N, arglist>::type type;
}; template<typename R, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (*)(Args...)>
typedef R return_type;
typedef typelist<Args...> arglist;
enum { arg_count = sizeof...(Args) };
template<unsigned int N>
struct arg
typedef typename at<N, arglist>::type type;
}; template <typename R, typename T, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (T::*)(Args...)>
typedef T class_type;
typedef R return_type;
typedef typelist<Args...> arglist;
enum { arg_count = sizeof...(Args) };
template<unsigned int N>
struct arg
typedef typename at<N, arglist>::type type;
}; template <typename R, typename T, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (T::*)(Args...) const>
typedef T class_type;
typedef R return_type;
typedef typelist<Args...> arglist;
enum { arg_count = sizeof...(Args) };
template<unsigned int N>
struct arg
typedef typename at<N, arglist>::type type;
}; template <typename R, typename T, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (T::*)(Args...) volatile>
typedef T class_type;
typedef R return_type;
typedef typelist<Args...> arglist;
enum { arg_count = sizeof...(Args) };
template<unsigned int N>
struct arg
typedef typename at<N, arglist>::type type;
}; template <typename R, typename T, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (T::*)(Args...) const volatile>
typedef T class_type;
typedef R return_type;
typedef typelist<Args...> arglist;
enum { arg_count = sizeof...(Args) };
template<unsigned int N>
struct arg
typedef typename at<N, arglist>::type type;

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