* @file main-opencv.cpp
* @date July 2014
* @brief An exemplative main file for the use of ViBe and OpenCV
//#include <opencv2\core\core.hpp>
#include "vibe-background-sequential.h" using namespace cv;
using namespace std; const int minArea = ; // 舍去面积极小的方框
const double maxAreaRatio = 0.1; // 舍去面积极大的方框
const double boxRatio = 0.1; // 舍去长宽比严重失衡的方框 /**
* Displays instructions on how to use this program.
void help()
<< "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl
<< "This program shows how to use ViBe with OpenCV " << endl
<< "Usage:" << endl
<< "./main-opencv <video filename>" << endl
<< "for example: ./main-opencv video.avi" << endl
<< "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl
<< endl;
} void processVideo(char* videoFilename); void contour(const Mat &mor, Mat &img); /**
* Main program. It shows how to use the grayscale version (C1R) and the RGB version (C3R).
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
/* Print help information. */
help(); /* Check for the input parameter correctness. */
/* if (argc != 2) {
cerr <<"Incorrect input" << endl;
cerr <<"exiting..." << endl;
} /* Create GUI windows. */
//namedWindow("Segmentation by ViBe"); processVideo("framelink_yd.avi"); //读取 framelink_yd.avi 视频进行处理
/* Destroy GUI windows. */
} /**
* Processes the video. The code of ViBe is included here.
* @param videoFilename The name of the input video file.
void processVideo(char* videoFilename)
VideoCapture capture(videoFilename); /* Create the capture object. */
if (!capture.isOpened()) {
cerr << "Unable to open video file: " << videoFilename<< endl; /* Error in opening the video input. */
} clock_t start, finish;
double total;
start=clock(); /* Variables. */
static int frameNumber = ; /* The current frame number */
int lastCount = ;
int probFactor = gradient_Factor; /*概率因子,用梯度因子初始化概率因子*/
Mat frame,frame1; /* Current frame. */
Mat segmentationMap; /* Will contain the segmentation map. This is the binary output map. */
int keyboard = ; /* Input from keyboard. Used to stop the program. Enter 'q' to quit. */
char fileName[] = { };
int sampleCounts[] = {};
int speSamples[] = {};
vibeModel_Sequential_t *model = NULL; /* Model used by ViBe. */ int heig = ;
int widt = ;
Mat res = Mat::zeros(heig, widt, CV_8UC3); //res为三通道像素帧,用来保存最后合并的图像 /* 创建保存视频的文件名并打开 */
const string Name = "res.avi";
VideoWriter writer;
Size sz(widt, heig);, CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), , sz, true);
while ((char)keyboard != 'q' && (char)keyboard != ) { /* Read input data. ESC or 'q' for quitting. */
if (! { /* Read the current frame. */
cerr << "Unable to read next frame." << endl;
cerr << "Exiting..." << endl;
break;// exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
} /* Applying ViBe.
* If you want to use the grayscale version of ViBe (which is much faster!):
* (1) remplace C3R by C1R in this file.
* (2) uncomment the next line (cvtColor).
cvtColor(frame1, frame, CV_BGR2GRAY); //将三通道图像帧转换为单通道
if ( frameNumber== ) {
segmentationMap = Mat(frame.rows, frame.cols, CV_8UC1);
model = (vibeModel_Sequential_t*)libvibeModel_Sequential_New();
libvibeModel_Sequential_AllocInit_8u_C1R(model,, frame.cols, frame.rows);
class_samples(model,, sampleCounts,speSamples,frame.cols, frame.rows);
} /* ViBe: Segmentation and updating. */
libvibeModel_Sequential_Update_8u_C1R(model,,, &probFactor,frameNumber); medianBlur(segmentationMap, segmentationMap, ); /* 3x3 median filtering */
contour(segmentationMap, frame1); //在原图上框出动目标,至此图像处理完毕 //sprintf(fileName, "results55_2/%06d.jpg",frameNumber);
//imwrite(fileName, frame1); Mat segmentationMap1; //新定义一个帧变量,不能 cvtColor(segmentationMap, segmentationMap, CV_GRAY2BGR),因为 segmentationMap 为单通道帧;
cvtColor(segmentationMap, segmentationMap1, CV_GRAY2BGR); //将单通道帧图像 segmentationMap 转化为三通道segmentationMap1,因为 res 帧为三通道帧图像
// segmentationMap1要合并在 res 中;
/* Shows the current frame and the segmentation map. */
//imshow("Frame", frame1);
//imshow("Segmentation by ViBe", segmentationMap); /* 将 segmentationMap1 和 frame1 合并成一帧存放在 res 中*/
segmentationMap1.copyTo(res(Rect(, , , )));
frame1.copyTo(res(Rect(, , , )));
imshow("res", res); //显示合并后的图像 /* 将 res 写入打开的视频文件中 */
writer << res; //将合并图像写入,连续的图像帧保存为视频文件;
keyboard = waitKey(); /* Gets the input from the keyboard. */
} finish=clock();
capture.release(); /* Delete capture object. */
libvibeModel_Sequential_Free(model); /* Frees the model. */
} /* 框出运动目标 */
void contour(const Mat &mor, Mat &img)
int img_size = img.cols * img.rows;
Mat tmp = (mor == );
// Each detected contour is stored as a vector of points
vector<vector<Point> > contours;
vector<Vec4i> hierarchy; // containing information about the image topology
findContours(tmp, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
for (size_t k = ; k < contours.size(); k++) {
Rect rect = boundingRect(contours[k]);
double whratio = double(rect.width) / double(rect.height);
double hwratio = double(rect.height) / double(rect.width);
double ratio = min(hwratio, whratio);
double area = rect.area();
//框出符合条件的轮廓,舍去: 面积很小的, 面积很大的, 长宽比严重失调的
if (area > minArea && area < img_size*maxAreaRatio && ratio > boxRatio) {
int w = rect.width;
int h = rect.height; if(rect.width < )
rect.width = ;
if(rect.width < 6)
rect.width = 2*rect.width;
rect.width = rect.width + rect.width/2;
if(rect.height < )
rect.height = ;
if(rect.height < 6)
rect.height = 2*rect.height;
rect.height = rect.height + rect.height/2;
int w_add = (rect.width - w)/;
int h_add = (rect.height - h)/;
rect.x = rect.x - h_add;
rect.y = rect.y - w_add; rectangle(img, rect, Scalar(,,));
} }
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