golang 定时器
上网查了下相关资料,基本上都介绍的是github.com\robfig\cron这个包来执行定时任务,试了下确实可以执行。但是此包下没有删 除任务的方法,只有暂停的方法(Stop),若要停止之前的任务只执行新定义的任务,除非服务器重启再定义新任务。后来又参考了一下其他人的建议,采用了 github.com\jakecoffman\cron这个包。后者是在前者的基础上做了一定的修改,给每个任务添加的一个新属性Name,然后新添加 一个remove(name)方法,用来删除指定名字的任务,经测试使用后可正常删除任务,只不过之前的计划任务名得新建一个全局变量来存储。
字段名 | 是否必须 | 允许的值 | 允许的特定字符 |
秒(Seconds) | 是 | 0-59 |
* / , -
分(Minutes) | 是 | 0-59 |
* / , -
时(Hours) | 是 | 0-23 |
* / , -
日(Day of month) | 是 | 1-31 |
* / , – ?
月(Month) | 是 | 1-12 or JAN-DEC |
* / , -
星期(Day of week) | 否 | 0-6 or SUM-SAT |
* / , – ?
1)月(Month)和星期(Day of week)字段的值不区分大小写,如:SUN、Sun 和 sun 是一样的。
(Day of week)字段如果没提供,相当于是 *
表示 cron 表达式能匹配该字段的所有值。如在第5个字段使用星号(month),表示每个月
表示增长间隔,如第1个字段(minutes) 值是 3-59/15,表示每小时的第3分钟开始执行一次,之后每隔 15 分钟执行一次(即 3、18、33、48 这些时间点执行),这里也可以表示为:3/15
用于枚举值,如第6个字段值是 MON,WED,FRI,表示 星期一、三、五 执行
表示一个范围,如第3个字段的值为 9-17 表示 9am 到 5pm 直接每个小时(包括9和17)
只用于 日(Day of month) 和 星期(Day of week),表示不指定值,可以用于代替 *
在beego下使用,我简单的封装一下(代码不是我写的,而且写的很随意,也只保证了可用的程度),自定义package jobs如下:
- package jobs
- import (
- "github.com/astaxie/beego"
- "github.com/jakecoffman/cron"
- "reflect"
- "runtime/debug"
- "sync"
- "sync/atomic"
- )
- type Job struct {
- Name string
- inner cron.Job
- status uint32
- running sync.Mutex
- }
- const UNNAMED = "(unnamed)"
- func New(job cron.Job) *Job {
- name := reflect.TypeOf(job).Name()
- if name == "Func" {
- name = UNNAMED
- }
- return &Job{
- Name: name,
- inner: job,
- }
- }
- func (j *Job) Status() string {
- if atomic.LoadUint32(&j.status) > 0 {
- return "RUNNING"
- }
- return "IDLE"
- }
- func (j *Job) Run() {
- // If the job panics, just print a stack trace.
- // Don't let the whole process die.
- defer func() {
- if err := recover(); err != nil {
- beego.Error("%v", debug.Stack())
- }
- }()
- if !selfConcurrent {
- j.running.Lock()
- defer j.running.Unlock()
- }
- if workPermits != nil {
- workPermits <- struct{}{}
- defer func() { <-workPermits }()
- }
- atomic.StoreUint32(&j.status, 1)
- defer atomic.StoreUint32(&j.status, 0)
- j.inner.Run()
- }
- // A job runner for executing scheduled or ad-hoc tasks asynchronously from HTTP requests.
- //
- // It adds a couple of features on top of the cron package to make it play nicely with Revel:
- // 1. Protection against job panics. (They print to ERROR instead of take down the process)
- // 2. (Optional) Limit on the number of jobs that may run simulatenously, to
- // limit resource consumption.
- // 3. (Optional) Protection against multiple instances of a single job running
- // concurrently. If one execution runs into the next, the next will be queued.
- // 4. Cron expressions may be defined in app.conf and are reusable across jobs.
- // 5. Job status reporting.
- package jobs
- import (
- //"fmt"
- "github.com/jakecoffman/cron"
- "time"
- )
- // Callers can use jobs.Func to wrap a raw func.
- // (Copying the type to this package makes it more visible)
- //
- // For example:
- // jobs.Schedule("cron.frequent", jobs.Func(myFunc))
- type Func func()
- func (r Func) Run() { r() }
- //定时执行任务
- func Schedule(spec string, job cron.Job, name string) error {
- sched := cron.Parse(spec)
- /*if err != nil {
- return err
- }*/
- MainCron.Schedule(sched, New(job), name)
- return nil
- }
- // Run the given job at a fixed interval.
- // The interval provided is the time between the job ending and the job being run again.
- // The time that the job takes to run is not included in the interval.
- func Every(duration time.Duration, job cron.Job, name string) {
- MainCron.Schedule(cron.Every(duration), New(job), name)
- }
- // Run the given job right now.
- func Now(job cron.Job) {
- go New(job).Run()
- }
- // Run the given job once, after the given delay.
- func In(duration time.Duration, job cron.Job) {
- go func() {
- time.Sleep(duration)
- New(job).Run()
- }()
- }
- // 暂停所有任务
- func Stop() {
- MainCron.Stop()
- }
- //清空任务
- func Remove(name string) {
- MainCron.RemoveJob(name)
- }
- package jobs
- import (
- "github.com/jakecoffman/cron"
- )
- var (
- // Singleton instance of the underlying job scheduler.
- MainCron *cron.Cron
- // This limits the number of jobs allowed to run concurrently.
- workPermits chan struct{}
- // Is a single job allowed to run concurrently with itself?
- selfConcurrent bool
- )
- func init() {
- MainCron = cron.New()
- workPermits = make(chan struct{}, DEFAULT_JOB_POOL_SIZE)
- selfConcurrent = false
- MainCron.Start()
- }
- import (
- //其他引用包我都省略了
- "hnnaserver/src/jobs"
- )
- type job struct {
- user string
- province int64
- method int64
- count int64
- }
- //任务执行的方法
- func (j *job) Run() {
- //do something....
- }
- func (this *SystemController) AutoDisCus() {
- spec := "0 0 15 * * 1-5"//定义执行时间点 参照上面的说明可知 执行时间为 周一至周五每天15:00:00执行
- //spec := "*/5 * * * * ?" //这是网上一般的例子 即每5s执行一次
- j := &job{user, province, method, count}
- jobs.Schedule(spec, j, taskName) //3个参数分别为 执行时间(规则之间介绍过) 要执行的任务 任务名
- }
- jobs.Remove(tasksName)
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