

org.unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing: org.blog.blog.domain.HighStudent




  1. @Override
  2. @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS, readOnly = true)
  3. public List<PrimaryStudents> getPrimaryStudentsList(String[] stuids)
  4. throws StuBaseDataException {
  5. List<PrimaryStudents> list=new ArrayList<PrimaryStudents>();
  6. String stu=stuids[0];
  7. String [] studentids=stu.split(",");
  8. System.out.println(studentids.length);
  9. try{
  10. if(studentids.length>0){
  11. for(int i=0;i<studentids.length ;i++){
  12. PrimaryStudents primaryStudents=null;
  13. primaryStudents=this.primaryStudentsDao.queryPrimaryStudentsBystuid(studentids[i]);
  14. if(primaryStudents==null){
  15. throw new StuBaseDataException("该批学生中存在学生信息不存在的学生,请刷新之后再进行该操作");
  16. }
  17. list.add(primaryStudents);
  18. }
  19. }else{
  20. throw new StuBaseDataException("请选择一位学生");
  21. }
  22. }catch (Exception e) {
  23. e.printStackTrace();
  24. throw new StuBaseDataException("查询失败!!!",e);
  25. }
  26. return list;
  27. }
  1. @Override
  2. public PrimaryStudents queryPrimaryStudentsBystuid(String stuid) {
  3. List<PrimaryStudents> list= null;
  4. Session session = this.getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
  5. String sql="From PrimaryStudents ps where ps.id in("+stuid+")";
  6. Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
  7. list = query.list();
  8. if (list != null && list.size() > 0)
  9. {
  10. /**
  11. * 在做学籍卡批量打印的时候,显示问题。
  12. * 评语不足6个的时候,构造几个空的,显示到页面上去。
  13. * 强制转换为游离态
  14. */
  15. session.evict(list.get(0));
  16. return (PrimaryStudents)list.get(0);
  17. }
  18. return null;
  19. }

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