How to create QTP Shared Object Repository
How to create QTP Shared Object Repository
To create a shared object repository by performing following steps
1) Creating a Shared Object Repository
2) Associating a Shared Object Repository
3) Editing a Shared Object Repository
Creating a Shared Object Repository
All repositories are local by default. To create a Shared object repository, in the object repository dialog box Click – File > Export Local Objects. Repository files have an extension .tsr
Give a suitable name say “test” and save the shared repository file is now created,
Associating a Shared Object Repository
Shared object repository is associated to multiple actions in a test script as follows:
1) Choose Resources -> Associate Repositories. Associate Repositories Dialog box opens
2) Click on Add (+) button, Select the Shared Object Repository (.tsr file). Add Shared Object Repository dialog box opens
3) Click on Open Button
4) Select the appropriate actions and move to Associated actions
5) Press OK button
Editing a Shared Object Repository
Object Repository Manager to Edit a Share Repository.
Select Resources > Object Repository Manager .
By Default, Repository is opened in Read-only mode. To enable editing click File > Enable Editing
Incoming search terms:
- Shared Object Repository
- how to create shared object repository in qtp
- qtp enable editing object repository
- how to create a repository in qtp
- shared object repository in qtp
- qtp shared object repository
- shared object reposirory
- creating shared repository qtp
- shared repository in qtp
- Shared Respositories in QTP
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