"not more than 1000000 digits" means an efficient in-place solution is needed. My first solution was string<->int conversion based. It worked for small ints, but got TLE with large numbers.

Thanks to http://www.bytehood.com/spoj-the-next-palindrome/418/ that shed lights on me. The key idea is the same as my first idea: simply keep increasing digits near the center digit(s), and we only need figure out left half of the digits since it is mirrored palindrome.

(I saw a lot of rejudge requests in SPOJ comments.. several erroneous results got returned from AC code. Mine's also rejected due to wrong answer - I think rejudge is needed)

Corner cases are important to this problem: single digits, all 9s, carry-over situation etc. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std; int dCarry = ;
int findLgRInx(char *str, int len, int i_l)
int i_mis = -;
int i = i_l;
while(i-- >= )
if(str[i] > str[len - - i])
i_mis = i;
return i_mis;
} void incLHalf(char *str, int len, int i_l)
int i = i_l;
while(i >= )
int d = str[i] - '';
if(d < )
str[i] = (d + ) + '';
str[i] = '';
if(i > )
int nd = str[i-]-'';
if(nd < )
str[i-] = (nd + ) + '';
dCarry = ;
} void copyl2r(char *str, int len, int i_l)
int i = i_l;
while(i >= )
str[len-i-] = str[i];
} void calc_next_palin(char *str)
unsigned len = strlen(str);
if(len == )
int i = atoi(str);
cout << (i + ) + i / << endl;
} int i_l = , i_r = ;
if(len % == )
i_l = len / - ;
i_r = len / ;
int i_mis = findLgRInx(str, len, i_l);
if(i_mis != -)
copyl2r(str, len, i_mis);
cout << str << endl;
incLHalf(str, len, i_l);
copyl2r(str, len, i_l);
if(dCarry == )
cout << str << endl;
cout << "" << str << "" << endl;
else //odd
int i_c = len / ;
int i_mis = findLgRInx(str, len, i_c + );
if(i_mis != -)
copyl2r(str, len, i_mis);
cout << str << endl;
int dmid = str[i_c] - '';
if(dmid < )
str[i_c] = (dmid + ) + '';
str[i_c] = '';
incLHalf(str, len, i_c - );
copyl2r(str, len, i_c);
if(dCarry == )
cout << str << endl;
cout << "" << str << "" << endl;
} int main()
int cnt; cin >> cnt;
if(cnt == ) return ; //
while(cnt --)
string str; cin >> str;
return ;

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