We use testlink to manage cases, and the frame is below:

Project Name

  -All Features(Modules)

    -Feature 1




        -Detail(Sometimes, the case needs to give the explanation for current expected result)


      -Forward Compatibility



  -Browser Compatibility

 -Inactive Cases

Note 1: Sub features can be added into parent feature test suite

Note 2: Priority(Importance):

  High: Positive workflow; Workflow used mostly by customers; Negative workflow but with serious potential issues; Function accross modules with serious potential issues

  Medium: Workflow used least by customers; Negative workflow with medium potential issues; Function accross modules with medium potential issues; Limit Verification; Special Chars

  Low: Typo; UI; Negative workflow with minor potential issues;

Note 3: Security-We can use Subgraph Vega to scanner(Subgraph Vega is an open source security test tool)

Note 4: For each release, we will add new cases, how to seperate the new ones to existing ones?

  We ues "Keyword" to seperate the new ones to existing ones. Set keyword to current release version, such as 2013 Dec Release

Note 5: For new cases, we will still follow the case frame, and if the requirement changes, the case need to be updated in time.

Note 6: Execute Cases Order: Execute High priority cases firstly, then medium priority cases, at last Low priority cases

Note 7: Partial Regression Test: Only execute high priority cases, if time available, continue to execute some medium cases (focus on function accross modules)

Note 8: Full Regression Test: Execute all priority cases from High to Low

Note 9: Smoke Test: Some High Priority cases: Positve workflow used mostly, and do not block our current cycle test work

Note 10:Happy Path Test: Listed in excel and the tester can follow the items to verify the basic function and configuration

Note 11: Smoke Test is often used when a new version released to QA in an iteration

    Partial Regression Test is often used between feature complete and Code Freeze

    Full Regression Test is often used between Code Freeze and Golden Build

    Happy Path Test is often used after the Golden build released to Beta env/Stage env/Pro env

Note 12: The granularity should be improved. A case should have not too many checkpoints. A case should verify a workflow or an operation.

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