下面的 PHP Excel 处理类中,包含 Excel 读写、导入导出等相关的类,列表如下:

 PHP Excel Reader classes

  1. Read Excel Spreadsheets using COM

  Umesh Rai (India)

  2. Read Excel Binary .XLS Files in Pure PHP

  Ruslan V. Uss (Russian Federation)

  3. Read Excel Spreadsheets using ODBC

  khalil Majdalawi (Jordan)

  4. Read Excel Worksheets in XML format (.XLSX)

  Andrew Aculana (Phillippines)

  5. Read Simple Excel XML files (.XLSX)

  Sergey Shuchkin (Russian Federation)

  6. Read Excel generated CSV files

  Ben Vautier (Australia)

  PHP Excel Writer classes

  7. Write Excel Binary file (.XLS) from Array data

  Sergey Sergeevich (Russian Federation)

  8. Generate Excel files using templates

  Skrol29 (France)

  9. Write Excel XML (.XLSX) files

  Harish Chauhan (India)

  10. Write Excel-compatible CSV files in pure PHP

  H. Poort (The Nederlands)

  11. Write Excel binary files (.XLS) based on Perl ExcelWriter

  Xavier Noguer (Chile)

 PHP Excel Import classes

  12. Import Excel cells pasted as CSV in a form input

  Gianluca Zanferrari (Italy)

  13. Import data from MySQL to Excel

  Harish Chauhan (India)

  14. Import MySQL database table records into binary Excel file (.XLS)

  dzaiacuck (Brazil)

  15. Import data from MySQL to Excel HTML

  raju mazumder (Bangladesh)

  16. Import data from MySQL to Excel Sheets and Charts

  Rafael de Pablo (Spain)

  17. Import data from MySQL and serve Excel file for download

  Erh-Wen, Kuo (United States)

  18. Import MySQL table columns into Excel XML file (.XLSX)

  Gianluca Zanferrari (Italy)

  19. Import MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and SQL Server database tables into Excel files

  enri_pin (Greece)

 PHP Excel Export classes

  20. Export data from Excel to JSON format

  Karl Holz (Canada)

 PHP Excel Reader and Writer classes

  21. Read and write Excel binary (.XLS) or XML (.XLS) or CVS files

  Craig Smith (New Zealand)

  22. Manipulate Excel spreadsheet files in XML format

  Herry Ramli (Indonesia)

  23. Modify Excel spreadsheet files in XML format (.XLSX)

  Ilya Eliseev (Russian Federation)

  24. Manipulate Excel spreadsheet files using COM objects

  Alain Samoun

 Special PHP Excel Classes

  25. Reading and writing Excel files as if they were files using a stream handler

  Ignatius Teo (Australia)

  26. Excel MROUND function

  Steve Winnington (United Kingdom)

  27. Excel Financial Functions

  Enrique Garcia M. (Colombia)

  28. Indexing Excel and other file types for searching with Lucene

  Giampaolo Losito (Italy)

  29. Retrieve Application Internationalization Texts from Excel files

  Johan Barbier (France)

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