Leetcode#140 Word Break II
假设s[0..i]的所有分割情况words[i]已知。则s[0..i+1]的分割情况words[i+1] = words[k] + s[k+1..i+1],其中(有三个条件要满足)(1) 0 <= k <= i,(2) words[k]非空,(3) s[k+1..i+1]在字典中。
1. 对于每个待求解的位置i,从0到i枚举所有的k,然后检验words[k]是否非空,以及s[k+1..i+1]是否在字典中
2. 对于每个待求解的位置i,枚举字典中的所有单词w,计算出k=i-w.length,然后检验是否0 <= k <= i,以及s[k+1..i+1]和w是否相等
vector<string> wordBreak(string s, unordered_set<string> &dict) {
map<int, vector<string> > record;
int len = s.length(); // DP枚举
for (int i = ; i < len; i++) {
vector<string> words; if (dict.find(s.substr(, i + )) != dict.end())
words.push_back(s.substr(, i + )); for (int j = ; j <= i; j++) {
vector<string> pres = record[j - ];
string post = s.substr(j, i - j + );
if (!pres.empty() && dict.find(post) != dict.end()) {
} record.insert(pair<int, vector<string> >(i, words));
} // BFS构造
vector<string> res;
queue<pair<int, string> > que;
for (auto r : record[len - ])
que.push(pair<int, string>(len - r.length(), r));
while (!que.empty()) {
pair<int, string> p = que.front();
if (p.first <= )
else {
for (auto w : record[p.first - ])
que.push(pair<int, string>(p.first - w.length(), w + " " + p.second));
} return res;
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