从mongodb 3.0开始,mongorestore还原的时候,需要一个运行着的实例。早期的版本没有这个要求。
- mongod --dbpath /mdb/data/s11 --logpath /mdb/mlog/s11.log --fork --port 27017 --replSet s1 --smallfiles &
- mongod --dbpath /mdb/data/s12 --logpath /mdb/mlog/s12.log --fork --port 27018 --replSet s1 --smallfiles &
- mongod --dbpath /mdb/data/s21 --logpath /mdb/mlog/s21.log --fork --port 27019 --replSet s2 --smallfiles &
- mongod --dbpath /mdb/data/s22 --logpath /mdb/mlog/s22.log --fork --port 27020 --replSet s2 --smallfiles &
- mongo --port=27017
- >rs.initiate()
- >rs.add("")
- mongo --port=27019
- >rs.initiate()
- >rs.add("")
- mongod --dbpath /mdb/data/sc --logpath /mdb/mlog/sc.log --fork --port 27021 --configsvr &
- mongos --logpath /mdb/mlog/ss.log --fork --port 30000 --configdb
- 登陆路由器
- ./mongo --port 30000
- 增加片节点
- sh.addShard("s1/")
- sh.addShard("s2/")
- mongos> sh.status()
- --- Sharding Status ---
- sharding version: {
- "_id" : 1,
- "minCompatibleVersion" : 5,
- "currentVersion" : 6,
- "clusterId" : ObjectId("5722c003710922b361783847")
- }
- shards:
- { "_id" : "s1", "host" : "s1/," }
- { "_id" : "s2", "host" : "s2/," }
- balancer:
- Currently enabled: yes
- Currently running: no
- Failed balancer rounds in last 5 attempts: 0
- Migration Results for the last 24 hours:
- No recent migrations
- databases:
- { "_id" : "admin", "partitioned" : false, "primary" : "config" }
- mongos>
5.关闭mongos instances
- mongorestore --drop /mdb/bin/s1 --port 27017
- 2016-04-29T10:20:20.643+0800 building a list of dbs and collections to restore from /mdb/bin/s1 dir
- 2016-04-29T10:20:20.657+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/s1/snps/elegans.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:20:20.658+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/s1/test/system.users.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:20:20.658+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/s1/snps/system.users.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:20:20.658+0800 restoring snps.elegans from file /mdb/bin/s1/snps/elegans.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:20:20.658+0800 restoring test.system.users from file /mdb/bin/s1/test/system.users.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:20:20.666+0800 restoring snps.system.users from file /mdb/bin/s1/snps/system.users.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:20:22.974+0800 restoring indexes for collection snps.system.users from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:20:22.975+0800 finished restoring snps.system.users
- 2016-04-29T10:20:23.073+0800 restoring indexes for collection test.system.users from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:20:23.074+0800 finished restoring test.system.users
- 2016-04-29T10:20:23.644+0800 [##......................] snps.elegans 1.6 MB/13.3 MB (11.8%)
- 2016-04-29T10:20:26.644+0800 [##############..........] snps.elegans 7.9 MB/13.3 MB (59.3%)
- 2016-04-29T10:20:29.239+0800 restoring indexes for collection snps.elegans from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:20:29.660+0800 finished restoring snps.elegans
- 2016-04-29T10:20:29.660+0800 done
- mongorestore --drop /mdb/bin/s2 --port 27019
- 2016-04-29T10:20:44.153+0800 building a list of dbs and collections to restore from /mdb/bin/s2 dir
- 2016-04-29T10:20:44.165+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/s2/snps/elegans.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:20:44.165+0800 restoring snps.elegans from file /mdb/bin/s2/snps/elegans.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:20:44.184+0800 restoring indexes for collection snps.elegans from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:20:44.186+0800 finished restoring snps.elegans
- 2016-04-29T10:20:44.186+0800 done
7.还原config server数据
- mongorestore --drop /mdb/bin/config_server --port 27021
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.294+0800 building a list of dbs and collections to restore from /mdb/bin/config_server dir
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.296+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/config_server/config/changelog.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.296+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/config_server/config/locks.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.297+0800 restoring config.locks from file /mdb/bin/config_server/config/locks.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.297+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/config_server/config/actionlog.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.302+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/config_server/config/chunks.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.302+0800 restoring config.chunks from file /mdb/bin/config_server/config/chunks.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.303+0800 restoring indexes for collection config.locks from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.303+0800 restoring config.actionlog from file /mdb/bin/config_server/config/actionlog.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.303+0800 restoring indexes for collection config.chunks from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.304+0800 restoring config.changelog from file /mdb/bin/config_server/config/changelog.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.304+0800 finished restoring config.locks
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.306+0800 restoring indexes for collection config.actionlog from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.306+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/config_server/config/shards.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.306+0800 restoring config.shards from file /mdb/bin/config_server/config/shards.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.307+0800 finished restoring config.chunks
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.307+0800 finished restoring config.actionlog
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.307+0800 restoring indexes for collection config.shards from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.308+0800 restoring indexes for collection config.changelog from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.308+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/config_server/config/databases.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.308+0800 restoring config.databases from file /mdb/bin/config_server/config/databases.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.308+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/config_server/config/lockpings.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.308+0800 finished restoring config.shards
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.308+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/config_server/config/collections.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.308+0800 finished restoring config.changelog
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.309+0800 restoring config.lockpings from file /mdb/bin/config_server/config/lockpings.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.309+0800 restoring config.collections from file /mdb/bin/config_server/config/collections.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.325+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/config_server/config/mongos.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.325+0800 restoring indexes for collection config.databases from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.326+0800 restoring config.mongos from file /mdb/bin/config_server/config/mongos.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.326+0800 restoring indexes for collection config.lockpings from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.327+0800 restoring indexes for collection config.collections from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.327+0800 finished restoring config.databases
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.327+0800 finished restoring config.lockpings
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.328+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/config_server/config/version.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.328+0800 restoring config.version from file /mdb/bin/config_server/config/version.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.328+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/config_server/config/settings.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.328+0800 restoring config.settings from file /mdb/bin/config_server/config/settings.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.328+0800 finished restoring config.collections
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.328+0800 reading metadata file from /mdb/bin/config_server/config/tags.metadata.json
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.328+0800 restoring config.tags from file /mdb/bin/config_server/config/tags.bson
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.366+0800 restoring indexes for collection config.tags from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.366+0800 restoring indexes for collection config.settings from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.366+0800 restoring indexes for collection config.version from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.375+0800 restoring indexes for collection config.mongos from metadata
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.376+0800 finished restoring config.settings
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.376+0800 finished restoring config.tags
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.376+0800 finished restoring config.mongos
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.376+0800 finished restoring config.version
- 2016-04-29T10:26:24.376+0800 done
8.启动mongos instance
- mongos --logpath /mdb/mlog/ss.log --fork --port 30000 --configdb
- 2016-04-29T10:27:56.855+0800 W SHARDING running with 1 config server should be done only for testing purposes and is not recommended for production
- about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.
- forked process: 25444
- child process started successfully, parent exiting
- mongos> db.shards.find()
- { "_id" : "s1", "host" : "s1/genome_svr1:27501,genome_svr2:27502,genome_svr2:27503" }
- { "_id" : "s2", "host" : "s2/genome_svr4:27601,genome_svr5:27602,genome_svr5:27603" }
- mongos> db.shards.update( { "_id": "s1" }, { $set: { "host": "s1/," } }, { multi: true })
- mongos> db.shards.update( { "_id": "s2" }, { $set: { "host": "s2/," } }, { multi: true })
- mongos> db.shards.find()db.shards.find()
- { "_id" : "s1", "host" : "s1/," }
- { "_id" : "s2", "host" : "s2/," }
- mongos>
10.重启所有的shard mongod实例
- mongos> db.printShardingStatus()
- --- Sharding Status ---
- sharding version: {
- "_id" : 1,
- "minCompatibleVersion" : 5,
- "currentVersion" : 6,
- "clusterId" : ObjectId("553f0cc819d7841961ac8f4b")
- }
- shards:
- { "_id" : "s1", "host" : "s1/," }
- { "_id" : "s2", "host" : "s2/," }
- balancer:
- Currently enabled: yes
- Currently running: no
- Failed balancer rounds in last 5 attempts: 0
- Migration Results for the last 24 hours:
- No recent migrations
- databases:
- { "_id" : "admin", "partitioned" : false, "primary" : "config" }
- { "_id" : "snps", "partitioned" : true, "primary" : "s1" }
- snps.elegans
- shard key: { "snp" : 1 }
- chunks:
- s1 1
- s2 1
- { "snp" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "snp" : "haw100000" } on : s2 Timestamp(2, 0)
- { "snp" : "haw100000" } -->> { "snp" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : s1 Timestamp(2, 1)
- { "_id" : "test", "partitioned" : false, "primary" : "s1" }
- mongos>
- MongoDB分片集群原理、搭建及测试详解
随着技术的发展,目前数据库系统对于海量数据的存储和高效访问海量数据要求越来越高,MongoDB分片机制就是为了解决海量数据的存储和高效海量数据访问而生. MongoDB分片集群由mongos路由进程( ...
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