abs(var) | Absolute value |
pow(x, y) | Can be used in place of ** operator |
pow(x,y,modulo) | Ternary power-modulo (x **y) % modulo |
round(var[, n]) | Returns a value rounded to the nearest 10-n or (10**-n), where n defaults to 0) |
divmod(x, y) | Returns a tuple of the quotient and the remainder of division |
Operator Precedence from Highest to Lowest | Name |
+var, -var, ~var | Unary Operations |
** | Power Operations |
*, /, //, % | Multiplication, Division, Floor Division, Modulo |
+, - | Addition, Subtraction |
<<, >> | Left and Right Shift |
& | Bitwise And |
^ | Bitwise Exclusive Or |
|| | Bitwise Or |
<, >, <=. >= , <> | Comparison Operators |
==, != , is, is not, in, not in | Equality and Membership |
and, or, not | Boolean Conditionals |
Function | Description | |
chr(value) | Converts integer to a character | |
complex(real [,imag]) | Produces a complex number | |
dict(sequence) | Produces a dictionary from a given sequence of (key, value) tuples | |
eval(string) | Evaluates a string to return an object…useful for mathematical computations. Note: This function should be used with extreme caution as it can pose a security hazard if not used properly. | |
float(value) | Converts number to float | |
frozenset(set) |Converts a set into a frozen set | ||
hex(value) | Converts an integer into a string representing that number in hex | |
int(value [, base]) | Converts to an integer using a base if a string is given | |
list(sequence) | Converts a given sequence into a list | |
long(value [, base]) | Converts to a long using a base if a string is given | |
oct(value) | Converts an integer to a string representing that number as an octal | |
ord(value) | Converts a character into its integer value | |
repr(value) | Converts object into an expression string. Same as enclosing expression in reverse quotes ( x + y). Returns a string containing a printable and evaluable representation of the object | |
set(sequence) | Converts a sequence into a set | |
str(value) | Converts an object into a string Returns a string containing a printable representation of the value, but not an evaluable string | |
tuple(sequence) | Converts a given sequence to a tuple | |
unichr(value) | Converts integer to a Unicode character |
2. 对于可以修改的变量的缺省值,例如List, 在初始化的时候是不确定的,你希望它能够初始化成一个空的列表,但其实不是这样的。这点要注意
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