



  这么一想就懂了,其实就是要你找到递推关系,直接画一个矩阵拉几个箭头就很容易地看出来,对于一个矩阵,dp[i][j]等于dp[i-1][k] j-f[i]<=k<j的所有之和



    dp[1][k] = 1 0<=k<=f[1]

    dp[i][j]= ∑dp[i-1][k]  j-f[i]<=k<j&& i<=f_sum



 #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_N 1001
#define MAX_A 100
#define M 1000000 static int families[MAX_N];
static int dp1[MAX_N *MAX_A];
static int dp2[MAX_N *MAX_A]; void Search(const int, const int, const int); int main(void)
int families_sum, ants_sum, S, E, i, tmp;
while (~scanf("%d%d%d%d", &families_sum, &ants_sum, &S, &E))
for (i = ; i <= ants_sum; i++)
scanf("%d", &tmp);
Search(families_sum, S, E);
return ;
} void Search(const int families_sum, const int S, const int E)
int i, j, L, now_amx, ans = ;
int *exchange = NULL, *now = dp2, *prev = dp1; now[] = ;
for (i = ; i <= families[]; i++)//基准情况
prev[i] = ;
now_amx = families[];
for (i = ; i <= families_sum; i++)
now_amx += families[i];
for (j = , L = ; j <= families[i]; j++)//先处理L<families[i]的情况
now[j] = (prev[j] + L) % M;
L += prev[j] % M;
for (;j <= now_amx; j++)
L -= prev[j - families[i] - ];
now[j] = (prev[j] + L) % M;
L += prev[j] % M;
exchange = prev; prev = now; now = exchange;
for (i = S; i <= E; i++)
ans = (ans + prev[i]) % M;
printf("%d\n", ans);


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