When the traveler goes alone he gets acquainted with himself.


With other's company, we can always get help when we are in difficulties.

If we travel alone, we oursleves have to handle everyting.

That way, we get the opportunity to discern the authentic abilities of our own and to improve them.

Actually, in real life such opportunity is scarce.

We often live, work and travel with others.

So, we must create some opportunities to improve the abilities of our own.

Just practice.

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.



Having no dream, we can still live to the end of our life.

But that is nonsense.

We all want to make our dreams true.

But ​there are so much handicaps in life.

Sometimes even a trival frustration may ruin my hopes.

Why am I so weak?

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