
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; public class NGUIJoystick : MonoBehaviour
public float radius = 2.0f;
public Vector3 scale = Vector3.one;
private Plane mPlane;
private Vector3 mLastPos;
private UIPanel mPanel;
private Vector3 center;
public Vector2 position; private void Start ()
center = transform.localPosition;
} /// <summary>
/// Create a plane on which we will be performing the dragging.
/// </summary> private void OnPress (bool pressed)
if (enabled && gameObject.activeInHierarchy) {
if (pressed) {
mLastPos = UICamera.lastHit.point;
mPlane = new Plane (Vector3.back, mLastPos);
} else {
transform.localPosition = center;
} /// <summary>
/// Drag the object along the plane.
/// </summary> void OnDrag (Vector2 delta)
if (enabled && gameObject.activeInHierarchy) {
UICamera.currentTouch.clickNotification = UICamera.ClickNotification.BasedOnDelta; Ray ray = UICamera.currentCamera.ScreenPointToRay (UICamera.currentTouch.pos);
float dist = 0f; if (mPlane.Raycast (ray, out dist)) {
Vector3 currentPos = ray.GetPoint (dist);
Vector3 offset = currentPos - mLastPos;
mLastPos = currentPos; if (offset.x != 0f || offset.y != 0f) {
offset = transform.InverseTransformDirection (offset);
offset.Scale (scale);
offset = transform.TransformDirection (offset);
} offset.z = ;
transform.position += offset; float length = transform.localPosition.magnitude; if (length > radius) {
transform.localPosition = Vector3.ClampMagnitude (transform.localPosition, radius);
} position = new Vector2((transform.localPosition.x-center.x)/radius,(transform.localPosition.y-center.y)/radius);
} }


using System;
using UnityEngine; public class NGUIJoystick : MonoBehaviour
public bool activeFlag;
public Vector3 center;
private float deadRadius;
public float deadRadiusRatio = 0.3f;
public bool lastPressed;
protected UIPanel mPanel;
protected Plane mPlane;
public Vector2 normalizedPosition;
public float normalizedRadius = 2f;
public Vector2 position;
public float radius = 2f;
public Vector3 worldCenter; internal void Move(Vector3 offset)
offset.z = 0f;
base.transform.position = this.worldCenter + offset;
float magnitude = base.transform.localPosition.magnitude;
if (magnitude < this.deadRadius)
this.normalizedPosition = Vector2.zero;
if (magnitude > this.radius)
base.transform.localPosition = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(base.transform.localPosition, this.radius);
float num2 = base.transform.localPosition.x - this.center.x;
float num3 = base.transform.localPosition.y - this.center.y;
this.position.x = num2 / this.radius;
this.position.y = num3 / this.radius;
this.normalizedPosition.x = num2 / this.normalizedRadius;
this.normalizedPosition.y = num3 / this.normalizedRadius;
this.normalizedPosition.x = Mathf.Clamp(this.normalizedPosition.x, -1f, 1f);
this.normalizedPosition.y = Mathf.Clamp(this.normalizedPosition.y, -1f, 1f);
} internal virtual void OnDrag(Vector2 delta)
if (base.enabled && base.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
Ray ray = UICamera.currentCamera.ScreenPointToRay((Vector3) UICamera.currentTouch.pos);
float enter = 0f;
if (this.mPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
Vector3 offset = ray.GetPoint(enter) - this.worldCenter;
} internal virtual void OnPress(bool pressed)
if (base.enabled && base.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
if (pressed)
this.mPlane = new Plane(Vector3.back, UICamera.lastHit.point);
base.transform.localPosition = this.center;
this.position = Vector2.zero;
this.activeFlag = true;
this.lastPressed = pressed;
} public void SetRadius(float r, float nr)
this.radius = r;
this.normalizedRadius = nr;
this.deadRadius = this.radius * this.deadRadiusRatio;
} internal virtual void Start()
this.center = base.transform.localPosition;
this.worldCenter = base.transform.position;
namespace Kola
using LuaInterface;
using System;
using UnityEngine; public class KJoystick : NGUIJoystick
public UIRect bgObject;
public bool FollowPressPosition;
private Vector3 originPos;
private Transform parent;
public LuaTable playerControl;
public LuaFunction playerControlSetInputFunc;
public KMoveBehavior playerMove;
public float pressAlpha = 0.5f; private void _OnDrag(GameObject go, Vector2 delta)
} private void _OnPress(GameObject go, bool pressed)
if (pressed)
Vector3 point = UICamera.lastHit.point;
if (this.FollowPressPosition)
this.parent.position = point;
Vector3 position = this.parent.position;
Vector3 offset = point - position;
if (this.bgObject != null)
this.bgObject.alpha = this.pressAlpha;
if (this.playerMove != null)
if (this.bgObject != null)
this.bgObject.alpha = 1f;
if (this.playerControlSetInputFunc != null)
object[] args = new object[] { this.playerControl, 0f, 0f, true };
KLuaFunc.Call(this.playerControlSetInputFunc, args);
if (this.FollowPressPosition)
this.parent.position = this.originPos;
} public void Attach(GameObject draggedObj, GameObject bgObj)
UIEventListener listener1 = UIEventListener.Get(draggedObj);
listener1.onPress = (UIEventListener.BoolDelegate) Delegate.Combine(listener1.onPress, new UIEventListener.BoolDelegate(this._OnPress));
UIEventListener listener2 = UIEventListener.Get(draggedObj);
listener2.onDrag = (UIEventListener.VectorDelegate) Delegate.Combine(listener2.onDrag, new UIEventListener.VectorDelegate(this._OnDrag));
this.bgObject = (bgObj != null) ? bgObj.GetComponent<UIRect>() : null;
} private void OnDisable()
this._OnPress(base.gameObject, false);
} internal override void OnDrag(Vector2 delta)
if ((this.playerMove != null) && (base.enabled && base.gameObject.activeInHierarchy))
if (this.playerControlSetInputFunc != null)
object[] args = new object[] { this.playerControl, this.normalizedPosition.x, this.normalizedPosition.y, false };
KLuaFunc.Call(this.playerControlSetInputFunc, args);
this.playerMove.Move(this.normalizedPosition.x, this.normalizedPosition.y);
} public void OnDrawGizmos()
Gizmos.color = Color.green;
Vector3 to = base.transform.position + ((Vector3) (new Vector3(this.position.x, this.position.y, 0f) * 100f));
Gizmos.DrawLine(base.transform.position, to);
} public void SetPlayer(GameObject obj)
this.playerMove = obj.GetComponent<KMoveBehavior>();
} public void SetPlayerControl(LuaTable control)
this.playerControl = control;
this.playerControlSetInputFunc = KLuaBehavior.GetFunction(control, "SetJoyStickInput");
} internal override void Start()
this.parent = base.transform.parent;
this.originPos = this.parent.position;


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