1.Question Description:

1.1 version: mysql-5.7.11-64

1.2 form: zip file

1.3 >mysqld --install (successfully)

1.4 you create a directory called "data" in the mysql package, and create a file my.ini and edit the code like 'datadir...' ,

1.5 >net start mysql

you will see

2. Solution:

2.1 uninstall the mysql clearly

2.1.1 >mysqld --remove

2.1.2   delete the mysql directory

2.1.3    delete the regedit(http_local_machine)

2.2  extract the mysql zip again,

if your operation system is windows 2008 , you should extract the zip to the location where you can create directory without authirization(administrator role),

because when you executor the command  mysqld --initialize,  you may see the error info: can't create the directory.....

2.3  >mysqld --initialize

3.  Thinking

3.1 there are some solutions like copy data folder from version 5.6 to version 5.7;

3.2 create my.ini file and cancel the comment "basedir","datadir..";

Don't Mysql know that ??

as the solution 2.3 show, we only need to executor the command "mysqld --initialize".

So we should read the doc of the software first rather than read A or B in the web site.

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