- 1: public virtual void Update(T entity)
- 2: {
- 3: try
- 4: {
- 5: if (entity == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("实体类为空");
- 6: Context.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
- 7: //Context.SaveChanges();
- 8: }
- 9: catch (DbEntityValidationException dbex)
- 10: {
- 11: var msg = string.Empty;
- 12: foreach (var validationErrors in dbex.EntityValidationErrors)
- 13: foreach (var validateionError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
- 14: msg += string.Format("Property:{0} Error:{1}", validateionError.PropertyName, validateionError.ErrorMessage);
- 15:
- 16: var fail = new Exception(msg, dbex);
- 17: throw fail;
- 18: }
- 19: }
然后实在找不出原因,就利用关键字 “ EF Repository Update ”在Google上面搜集,果然找到一篇文章:Advanced Entity Framework 6 Scenarios for an MVC 5 Web Application (12 of 12),其中有一段话,提出了问题的所在:
- This happened because of the following sequence of events:
- The Edit method calls the ValidateOneAdministratorAssignmentPerInstructor method, which retrieves all departments that have Kim Abercrombie as their administrator. That causes the English department to be read. As a result of this read operation, the English department entity that was read from the database is now being tracked by the database context.
- The Edit method tries to set the Modified flag on the English department entity created by the MVC model binder, which implicitly causes the context to try to attach that entity. But the context can't attach the entry created by the model binder because the context is already tracking an entity for the English department.
- One solution to this problem is to keep the context from tracking in-memory department entities retrieved by the validation query. There's no disadvantage to doing this, because you won't be updating this entity or reading it again in a way that would benefit from it being cached in memory.
- 1: public virtual T Get(Expression<Func<T, bool>> where)
- 2: {
- 3: return Dbset.Where(where).AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault<T>();
- 4: }
- 5:
- 6: public virtual IQueryable<T> GetMany(Expression<Func<T, bool>> where)
- 7: {
- 8: return Dbset.Where(where).AsNoTracking();
- 9: }
=============================Update 2014.09.19======================
- //用于监测Context中的Entity是否存在,如果存在,将其Detach,防止出现问题。
- private Boolean RemoveHoldingEntityInContext(T entity)
- {
- var objContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)_context).ObjectContext;
- var objSet = objContext.CreateObjectSet<T>();
- var entityKey = objContext.CreateEntityKey(objSet.EntitySet.Name, entity);
- Object foundEntity;
- var exists = objContext.TryGetObjectByKey(entityKey, out foundEntity);
- if (exists)
- {
- objContext.Detach(foundEntity);
- }
- return (exists);
- }
- public T Remove(T entity)
- {
- try
- {
- RemoveHoldingEntityInContext(entity);
- _context.DbSet<T>().Attach(entity);
- return _context.DbSet<T>().Remove(entity);
- }
- catch (DbEntityValidationException dbex)
- {
- var msg = string.Empty;
- foreach (var validationErrors in dbex.EntityValidationErrors)
- foreach (var validateionError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
- msg += string.Format("属性:{0} 错误:{1}", validateionError.PropertyName, validateionError.ErrorMessage);
- var fail = new Exception(msg, dbex);
- throw fail;
- }
- }
- public T Update(T entity)
- {
- try
- {
- RemoveHoldingEntityInContext(entity);
- var updated = _context.DbSet<T>().Attach(entity);
- _context.DbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
- return updated;
- }
- catch (DbEntityValidationException dbex)
- {
- var msg = string.Empty;
- foreach (var validationErrors in dbex.EntityValidationErrors)
- foreach (var validateionError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
- msg += string.Format("属性:{0} 错误:{1}", validateionError.PropertyName, validateionError.ErrorMessage);
- var fail = new Exception(msg, dbex);
- throw fail;
- }
- }
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