1. Capitalizing Constructors

var adam = new Person();

2. Separating Words

camel case - type the words in lowercase, only capitalizing the first letter in each word.

upper camel case, as in  MyConstructor(),

lower  camel  case,  as  in  myFunction(), calculateArea()and getFirstName()

variable names - first_name,  favorite_bands,  and old_company_name.

ECMAScript uses camel case for both methods and properties, although the multiword property  names are rare (lastIndex and  ignoreCase properties of regular expression objects).

3. Other Naming Patterns

Constants - Number.MAX_VALUE

// precious constants, please don't touch

var PI = 3.14,

MAX_WIDTH = 800;

Naming globals with all caps can reinforce the practice of minimizing their number and can make them easily distinguishable.

use an underscore prefix to denote a private method or property.

  1. var person = {
  3. getName: function () {
  4. return this._getFirst() + ' ' + this._getLast();
  5. },
  7. _getFirst: function () {
  8. // ...
  9. },
  11. _getLast: function () {
  12. // ...
  13. }
  14. }; 

Note that JSLint will complain about the underscore prefixes, unless you set the option nomen: false.

Following are some varieties to the _private convention:

• Using a trailing underscore to mean private, as in name_ and getElements_()

• Using  one  underscore  prefix  for  _protected properties  and  two  for  __private properties

• In Firefox some internal properties not technically part of the language are available, and they are named with a two underscores prefix and a two underscore suffix, such as __proto__ and __parent__

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