CvMat and cv::Mat
typedef struct CvMat
int type;
int step; /* for internal use only */
int* refcount;
int hdr_refcount; union
uchar* ptr;
short* s;
int* i;
float* fl;
double* db;
} data; #ifdef __cplusplus
int rows;
int height;
}; union
int cols;
int width;
int rows;
int cols;
#endif }
class CV_EXPORTS Mat
// constructors
// constructs matrix of the specified size and type
// (_type is CV_8UC1, CV_64FC3, CV_32SC(12) etc.)
Mat(int _rows, int _cols, int _type);
Mat(Size _size, int _type);
// constucts matrix and fills it with the specified value _s.
Mat(int _rows, int _cols, int _type, const Scalar& _s);
Mat(Size _size, int _type, const Scalar& _s);
// copy constructor
Mat(const Mat& m);
// constructor for matrix headers pointing to user-allocated data
Mat(int _rows, int _cols, int _type, void* _data, size_t _step=AUTO_STEP);
Mat(Size _size, int _type, void* _data, size_t _step=AUTO_STEP);
// creates a matrix header for a part of the bigger matrix
Mat(const Mat& m, const Range& rowRange, const Range& colRange);
Mat(const Mat& m, const Rect& roi);
// converts old-style CvMat to the new matrix; the data is not copied by default
Mat(const CvMat* m, bool copyData=false);
// converts old-style IplImage to the new matrix; the data is not copied by default
Mat(const IplImage* img, bool copyData=false);
// builds matrix from std::vector with or without copying the data
template<typename _Tp> explicit Mat(const vector<_Tp>& vec, bool copyData=false);
// helper constructor to compile matrix expressions
Mat(const MatExpr_Base& expr);
// destructor - calls release()
// assignment operators
Mat& operator = (const Mat& m);
Mat& operator = (const MatExpr_Base& expr); operator MatExpr_<Mat, Mat>() const; // returns a new matrix header for the specified row
Mat row(int y) const;
// returns a new matrix header for the specified column
Mat col(int x) const;
// ... for the specified row span
Mat rowRange(int startrow, int endrow) const;
Mat rowRange(const Range& r) const;
// ... for the specified column span
Mat colRange(int startcol, int endcol) const;
Mat colRange(const Range& r) const;
// ... for the specified diagonal
// (d=0 - the main diagonal,
// >0 - a diagonal from the lower half,
// <0 - a diagonal from the upper half)
Mat diag(int d=) const;
// constructs a square diagonal matrix which main diagonal is vector "d"
static Mat diag(const Mat& d); // returns deep copy of the matrix, i.e. the data is copied
Mat clone() const;
// copies the matrix content to "m".
// It calls m.create(this->size(), this->type()).
void copyTo( Mat& m ) const;
// copies those matrix elements to "m" that are marked with non-zero mask elements.
void copyTo( Mat& m, const Mat& mask ) const;
// converts matrix to another datatype with optional scalng. See cvConvertScale.
void convertTo( Mat& m, int rtype, double alpha=, double beta= ) const; void assignTo( Mat& m, int type=- ) const; // sets every matrix element to s
Mat& operator = (const Scalar& s);
// sets some of the matrix elements to s, according to the mask
Mat& setTo(const Scalar& s, const Mat& mask=Mat());
// creates alternative matrix header for the same data, with different
// number of channels and/or different number of rows. see cvReshape.
Mat reshape(int _cn, int _rows=) const; // matrix transposition by means of matrix expressions
MatExpr_<MatExpr_Op2_<Mat, double, Mat, MatOp_T_<Mat> >, Mat>
t() const;
// matrix inversion by means of matrix expressions
MatExpr_<MatExpr_Op2_<Mat, int, Mat, MatOp_Inv_<Mat> >, Mat>
inv(int method=DECOMP_LU) const;
MatExpr_<MatExpr_Op4_<Mat, Mat, double, char, Mat, MatOp_MulDiv_<Mat> >, Mat>
// per-element matrix multiplication by means of matrix expressions
mul(const Mat& m, double scale=) const;
MatExpr_<MatExpr_Op4_<Mat, Mat, double, char, Mat, MatOp_MulDiv_<Mat> >, Mat>
mul(const MatExpr_<MatExpr_Op2_<Mat, double, Mat, MatOp_Scale_<Mat> >, Mat>& m, double scale=) const;
MatExpr_<MatExpr_Op4_<Mat, Mat, double, char, Mat, MatOp_MulDiv_<Mat> >, Mat>
mul(const MatExpr_<MatExpr_Op2_<Mat, double, Mat, MatOp_DivRS_<Mat> >, Mat>& m, double scale=) const; // computes cross-product of 2 3D vectors
Mat cross(const Mat& m) const;
// computes dot-product
double dot(const Mat& m) const; // Matlab-style matrix initialization
static MatExpr_Initializer zeros(int rows, int cols, int type);
static MatExpr_Initializer zeros(Size size, int type);
static MatExpr_Initializer ones(int rows, int cols, int type);
static MatExpr_Initializer ones(Size size, int type);
static MatExpr_Initializer eye(int rows, int cols, int type);
static MatExpr_Initializer eye(Size size, int type); // allocates new matrix data unless the matrix already has specified size and type.
// previous data is unreferenced if needed.
void create(int _rows, int _cols, int _type);
void create(Size _size, int _type);
// increases the reference counter; use with care to avoid memleaks
void addref();
// decreases reference counter;
// deallocate the data when reference counter reaches 0.
void release(); // locates matrix header within a parent matrix. See below
void locateROI( Size& wholeSize, Point& ofs ) const;
// moves/resizes the current matrix ROI inside the parent matrix.
Mat& adjustROI( int dtop, int dbottom, int dleft, int dright );
// extracts a rectangular sub-matrix
// (this is a generalized form of row, rowRange etc.)
Mat operator()( Range rowRange, Range colRange ) const;
Mat operator()( const Rect& roi ) const; // converts header to CvMat; no data is copied
operator CvMat() const;
// converts header to IplImage; no data is copied
operator IplImage() const; // returns true iff the matrix data is continuous
// (i.e. when there are no gaps between successive rows).
// similar to CV_IS_MAT_CONT(cvmat->type)
bool isContinuous() const;
// returns element size in bytes,
// similar to CV_ELEM_SIZE(cvmat->type)
size_t elemSize() const;
// returns the size of element channel in bytes.
size_t elemSize1() const;
// returns element type, similar to CV_MAT_TYPE(cvmat->type)
int type() const;
// returns element type, similar to CV_MAT_DEPTH(cvmat->type)
int depth() const;
// returns element type, similar to CV_MAT_CN(cvmat->type)
int channels() const;
// returns step/elemSize1()
size_t step1() const;
// returns matrix size:
// width == number of columns, height == number of rows
Size size() const;
// returns true if matrix data is NULL
bool empty() const; // returns pointer to y-th row
uchar* ptr(int y=);
const uchar* ptr(int y=) const; // template version of the above method
template<typename _Tp> _Tp* ptr(int y=);
template<typename _Tp> const _Tp* ptr(int y=) const; // template methods for read-write or read-only element access.
// note that _Tp must match the actual matrix type -
// the functions do not do any on-fly type conversion
template<typename _Tp> _Tp& at(int y, int x);
template<typename _Tp> _Tp& at(Point pt);
template<typename _Tp> const _Tp& at(int y, int x) const;
template<typename _Tp> const _Tp& at(Point pt) const; // template methods for iteration over matrix elements.
// the iterators take care of skipping gaps in the end of rows (if any)
template<typename _Tp> MatIterator_<_Tp> begin();
template<typename _Tp> MatIterator_<_Tp> end();
template<typename _Tp> MatConstIterator_<_Tp> begin() const;
template<typename _Tp> MatConstIterator_<_Tp> end() const; enum { MAGIC_VAL=0x42FF0000, AUTO_STEP=, CONTINUOUS_FLAG=CV_MAT_CONT_FLAG }; // includes several bit-fields:
// * the magic signature
// * continuity flag
// * depth
// * number of channels
int flags;
// the number of rows and columns
int rows, cols;
// a distance between successive rows in bytes; includes the gap if any
size_t step;
// pointer to the data
uchar* data; // pointer to the reference counter;
// when matrix points to user-allocated data, the pointer is NULL
int* refcount; // helper fields used in locateROI and adjustROI
uchar* datastart;
uchar* dataend;
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