863. All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree
- /**
- * Definition for a binary tree node.
- * struct TreeNode {
- * int val;
- * TreeNode *left;
- * TreeNode *right;
- * TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
- * };
- */
- class Solution {
- public:
- vector<int> distanceK(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* target, int K) {
- vector<bool> visited(, false);
- vector<unordered_set<int>> g();
- dfs(root, g);
- vector<int> res;
- queue<int> q;
- q.push(target->val);
- visited[target->val] = true;
- int lv = ;
- while (!q.empty()) {
- int qs = q.size();
- if (lv == K) {
- while(!q.empty()) {
- res.push_back(q.front());
- q.pop();
- }
- break;
- }
- while (qs-- > ) {
- int p = q.front();
- q.pop();
- for (auto i : g[p]) {
- if (!visited[i]) {
- q.push(i);
- visited[i] = true;
- }
- }
- }
- lv++;
- }
- return res;
- }
- void dfs(TreeNode *root, vector<unordered_set<int>>& g) {
- if (root == NULL) return;
- if (root->left) {
- g[root->val].insert(root->left->val);
- g[root->left->val].insert(root->val);
- }
- if (root->right) {
- g[root->val].insert(root->right->val);
- g[root->right->val].insert(root->val);
- }
- dfs(root->left, g);
- dfs(root->right, g);
- }
- };
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