
An amazing Xcode plugin to align regular code. It can align anything by using custom alignment patterns.

What's XAlign

Here are some example alignment patterns. Of course you can make your own. The pattern file is here:XAlign/patterns.plist, and the patterns are based on regular expression.


  • You may not like the alignment style below, try it yourself or tell me at the [Issues]. :)
  • There is no need to align all codes at a time when they are complicated, try to align by group which the codes are more similar in.
  • 对齐不需要一次全部对齐,可以分组多对几次,那些等号差的太远的就别让它参与对齐了。
  • 默认对齐的风格不是你喜欢的,可以自定义,或者提个 Issues

Align by equals sign

Align by define group

Align by property group


  • Much easier to customize alignment patterns.

Install & Update

Via source

  1. Clone this repo

  2. Then build the XAlign target in the Xcode project and the plug-in will automatically be installed in~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins

  3. Restart Xcode.

Via command-line

curl -fsSL http://qfi.sh/XAlign/build/install.sh | sh


  1. Download this package XAlign.tar.gz
  2. Unpack it, copy or move the XAlign.xcplugin to the following path:

    ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/

    Tips: To quickly go to Finder type Shift + Cmd + G. If there is no Plug-ins directory, you should make one.

  3. Restart Xcode.


curl -fsSL http://qfi.sh/XAlign/build/uninstall.sh | sh

or Delete the following directory:

~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/XAlign.xcplugin





Xcode -> Edit -> XAlign


shfit + cmd + x




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