第一把所有相关的代码都下载,github最方便 https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract

要点1、cppan c++的中文管理包,很方便,需要翻-墙,安装包的时候也需要。这个应该会流行起来,肯定会火起来,因为太方便了,在windows上像linux一样安装c++的依赖,而且是跨平台的解决方案!(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cppan/binaries/master/cppan-master-Windows-client.zip


cd tesseract
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..


master branch, 3.05 and later

Using Tesseract

!!! IMPORTANT !!! To use Tesseract in your application (to include tess or to link it into your app) see this very simple example https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/wiki/User-App-Example.

Build the latest library

  1. Download the latest CPPAN (C++ Archive Network https://cppan.org/) client from https://cppan.org/client/.
  2. Run cppan --build pvt.cppan.demo.google.tesseract.tesseract-master.

Build training tools

Today it is possible to build a full set of tess training tools on Windows with Visual Studio. The latest versions (Win10, VS2015/VS2017) are preferable.

To do this:

  1. Download the latest CPPAN (C++ Archive Network https://cppan.org/) client from https://cppan.org/client/.
  2. Run cppan --build pvt.cppan.demo.google.tesseract-master.

Develop Tesseract

For development purposes of Tesseract itself do the next steps:

  1. Download and install Git, CMake and put them in PATH.
  2. Download the latest CPPAN (C++ Archive Network https://cppan.org/) client from https://cppan.org/client/. CPPAN is a source package distribution system. Add CPPAN client in PATH too. (VS2015 redist is required.)
  3. If you have a release archive, unpack it to tesseract dir.

If you're using master branch (4.0) run

git clone https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract tesseract
  1. Run

    cd tesseract
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
  2. Build a solution (tesseract.sln) in your Visual Studio version.

For development purposes of training tools after cloning a repo from previous paragraph, run

cppan --build .

You'll see a solution link appeared in the root directory of Tesseract.

Building for x64 platform

If you're building with cppan+cmake, run cmake as follows:

mkdir win64 && cd win64
cppan ..
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"

If you're building with cppan, edit cppan.yml and uncomment this line:

#generator: Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64 -> generator: Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64

Then run cppan --generate . - it will create a solution link for you.

(For VS2017, use '15 2017' instead of '14 2015'.)


If you have Visual Studio 2015, checkout the https://github.com/peirick/VS2015_Tesseract repository for Visual Studio 2015 Projects for Tessearct and dependencies. and click on build_tesseract.bat. After that you still need to download the language packs.


Have a look at blog How to build Tesseract 3.03 with Visual Studio 2013.


For tesseract-ocr 3.02 please follow instruction in Visual Studio 2008 Developer Notes for Tesseract-OCR.


Download these packages from the Downloads Archive on SourceForge page:

  • tesseract-3.01.tar.gz - Tesseract source
  • tesseract-3.01-win_vs.zip - Visual studio (2008 & 2010) solution with necessary libraries
  • tesseract-ocr-3.01.eng.tar.gz - English language file for Tesseract (or download other language training file)

Unpack them to one directory (e.g. tesseract-3.01). Note that tesseract-ocr-3.01.eng.tar.gz names the root directory 'tesseract-ocr' instead of 'tesseract-3.01'.

Windows relevant files are located in vs2008 directory (e.g. 'tesseract-3.01\vs2008'). The same build process as usual applies: Open tesseract.sln with VC++Express 2008 and build all (or just Tesseract.) It should compile (in at least release mode) without having to install anything further. The dll dependencies and Leptonica are included. Output will be in tesseract-3.01\vs2008\bin (or tesseract-3.01\vs2008\bin.rd or tesseract-3.01\vs2008\bin.dbg based on configuration build).

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