
2.运行$sh Install_TW5.0.0.0_Standard_Linux.bin -i console 命令在 Linux 平台上安装 TongWeb5.0,0,出现如下信息:

Preparing to install...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
strings: '/lib/libc.so.6': No such file

Launching installer...

Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...

Choose Locale...

1- English
->2- 中文简体




TongWeb5.0 Enterprise (created with InstallAnywhere)


安装和使用 TongWeb5.0 Enterprise 产品之前,您须接受下列许可协议:

End user license agreement for Tongtech co., LTD software

The End user license agreement will be accompanied with the products and
related documents of Tongtech co., LTD. Please read it carefully. You will
be asked to accept this license and continue the installation. If you do
not accept this license, you should refuse it and quit the installation.

Grant of license:
Tongtech co., LTD grants you the license to use the software program, but you
must make such assurance as following to our company: Do not
use��copy��modify��rent or convey this system besides the terms listed in this
license and the formal contact signed with Tongtech co., LTD.

You guarantee:
1. Using this software only on a single computer;
2. For the purpose of backup or archival management for the use on one
computer, making copy of this system by machine-reading format.

You guarantee not:
1. Transfer license of this system again.
2. Getting source codes of this system by altering, modifying, translating,
reversing, anti-editing, anti-compiling or any other methods.

请按 <ENTER> 键继续:


3. Copy or transfer this software in whole or in part.

When you transfer this software in part or in whole to any third part, your
right to use the software shall terminate immediately and without notice.

The copyright and ownership of this software:
The copyright of this software is owned by Tongtech co., LTD. The structures,
tissues and codes are the most valuable commercial secrets of Tongtech co.,
LTD. This software and documents are protected by national copyright laws and
international treaty provisions. You are not allowed to delete the copyright
notice from this software. You must agree to prohibit any kind of illegal copy
of this software and documents.

Limited warranty:
In the largest permitting area of the law, In no situation shall Tongtech
co., LTD be liable for any special, unexpected, direct or indirect damages
(including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business
interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss)
arising out of the use of or inability to use this product and the providing or
inability to provide supporting services, even if Tongtech co., LTD has been
advised of the possibility of such damages.

请按 <ENTER> 键继续:


Tongtech co., LTD may terminate the license at any time if you violate any
term or condition of the license. When the license is terminated, you must
destroy all copies of the software and all of its documents immediately, or
return them to Tongtech co., LTD.

"Intelligent Property Protection Regulation", "Copyright Law", "Exclusive Law"

Now, you must have already carefully read and understand this license, and
agreed to obey all the terms and conditions strictly.

是否接受此许可协议条款? (是/否): 是




1- 生产模式
->2- 开发模式

针对您的选择输入相应的号码,或按一下 <ENTER> 接受默认值::


选择 Java vm

请选择一个 Java VM,以便安装的应用程序使用

->1- /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_121/bin/java

2- 选择一个已在本系统上安装的 Java VM(虚拟机)

输入 JAVA VM 的号码,或按一下 <ENTER> 键接受当前的选择:




默认安装文件夹: /root/TongWeb5.0

输入一绝对路径,或按一下 <ENTER> 键接受默认路径 : /opt/TongWeb5.0

安装文件夹为: /opt/TongWeb5.0
是否正确? (是/否): 是




->1- 默认位置: /root
2- 在您的主文件夹中
3- 另选一个位置...

4- 不创建链接

输入上述选项的号码,或按一下 <ENTER> 键接受默认位置 : 4



按一下 <ENTER> 键继续。如果所列信息有误,请键入"BACK"(返回),然后进行更改

Product Name:
TongWeb5.0 Enterprise

Install Folder:

Link Folder:

Java VM:


Disk Space Information (for Installation Target):
Required: 307,923,213 字节
Available: 9,119,899,648 字节

请按 <ENTER> 键继续:





admin-listener (DEFAULT: 9060):

http-listener-1 (DEFAULT: 8080):

orb-listener-1 (DEFAULT: 5100):

system (DEFAULT: 7200):

master-port (DEFAULT: 7878):





license文件: (DEFAULT: ): /opt/license.dat


向您祝贺!TongWeb5.0 Enterprise 已成功地安装到:


按一下 <ENTER> 键退出安装程序:


注意:通过命令行安装 TongWeb,无法在安装过程中修改 http-listener、orb-listener、 jms-connector 端口号。


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