
  • Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of str2 in str1, or a null pointer if str2 is not part of str1.
  • 查找 substr 所指的空终止字节字符串在 str 所指的空终止字节字符串中的首次出现。不比较空终止字符。
  • 若 str 或 substr 不是指向空终止字节字符串的指针,则行为未定义。
char *strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle)



  • C string to be scanned.
  • 要被检索的 C 字符串。


  • C string containing the sequence of characters to match.
  • 在 haystack 字符串内要搜索的小字符串。

Return Value

  • A pointer to the first occurrence in str1 of the entire sequence of characters specified in str2, or a null pointer if the sequence is not present in str1.
  • 该函数返回在 haystack 中第一次出现 needle 字符串的位置,如果未找到则返回 null。


// Created by zhangrongxiang on 2017/8/15 14:15.
// Copyright (c) 2017 ZRC . All rights reserved.
// //#include <syslib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h> //C 库函数 char *strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle) 在字符串 haystack 中查找第一次出现字符串 needle 的位置,不包含终止符 '\0'。 void find_str(char const *str, char const *substr) {
char *pos = strstr(str, substr);
if (pos) {
printf("found the string '%s' in '%s' at position: %ld; result: %s\n", substr, str, pos - str, pos);
} else {
printf("the string '%s' was not found in '%s'\n", substr, str);
} int main() {
char *s = "GoldenGlobalView";
char *l = "lob";
char *p;
// 如果str2不是str1的子串,则返回NULL。
p = strstr(s, l);
if (p)
printf("%s\n", p);
printf("NotFound!\n"); char *str = "one two three";
find_str(str, "two"); //found the string 'two' in 'one two three' at position: 4; result: two three
find_str(str, ""); // found the string '' in 'one two three' at position: 0; result: one two three
find_str(str, "nine");// the string 'nine' was not found in 'one two three'
find_str(str, "n"); // found the string 'n' in 'one two three' at position: 1; result: ne two three char str2[] = "This is a simple string";
char *pch;
pch = strstr(str2, "simple");
strncpy (pch, "sample", 6);
puts(str2);//This is a sample string
puts(pch);//sample string return 0;



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