hdu 4190 Distributing Ballot Boxes(贪心+二分查找)
Distributing Ballot Boxes
Time Limit: 20000/10000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 1065 Accepted Submission(s):
taking place in Spain which rivals it in importance: General Elections. Every
single resident of the country aged 18 or over is asked to vote in order to
choose representatives for the Congress of Deputies and the Senate. You do not
need to worry that all judges will suddenly run away from their supervising
duties, as voting is not compulsory.
The administration has a number of
ballot boxes, those used in past elections. Unfortunately, the person in charge
of the distribution of boxes among cities was dismissed a few months ago due to
nancial restraints. As a consequence, the assignment of boxes to cities and the
lists of people that must vote in each of them is arguably not the best. Your
task is to show how efficiently this task could have been done.
The only
rule in the assignment of ballot boxes to cities is that every city must be
assigned at least one box. Each person must vote in the box to which he/she has
been previously assigned. Your goal is to obtain a distribution which minimizes
the maximum number of people assigned to vote in one box.
In the first case
of the sample input, two boxes go to the fi rst city and the rest to the second,
and exactly 100,000 people are assigned to vote in each of the (huge!) boxes in
the most efficient distribution. In the second case, 1,2,2 and 1 ballot boxes
are assigned to the cities and 1,700 people from the third city will be called
to vote in each of the two boxes of their village, making these boxes the most
crowded of all in the optimal assignment.
N (1<=N<=500,000), the number of cities, and B(N<=B<=2,000,000), the
number of ballot boxes. Each of the following N lines contains an integer
ai,(1<=ai<=5,000,000), indicating the population of
the ith city.
A single blank line will be included after each
case. The last line of the input will contain -1 -1 and should not be
integer, the maximum number of people assigned to one box in the most efficient
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <cmath>
- using namespace std;
- int main ()
- {
- int a[];
- int n,b,ans,Max;
- while (~scanf("%d%d",&n,&b))
- {
- if (n==-&&b==-)
- break;
- Max=;
- for (int i=;i<n;i++)
- {
- scanf("%d",&a[i]);
- if (Max<a[i])
- Max=a[i];
- }
- int l=;
- int r=Max;
- int sum,mid;
- while (r>=l)
- {
- sum=;
- mid=(r+l)/;
- for (int i=;i<n;i++)
- {
- sum+=ceil(a[i]*1.0/mid);
- }
- if (sum>b)
- l=mid+;
- else
- r=mid-,ans=mid;
- }
- printf ("%d\n",ans);
- }
- return ;
- }
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