
bolt another stylesheet onto your existing one.

@import url(**.css);

must be placed at the top of a stylesheet, before any other rules.


screen, print, projection, handheld, and all, or a comma-separated list of more than one,variables relating to that media

eg:@media screen,projection



font-family:"font of all knowledge";



create a font named “font of all knowledge” using the font-family descriptor and links the font file “fontofallknowledge.woff” to that name using the src descriptor. “font of all knowledge” can then be used in a standard font rule

The font will be downloaded (in this case from the same directory as the CSS file) and applied to paragraphs

eg2:Checking to see if a font is already present on a user’s computer,removing the need to download it,specify which one you’re interested in.

Could use Google Web Fonts

@font-face {
font-family: "font of all knowledge";
src: local("font of all knowledge"), local(fontofallknowledge), url(fontofallknowledge.woff);
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;

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