“Packbits” from ISO 12369

参考TIFF 6.0 Specification,点击TIFF, Version 6.0

@Section 9: PackBits Compression

> This section describes TIFF compression type 32773, a simple byte-oriented runlength scheme.


In choosing a simple byte-oriented run-length compression scheme, we arbitrarily chose the Apple Macintosh PackBits scheme. It has a good worst case behavior
(at most 1 extra byte for every 128 input bytes). For Macintosh users, the toolbox utilities PackBits and UnPackBits will do the work for you, but it is easy to implement your own routines.
A pseudo code fragment to unpack might look like this:

Loop until you get the number of unpacked bytes you are expecting:
Read the next source byte into n.
If n is between and inclusive, copy the next n+ bytes literally.
Else if n is between - and - inclusive, copy the next byte -n+
Else if n is -, noop.

In the inverse routine, it is best to encode a 2-byte repeat run as a replicate run except when preceded and followed by a literal run. In that case, it is best to merge
the three runs into one literal run. Always encode 3-byte repeats as replicate runs.
That is the essence of the algorithm. Here are some additional rules:
• Pack each row separately. Do not compress across row boundaries.
• The number of uncompressed bytes per row is defined to be (ImageWidth + 7)/8. If the uncompressed bitmap is required to have an even number of bytes per
row, decompress into word-aligned buffers.
• If a run is larger than 128 bytes, encode the remainder of the run as one or more additional replicate runs.
When PackBits data is decompressed, the result should be interpreted as per compression type 1 (no compression).


function declaration

// Packbit algorithm, make sure the _countof(Pack[*]) >= (count + count/128 +2);
// return _countof(Pack[*]) actual count
int tiff6_PackBits(unsigned char array[], int count, unsigned char Pack[]);
// return _countof(array[*]);
int tiff6_unPackBits(char Pack[], int count, unsigned char array[] /*= NULL*/);


static signed char* Pack_init(unsigned char Pack[], unsigned char Byte);
static signed char* Pack_byte(signed char* Count, unsigned char Byte);
static unsigned char* End_byte(signed char* Count);
int tiff6_PackBits(unsigned char array[], int count, unsigned char Pack[])
int i = ;
signed char* Count = Pack_init(Pack, array[i]); i++;
for (; i < count; i++) Count = Pack_byte(Count, array[i]);
unsigned char* End = End_byte(Count); *End = '\0';
return (End - Pack);
static int unPack_count(char Pack[], int count);
int tiff6_unPackBits(char Pack[], int count, unsigned char array[] /*= NULL*/)
if (!array) return unPack_count(Pack, count);
int nRes = ;
signed char* Count = (signed char*)Pack;
while ((char*)Count < (Pack+count))
int c = *Count;
if (c<)
int n = (-c);
memset(&(array[nRes]), Count[], n);
nRes += n;
int n = (+c);
memcpy(&(array[nRes]), &Count[], n);
nRes += n;
Count = (signed char*)End_byte(Count);
return nRes;
} int unPack_count(char Pack[], int count)
int nRes = ;
signed char* Count = (signed char*)Pack;
while ((char*)Count < (Pack+count))
int c = *Count;
if (c<)
nRes += (-c);
nRes += (+c);
Count = (signed char*)End_byte(Count);
return nRes;
signed char* Pack_init( unsigned char Pack[], unsigned char Byte )
signed char* Cnt = (signed char*)Pack;
*Cnt = ; Pack[] = Byte;
return Cnt;
unsigned char* End_byte( signed char* Count )
unsigned char* Pack = (unsigned char*)(Count+);
signed char c = *Count;
if (c >)
Pack = &(Pack[c+]);
else Pack = &(Pack[]);
return Pack;
signed char* Pack_byte( signed char* Count, unsigned char Byte )
signed char c = *Count;
unsigned char* End = End_byte(Count);
if ( == c || c == -)
return Pack_init(End, Byte);
unsigned char* Pack = End-;
if (*(Pack) == Byte)
if (c >)
(*Count) = c-;
Count = Pack_byte(Pack_init(Pack, Byte), Byte);
else (*Count)--;
if (c >= )
*End = Byte;
else Count = Pack_init(End, Byte);
return Count;

另,本文明确使用了signed修饰char, 因为有些编译环境下char默认是有符号的,但是笔者也曾遇到默认无符号的环境,因此为了使代码在其中编译能正确使用,则指明符号修饰。

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