



16/12/29 15:52:56 INFO consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector: [xxx], Consumer xxx rebalancing the following partitions: ArrayBuffer(5, 7, 3, 8, 1, 4, 6, 2, 0, 9) for topic onlineAdDemographicPredict with consumers: List(aaa-0, yyy-0, xxx-0)
16/12/29 15:52:56 INFO consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector: [xxx], xxx-0 attempting to claim partition 2
16/12/29 15:52:56 INFO consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector: [xxx], xxx-0 attempting to claim partition 0
16/12/29 15:52:56 INFO consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector: [xxx], xxx-0 attempting to claim partition 9
16/12/29 15:52:56 INFO consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector: [xxx], xxx-0 successfully owned partition 0 for topic onlineAdDemographicPredict
16/12/29 15:52:56 INFO consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector: [xxx], xxx-0 successfully owned partition 9 for topic onlineAdDemographicPredict
16/12/29 15:52:56 INFO consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector: [xxx], xxx-0 successfully owned partition 2 for topic onlineAdDemographicPredict


ArrayBuffer里分区10个分区都全了说明客户端读取所有Partirtion个数是没有问题的,出问题的是with consumers: List()这个信息,此时业务方只起了xxx和yyy两个客户端,



class RangeAssignor() extends PartitionAssignor with Logging {

  def assign(ctx: AssignmentContext) = {
val partitionOwnershipDecision = collection.mutable.Map[TopicAndPartition, ConsumerThreadId]() for ((topic, consumerThreadIdSet) <- ctx.myTopicThreadIds) {
val curConsumers = ctx.consumersForTopic(topic)
val curPartitions: Seq[Int] = ctx.partitionsForTopic(topic) val nPartsPerConsumer = curPartitions.size / curConsumers.size
val nConsumersWithExtraPart = curPartitions.size % curConsumers.size info("Consumer " + ctx.consumerId + " rebalancing the following partitions: " + curPartitions +
" for topic " + topic + " with consumers: "
+ curConsumers) for (consumerThreadId <- consumerThreadIdSet) {
val myConsumerPosition = curConsumers.indexOf(consumerThreadId)
assert(myConsumerPosition >= )
val startPart = nPartsPerConsumer * myConsumerPosition + myConsumerPosition.min(nConsumersWithExtraPart)
val nParts = nPartsPerConsumer + (if (myConsumerPosition + > nConsumersWithExtraPart) else ) /**
* Range-partition the sorted partitions to consumers for better locality.
* The first few consumers pick up an extra partition, if any.
if (nParts <= )
warn("No broker partitions consumed by consumer thread " + consumerThreadId + " for topic " + topic)
else {
for (i <- startPart until startPart + nParts) {
val partition = curPartitions(i)
info(consumerThreadId + " attempting to claim partition " + partition)
// record the partition ownership decision
partitionOwnershipDecision += (TopicAndPartition(topic, partition) -> consumerThreadId)
} partitionOwnershipDecision
object PartitionAssignor {
def createInstance(assignmentStrategy: String) = assignmentStrategy match {
case "roundrobin" => new RoundRobinAssignor()
case _ => new RangeAssignor()
} class AssignmentContext(group: String, val consumerId: String, excludeInternalTopics: Boolean, zkClient: ZkClient) {
val myTopicThreadIds: collection.Map[String, collection.Set[ConsumerThreadId]] = {
val myTopicCount = TopicCount.constructTopicCount(group, consumerId, zkClient, excludeInternalTopics)
} val partitionsForTopic: collection.Map[String, Seq[Int]] =
ZkUtils.getPartitionsForTopics(zkClient, myTopicThreadIds.keySet.toSeq) val consumersForTopic: collection.Map[String, List[ConsumerThreadId]] =
ZkUtils.getConsumersPerTopic(zkClient, group, excludeInternalTopics)
val consumers: Seq[String] = ZkUtils.getConsumersInGroup(zkClient, group).sorted
class ZKGroupDirs(val group: String) {
def consumerDir = ConsumersPath
def consumerGroupDir = consumerDir + "/" + group
def consumerRegistryDir = consumerGroupDir + "/ids"
def consumerGroupOffsetsDir = consumerGroupDir + "/offsets"
def consumerGroupOwnersDir = consumerGroupDir + "/owners"
} def getConsumersPerTopic(group: String, excludeInternalTopics: Boolean): mutable.Map[String, List[ConsumerThreadId]] = {
val dirs = new ZKGroupDirs(group)
val consumers = getChildrenParentMayNotExist(dirs.consumerRegistryDir)
val consumersPerTopicMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, List[ConsumerThreadId]]
for (consumer <- consumers) {
val topicCount = TopicCount.constructTopicCount(group, consumer, this, excludeInternalTopics)
for ((topic, consumerThreadIdSet) <- topicCount.getConsumerThreadIdsPerTopic) {
for (consumerThreadId <- consumerThreadIdSet)
consumersPerTopicMap.get(topic) match {
case Some(curConsumers) => consumersPerTopicMap.put(topic, consumerThreadId :: curConsumers)
case _ => consumersPerTopicMap.put(topic, List(consumerThreadId))
for ( (topic, consumerList) <- consumersPerTopicMap )
consumersPerTopicMap.put(topic, consumerList.sortWith((s,t) => s < t))
 def constructTopicCount(group: String, consumerId: String, zkUtils: ZkUtils, excludeInternalTopics: Boolean) : TopicCount = {
val dirs = new ZKGroupDirs(group)
val topicCountString = zkUtils.readData(dirs.consumerRegistryDir +
"/" + consumerId)._1
var subscriptionPattern: String = null
var topMap: Map[String, Int] = null
try {
Json.parseFull(topicCountString) match {
case Some(m) =>
val consumerRegistrationMap = m.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]
consumerRegistrationMap.get("pattern") match {
case Some(pattern) => subscriptionPattern = pattern.asInstanceOf[String]
case None => throw new KafkaException("error constructing TopicCount : " + topicCountString)
consumerRegistrationMap.get("subscription") match {
case Some(sub) => topMap = sub.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Int]]
case None => throw new KafkaException("error constructing TopicCount : " + topicCountString)
case None => throw new KafkaException("error constructing TopicCount : " + topicCountString)
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>


通过上面着色的代码一路跟下来,可以看出来Consumer获取group所有客户端数量逻辑是读取zk上 /kafkachroot/consumers/{groupid}/ids路径下

所有存在的consumerid,然后读取这些consumerid对应的topic信息,最终返回一个[topic, List[ConsumerThreadId]] 的二维数组。

于是跑到zk上看节点结构,发现在出问题的group/ids 路径下果然存在aaa这个临时节点,通知应用方发现原来有个很老的程序之前也用同样的groupid消费过这个topic,但是现在业务程序很久没人管处在一个半假死的状态,所以这个临时节点一直不过期,导致后来使用同样group消费同样的每次都会感知到一个多余的消费段存在,所以每次都有部分分区无法被消费。


1  Consumer Rebalance的算法

2  本文讨论的版本建立在kafka 0.8.2-beta版本前提上,新出的版本目前没有研究,可能情况不符。

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