
1 NameError: global name 'Image' is not defined

import Image 了下,发现原来 Python 并没有自带图像处理库,需要独立安装……查了下,Python常用的图像处理库叫PIL,可以使用 pip 安装,不错~于是在 用virtualenv 里敲入 pip install PIL。


1 IOError: decoder jpeg not available

Google了下,发现通过 pip 安装的 PIL 不会安装 jpeg 的解码器……检查了下安装日志,也有这样的说明:

01 --------------------------------------------------------------------
03 --------------------------------------------------------------------
04 version       1.1.7
05 platform      linux2 2.7.5 (default, Sep 18 201309:53:07)
06               [GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)]
07 --------------------------------------------------------------------
08 *** TKINTER support not available
09 *** JPEG support not available
10 *** ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support not available
11 *** FREETYPE2 support not available
12 *** LITTLECMS support not available
13 --------------------------------------------------------------------
14 To add a missing option, make sure you have the required
15 library, and set the corresponding ROOT variable in the
16 setup.py script.

JPEG support not available…… jpg都不支持,这是闹哪样……


1 wget http://effbot.org/downloads/Imaging-1.1.7.tar.gz
2 tar xvfz Imaging-1.1.7.tar.gz

下载并解压成功之后,到解压目录,找到 Imaging-1.1.7/setup.py 这个文件,修改下面几行代码(默认TCL_ROOT的设置为NONE,这里要传到系统库的路径才行):

1 TCL_ROOT = "/usr/lib64/"
2 JPEG_ROOT = "/usr/lib64/"
3 ZLIB_ROOT = "/usr/lib64/"
4 TIFF_ROOT = "/usr/lib64/"
5 FREETYPE_ROOT = "/usr/lib64/"
6 LCMS_ROOT = "/usr/lib64/"


1 python /root/nowamagic_venv/Imaging-1.1.7/setup.py build_ext -i


1 python /root/nowamagic_venv/Imaging-1.1.7/setup.py install


01 --------------------------------------------------------------------
03 --------------------------------------------------------------------
04 version       1.1.7
05 platform      linux2 2.7.5 (default, Sep 18 201309:53:07)
06               [GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)]
07 --------------------------------------------------------------------
08 *** TKINTER support not available
09 --- JPEG support available
10 --- ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support available
11 --- FREETYPE2 support available
12 *** LITTLECMS support not available
13 --------------------------------------------------------------------

现在 jpg 已经被支持了,程序也执行成功,这里简单记录一下过程,方便后来者。顺便附带测试程序,用 Tornado 上传图片并生成缩略图:

01 import time
02 import tempfile
03 import Image
05 class AsciiImageProcessHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
06     def post(self):
08         if self.request.files:
09             for in self.request.files['image']:
10                 rawname = f['filename']
11                 dstname =str(int(time.time()))+'.'+rawname.split('.').pop()
12                 thbname = "thumb_"+dstname
14                 self.write( dstname )
16                 tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
17                 tf.write(f['body'])
18                 tf.seek(0)
20                 # create normal file
21                 # img = Image.open(src)
22                 img = Image.open(tf.name)
23                 img.thumbnail((920,920),resample=1)
24                 img.save("./static/upload/asciiimg/"+dstname)
26                 # create thumb file
27                 img.thumbnail((100,100),resample=1)
28                 img.save("./static/upload/asciiimg_tn/"+thbname)
30                 tf.close()

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