To minimize the quantity of control information stored, the spatial locality property is used to group several locations together under the same tag. This logical block is commonly known as a cache line.
When data is loaded into a cache, access times for subsequent loads and stores are reduced, resulting in overall performance benefits. An access to information already in a cache is known as a cache hit, and other accesses are called cache misses.


This device includes one 4 KB code cache to minimize the performance impact of memory access latencies. The code cache exists on the I/D bus, and there is no cache on the system bus.




WT = Write through, no write allocate.

WBWA = Write back, write allocate.

Write-allocate (WA)
In a write-allocate cache, a cache miss on storing data causes a cache line to be allocated into the cache.
在这种类型的cache(物理实体)中,发生了一个cache miss的事件,会导致 一块 logical block(也就是cache line)被分配。

Write-back (WB)
In a write-back cache, data is only written to main memory when it is forced out of the cache on line replacement following a cache miss. Otherwise, writes by the processor only update the cache. This is also known as copyback.

英语阅读理解:line replacement following a cache miss, 意思是cache miss发生之后会 line replacement。
cache miss followed by line replacement.

Write-through (WT) In a write-through cache, data is written to main memory at the same time as the cache is updated.

Other types of caches exist (that are not counted towards the "cache size" of the most important caches mentioned above), such as the translation lookaside buffer (TLB) which is part of the memory management unit (MMU) which most CPUs have.




《Cortex-M0 Devices Generic User Guide》2009 ARM Limited.


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