1.1 掌握组件导入
1.2 掌握柱状图展示
<canvas canvas-id="columnCanvas" disable-scroll="true" class="canvas"></canvas>
.canvas {
width: 750rpx;
height: 500rpx;
- 先引入柱状图核心类
// 引入柱状图核心类
var wxCharts = require("../../utils/wxcharts.js");//相对路径
- 在小程序onshow监听页面函数中加载柱状图展示
new wxCharts({
canvasId: 'columnCanvas',
type: 'column',
categories: ['06:00:00', '07:00:00', '08:00:00', '09:00:00', '10:00:00', '11:00:00'],
series: [{
name: '跑步量',
data: [1200, 3000, 4500, 3700, 400, 8044]
yAxis: {
format: function (val) {
return val + '步';
width: 320,
height: 200
- 效果图
- 若像取消柱状图每条顶部的数字显示,在wxcharts.js中修改,将这行注释掉即可
1.2 掌握折线图展示
<canvas style="width: 400px; height: 500px;" canvas-id="yueEle" binderror="canvasIdErrorCallback"></canvas>
var wxCharts = require("../../utils/wxcharts.js");
var yuelineChart=null;
- 在小程序onshow监听页面函数中加载折线图展示
var windowWidth = 320;
try {
var res = wx.getSystemInfoSync();
windowWidth = res.windowWidth;
} catch (e) {
console.error('getSystemInfoSync failed!');
yuelineChart = new wxCharts({ //当月用电折线图配置
canvasId: 'yueEle',
type: 'line',
categories: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31'], //categories X轴
animation: true,
series: [{
name: 'A',
data: [1, 6, 9, 1, 0, 2, 9, 2, 8, 6, 0, 9, 8, 0, 3, 7, 3, 9, 3, 8, 9, 5, 4, 1, 5, 8, 2, 4, 9, 8, 7],
format: function (val, name) {
return val + '';
}, {
name: 'B',
data: [0, 6, 2, 2, 7, 6, 2, 5, 8, 1, 8, 4, 0, 9, 7, 2, 5, 2, 8, 2, 5, 2, 9, 4, 4, 9, 8, 5, 5, 5, 6],
format: function (val, name) {
return val + '';
}, ],
xAxis: {
disableGrid: true
yAxis: {
title: '数值',
format: function (val) {
return val;
/*max: 20,*/
min: 0
width: windowWidth,
height: 200,
dataLabel: false,
dataPointShape: true,
extra: {
lineStyle: 'curve'
'use strict'; var config = {
yAxisWidth: 15,
yAxisSplit: 5,
xAxisHeight: 15,
xAxisLineHeight: 15,
legendHeight: 15,
yAxisTitleWidth: 15,
padding: 12,
columePadding: 3,
fontSize: 10,
dataPointShape: ['diamond', 'circle', 'triangle', 'rect'],
colors: ['#7cb5ec', '#f7a35c', '#434348', '#90ed7d', '#f15c80', '#8085e9'],
pieChartLinePadding: 25,
pieChartTextPadding: 15,
xAxisTextPadding: 3,
titleColor: '#333333',
titleFontSize: 20,
subtitleColor: '#999999',
subtitleFontSize: 15,
toolTipPadding: 3,
toolTipBackground: '#000000',
toolTipOpacity: 0.7,
toolTipLineHeight: 14,
radarGridCount: 3,
radarLabelTextMargin: 15
}; // Object.assign polyfill
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign
function assign(target, varArgs) {
if (target == null) {
// TypeError if undefined or null
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
} var to = Object(target); for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
var nextSource = arguments[index]; if (nextSource != null) {
// Skip over if undefined or null
for (var nextKey in nextSource) {
// Avoid bugs when hasOwnProperty is shadowed
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(nextSource, nextKey)) {
to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
return to;
} var util = {
toFixed: function toFixed(num, limit) {
limit = limit || 2;
if (this.isFloat(num)) {
num = num.toFixed(limit);
return num;
isFloat: function isFloat(num) {
return num % 1 !== 0;
approximatelyEqual: function approximatelyEqual(num1, num2) {
return Math.abs(num1 - num2) < 1e-10;
isSameSign: function isSameSign(num1, num2) {
return Math.abs(num1) === num1 && Math.abs(num2) === num2 || Math.abs(num1) !== num1 && Math.abs(num2) !== num2;
isSameXCoordinateArea: function isSameXCoordinateArea(p1, p2) {
return this.isSameSign(p1.x, p2.x);
isCollision: function isCollision(obj1, obj2) {
obj1.end = {};
obj1.end.x = obj1.start.x + obj1.width;
obj1.end.y = obj1.start.y - obj1.height;
obj2.end = {};
obj2.end.x = obj2.start.x + obj2.width;
obj2.end.y = obj2.start.y - obj2.height;
var flag = obj2.start.x > obj1.end.x || obj2.end.x < obj1.start.x || obj2.end.y > obj1.start.y || obj2.start.y < obj1.end.y; return !flag;
}; function findRange(num, type, limit) {
if (isNaN(num)) {
throw new Error('[wxCharts] unvalid series data!');
limit = limit || 10;
type = type ? type : 'upper';
var multiple = 1;
while (limit < 1) {
limit *= 10;
multiple *= 10;
if (type === 'upper') {
num = Math.ceil(num * multiple);
} else {
num = Math.floor(num * multiple);
while (num % limit !== 0) {
if (type === 'upper') {
} else {
} return num / multiple;
} function calValidDistance(distance, chartData, config, opts) { var dataChartAreaWidth = opts.width - config.padding - chartData.xAxisPoints[0];
var dataChartWidth = chartData.eachSpacing * opts.categories.length;
var validDistance = distance;
if (distance >= 0) {
validDistance = 0;
} else if (Math.abs(distance) >= dataChartWidth - dataChartAreaWidth) {
validDistance = dataChartAreaWidth - dataChartWidth;
return validDistance;
} function isInAngleRange(angle, startAngle, endAngle) {
function adjust(angle) {
while (angle < 0) {
angle += 2 * Math.PI;
while (angle > 2 * Math.PI) {
angle -= 2 * Math.PI;
} return angle;
} angle = adjust(angle);
startAngle = adjust(startAngle);
endAngle = adjust(endAngle);
if (startAngle > endAngle) {
endAngle += 2 * Math.PI;
if (angle < startAngle) {
angle += 2 * Math.PI;
} return angle >= startAngle && angle <= endAngle;
} function calRotateTranslate(x, y, h) {
var xv = x;
var yv = h - y; var transX = xv + (h - yv - xv) / Math.sqrt(2);
transX *= -1; var transY = (h - yv) * (Math.sqrt(2) - 1) - (h - yv - xv) / Math.sqrt(2); return {
transX: transX,
transY: transY
} function createCurveControlPoints(points, i) { function isNotMiddlePoint(points, i) {
if (points[i - 1] && points[i + 1]) {
return points[i].y >= Math.max(points[i - 1].y, points[i + 1].y) || points[i].y <= Math.min(points[i - 1].y, points[i + 1].y);
} else {
return false;
} var a = 0.2;
var b = 0.2;
var pAx = null;
var pAy = null;
var pBx = null;
var pBy = null;
if (i < 1) {
pAx = points[0].x + (points[1].x - points[0].x) * a;
pAy = points[0].y + (points[1].y - points[0].y) * a;
} else {
pAx = points[i].x + (points[i + 1].x - points[i - 1].x) * a;
pAy = points[i].y + (points[i + 1].y - points[i - 1].y) * a;
} if (i > points.length - 3) {
var last = points.length - 1;
pBx = points[last].x - (points[last].x - points[last - 1].x) * b;
pBy = points[last].y - (points[last].y - points[last - 1].y) * b;
} else {
pBx = points[i + 1].x - (points[i + 2].x - points[i].x) * b;
pBy = points[i + 1].y - (points[i + 2].y - points[i].y) * b;
} // fix issue https://github.com/xiaolin3303/wx-charts/issues/79
if (isNotMiddlePoint(points, i + 1)) {
pBy = points[i + 1].y;
if (isNotMiddlePoint(points, i)) {
pAy = points[i].y;
} return {
ctrA: { x: pAx, y: pAy },
ctrB: { x: pBx, y: pBy }
} function convertCoordinateOrigin(x, y, center) {
return {
x: center.x + x,
y: center.y - y
} function avoidCollision(obj, target) {
if (target) {
// is collision test
while (util.isCollision(obj, target)) {
if (obj.start.x > 0) {
} else if (obj.start.x < 0) {
} else {
if (obj.start.y > 0) {
} else {
return obj;
} function fillSeriesColor(series, config) {
var index = 0;
return series.map(function (item) {
if (!item.color) {
item.color = config.colors[index];
index = (index + 1) % config.colors.length;
return item;
} function getDataRange(minData, maxData) {
var limit = 0;
var range = maxData - minData;
if (range >= 10000) {
limit = 1000;
} else if (range >= 1000) {
limit = 100;
} else if (range >= 100) {
limit = 10;
} else if (range >= 10) {
limit = 5;
} else if (range >= 1) {
limit = 1;
} else if (range >= 0.1) {
limit = 0.1;
} else {
limit = 0.01;
return {
minRange: findRange(minData, 'lower', limit),
maxRange: findRange(maxData, 'upper', limit)
} function measureText(text) {
var fontSize = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 10; // wx canvas 未实现measureText方法, 此处自行实现
text = String(text);
var text = text.split('');
var width = 0;
text.forEach(function (item) {
if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(item)) {
width += 7;
} else if (/[0-9]/.test(item)) {
width += 5.5;
} else if (/\./.test(item)) {
width += 2.7;
} else if (/-/.test(item)) {
width += 3.25;
} else if (/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/.test(item)) {
width += 10;
} else if (/\(|\)/.test(item)) {
width += 3.73;
} else if (/\s/.test(item)) {
width += 2.5;
} else if (/%/.test(item)) {
width += 8;
} else {
width += 10;
return width * fontSize / 10;
} function dataCombine(series) {
return series.reduce(function (a, b) {
return (a.data ? a.data : a).concat(b.data);
}, []);
} function getSeriesDataItem(series, index) {
var data = [];
series.forEach(function (item) {
if (item.data[index] !== null && typeof item.data[index] !== 'undefined') {
var seriesItem = {};
seriesItem.color = item.color;
seriesItem.name = item.name;
seriesItem.data = item.format ? item.format(item.data[index]) : item.data[index];
}); return data;
} function getMaxTextListLength(list) {
var lengthList = list.map(function (item) {
return measureText(item);
return Math.max.apply(null, lengthList);
} function getRadarCoordinateSeries(length) {
var eachAngle = 2 * Math.PI / length;
var CoordinateSeries = [];
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
CoordinateSeries.push(eachAngle * i);
} return CoordinateSeries.map(function (item) {
return -1 * item + Math.PI / 2;
} function getToolTipData(seriesData, calPoints, index, categories) {
var option = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : {}; var textList = seriesData.map(function (item) {
return {
text: option.format ? option.format(item, categories[index]) : item.name + ': ' + item.data,
color: item.color
var validCalPoints = [];
var offset = {
x: 0,
y: 0
calPoints.forEach(function (points) {
if (typeof points[index] !== 'undefined' && points[index] !== null) {
validCalPoints.forEach(function (item) {
offset.x = Math.round(item.x);
offset.y += item.y;
}); offset.y /= validCalPoints.length;
return { textList: textList, offset: offset };
} function findCurrentIndex(currentPoints, xAxisPoints, opts, config) {
var offset = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 0; var currentIndex = -1;
if (isInExactChartArea(currentPoints, opts, config)) {
xAxisPoints.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (currentPoints.x + offset > item) {
currentIndex = index;
} return currentIndex;
} function isInExactChartArea(currentPoints, opts, config) {
return currentPoints.x < opts.width - config.padding && currentPoints.x > config.padding + config.yAxisWidth + config.yAxisTitleWidth && currentPoints.y > config.padding && currentPoints.y < opts.height - config.legendHeight - config.xAxisHeight - config.padding;
} function findRadarChartCurrentIndex(currentPoints, radarData, count) {
var eachAngleArea = 2 * Math.PI / count;
var currentIndex = -1;
if (isInExactPieChartArea(currentPoints, radarData.center, radarData.radius)) {
var fixAngle = function fixAngle(angle) {
if (angle < 0) {
angle += 2 * Math.PI;
if (angle > 2 * Math.PI) {
angle -= 2 * Math.PI;
return angle;
}; var angle = Math.atan2(radarData.center.y - currentPoints.y, currentPoints.x - radarData.center.x);
angle = -1 * angle;
if (angle < 0) {
angle += 2 * Math.PI;
} var angleList = radarData.angleList.map(function (item) {
item = fixAngle(-1 * item); return item;
}); angleList.forEach(function (item, index) {
var rangeStart = fixAngle(item - eachAngleArea / 2);
var rangeEnd = fixAngle(item + eachAngleArea / 2);
if (rangeEnd < rangeStart) {
rangeEnd += 2 * Math.PI;
if (angle >= rangeStart && angle <= rangeEnd || angle + 2 * Math.PI >= rangeStart && angle + 2 * Math.PI <= rangeEnd) {
currentIndex = index;
} return currentIndex;
} function findPieChartCurrentIndex(currentPoints, pieData) {
var currentIndex = -1;
if (isInExactPieChartArea(currentPoints, pieData.center, pieData.radius)) {
var angle = Math.atan2(pieData.center.y - currentPoints.y, currentPoints.x - pieData.center.x);
angle = -angle;
for (var i = 0, len = pieData.series.length; i < len; i++) {
var item = pieData.series[i];
if (isInAngleRange(angle, item._start_, item._start_ + item._proportion_ * 2 * Math.PI)) {
currentIndex = i;
} return currentIndex;
} function isInExactPieChartArea(currentPoints, center, radius) {
return Math.pow(currentPoints.x - center.x, 2) + Math.pow(currentPoints.y - center.y, 2) <= Math.pow(radius, 2);
} function splitPoints(points) {
var newPoints = [];
var items = [];
points.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (item !== null) {
} else {
if (items.length) {
items = [];
if (items.length) {
} return newPoints;
} function calLegendData(series, opts, config) {
if (opts.legend === false) {
return {
legendList: [],
legendHeight: 0
var padding = 5;
var marginTop = 8;
var shapeWidth = 15;
var legendList = [];
var widthCount = 0;
var currentRow = [];
series.forEach(function (item) {
var itemWidth = 3 * padding + shapeWidth + measureText(item.name || 'undefined');
if (widthCount + itemWidth > opts.width) {
widthCount = itemWidth;
currentRow = [item];
} else {
widthCount += itemWidth;
if (currentRow.length) {
} return {
legendList: legendList,
legendHeight: legendList.length * (config.fontSize + marginTop) + padding
} function calCategoriesData(categories, opts, config) {
var result = {
angle: 0,
xAxisHeight: config.xAxisHeight
}; var _getXAxisPoints = getXAxisPoints(categories, opts, config),
eachSpacing = _getXAxisPoints.eachSpacing; // get max length of categories text var categoriesTextLenth = categories.map(function (item) {
return measureText(item);
}); var maxTextLength = Math.max.apply(this, categoriesTextLenth); if (maxTextLength + 2 * config.xAxisTextPadding > eachSpacing) {
result.angle = 45 * Math.PI / 180;
result.xAxisHeight = 2 * config.xAxisTextPadding + maxTextLength * Math.sin(result.angle);
} return result;
} function getRadarDataPoints(angleList, center, radius, series, opts) {
var process = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : 1; var radarOption = opts.extra.radar || {};
radarOption.max = radarOption.max || 0;
var maxData = Math.max(radarOption.max, Math.max.apply(null, dataCombine(series))); var data = [];
series.forEach(function (each) {
var listItem = {};
listItem.color = each.color;
listItem.data = [];
each.data.forEach(function (item, index) {
var tmp = {};
tmp.angle = angleList[index]; tmp.proportion = item / maxData;
tmp.position = convertCoordinateOrigin(radius * tmp.proportion * process * Math.cos(tmp.angle), radius * tmp.proportion * process * Math.sin(tmp.angle), center);
}); data.push(listItem);
}); return data;
} function getPieDataPoints(series) {
var process = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1; var count = 0;
var _start_ = 0;
series.forEach(function (item) {
item.data = item.data === null ? 0 : item.data;
count += item.data;
series.forEach(function (item) {
item.data = item.data === null ? 0 : item.data;
item._proportion_ = item.data / count * process;
series.forEach(function (item) {
item._start_ = _start_;
_start_ += 2 * item._proportion_ * Math.PI;
}); return series;
} function getPieTextMaxLength(series) {
series = getPieDataPoints(series);
var maxLength = 0;
series.forEach(function (item) {
var text = item.format ? item.format(+item._proportion_.toFixed(2)) : util.toFixed(item._proportion_ * 100) + '%';
maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, measureText(text));
}); return maxLength;
} function fixColumeData(points, eachSpacing, columnLen, index, config, opts) {
return points.map(function (item) {
if (item === null) {
return null;
item.width = (eachSpacing - 2 * config.columePadding) / columnLen; if (opts.extra.column && opts.extra.column.width && +opts.extra.column.width > 0) {
// customer column width
item.width = Math.min(item.width, +opts.extra.column.width);
} else {
// default width should less tran 25px
// don't ask me why, I don't know
item.width = Math.min(item.width, 25);
item.x += (index + 0.5 - columnLen / 2) * item.width; return item;
} function getXAxisPoints(categories, opts, config) {
var yAxisTotalWidth = config.yAxisWidth + config.yAxisTitleWidth;
var spacingValid = opts.width - 2 * config.padding - yAxisTotalWidth;
var dataCount = opts.enableScroll ? Math.min(5, categories.length) : categories.length;
var eachSpacing = spacingValid / dataCount; var xAxisPoints = [];
var startX = config.padding + yAxisTotalWidth;
var endX = opts.width - config.padding;
categories.forEach(function (item, index) {
xAxisPoints.push(startX + index * eachSpacing);
if (opts.enableScroll === true) {
xAxisPoints.push(startX + categories.length * eachSpacing);
} else {
} return { xAxisPoints: xAxisPoints, startX: startX, endX: endX, eachSpacing: eachSpacing };
} function getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config) {
var process = arguments.length > 7 && arguments[7] !== undefined ? arguments[7] : 1; var points = [];
var validHeight = opts.height - 2 * config.padding - config.xAxisHeight - config.legendHeight;
data.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (item === null) {
} else {
var point = {};
point.x = xAxisPoints[index] + Math.round(eachSpacing / 2);
var height = validHeight * (item - minRange) / (maxRange - minRange);
height *= process;
point.y = opts.height - config.xAxisHeight - config.legendHeight - Math.round(height) - config.padding;
}); return points;
} function getYAxisTextList(series, opts, config) {
var data = dataCombine(series);
// remove null from data
data = data.filter(function (item) {
return item !== null;
var minData = Math.min.apply(this, data);
var maxData = Math.max.apply(this, data);
if (typeof opts.yAxis.min === 'number') {
minData = Math.min(opts.yAxis.min, minData);
if (typeof opts.yAxis.max === 'number') {
maxData = Math.max(opts.yAxis.max, maxData);
} // fix issue https://github.com/xiaolin3303/wx-charts/issues/9
if (minData === maxData) {
var rangeSpan = maxData || 1;
minData -= rangeSpan;
maxData += rangeSpan;
} var dataRange = getDataRange(minData, maxData);
var minRange = dataRange.minRange;
var maxRange = dataRange.maxRange; var range = [];
var eachRange = (maxRange - minRange) / config.yAxisSplit; for (var i = 0; i <= config.yAxisSplit; i++) {
range.push(minRange + eachRange * i);
return range.reverse();
} function calYAxisData(series, opts, config) { var ranges = getYAxisTextList(series, opts, config);
var yAxisWidth = config.yAxisWidth;
var rangesFormat = ranges.map(function (item) {
item = util.toFixed(item, 2);
item = opts.yAxis.format ? opts.yAxis.format(Number(item)) : item;
yAxisWidth = Math.max(yAxisWidth, measureText(item) + 5);
return item;
if (opts.yAxis.disabled === true) {
yAxisWidth = 0;
} return { rangesFormat: rangesFormat, ranges: ranges, yAxisWidth: yAxisWidth };
} function drawPointShape(points, color, shape, context) {
context.setFillStyle(color); if (shape === 'diamond') {
points.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (item !== null) {
context.moveTo(item.x, item.y - 4.5);
context.lineTo(item.x - 4.5, item.y);
context.lineTo(item.x, item.y + 4.5);
context.lineTo(item.x + 4.5, item.y);
context.lineTo(item.x, item.y - 4.5);
} else if (shape === 'circle') {
points.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (item !== null) {
context.moveTo(item.x + 3.5, item.y);
context.arc(item.x, item.y, 4, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
} else if (shape === 'rect') {
points.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (item !== null) {
context.moveTo(item.x - 3.5, item.y - 3.5);
context.rect(item.x - 3.5, item.y - 3.5, 7, 7);
} else if (shape === 'triangle') {
points.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (item !== null) {
context.moveTo(item.x, item.y - 4.5);
context.lineTo(item.x - 4.5, item.y + 4.5);
context.lineTo(item.x + 4.5, item.y + 4.5);
context.lineTo(item.x, item.y - 4.5);
} function drawRingTitle(opts, config, context) {
var titlefontSize = opts.title.fontSize || config.titleFontSize;
var subtitlefontSize = opts.subtitle.fontSize || config.subtitleFontSize;
var title = opts.title.name || '';
var subtitle = opts.subtitle.name || '';
var titleFontColor = opts.title.color || config.titleColor;
var subtitleFontColor = opts.subtitle.color || config.subtitleColor;
var titleHeight = title ? titlefontSize : 0;
var subtitleHeight = subtitle ? subtitlefontSize : 0;
var margin = 5;
if (subtitle) {
var textWidth = measureText(subtitle, subtitlefontSize);
var startX = (opts.width - textWidth) / 2 + (opts.subtitle.offsetX || 0);
var startY = (opts.height - config.legendHeight + subtitlefontSize) / 2;
if (title) {
startY -= (titleHeight + margin) / 2;
context.fillText(subtitle, startX, startY);
if (title) {
var _textWidth = measureText(title, titlefontSize);
var _startX = (opts.width - _textWidth) / 2 + (opts.title.offsetX || 0);
var _startY = (opts.height - config.legendHeight + titlefontSize) / 2;
if (subtitle) {
_startY += (subtitleHeight + margin) / 2;
context.fillText(title, _startX, _startY);
} function drawPointText(points, series, config, context) {
// 绘制数据文案
var data = series.data; context.beginPath();
points.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (item !== null) {
var formatVal = series.format ? series.format(data[index]) : data[index];
context.fillText(formatVal, item.x - measureText(formatVal) / 2, item.y - 2);
} function drawRadarLabel(angleList, radius, centerPosition, opts, config, context) {
var radarOption = opts.extra.radar || {};
radius += config.radarLabelTextMargin;
context.setFillStyle(radarOption.labelColor || '#666666');
angleList.forEach(function (angle, index) {
var pos = {
x: radius * Math.cos(angle),
y: radius * Math.sin(angle)
var posRelativeCanvas = convertCoordinateOrigin(pos.x, pos.y, centerPosition);
var startX = posRelativeCanvas.x;
var startY = posRelativeCanvas.y;
if (util.approximatelyEqual(pos.x, 0)) {
startX -= measureText(opts.categories[index] || '') / 2;
} else if (pos.x < 0) {
startX -= measureText(opts.categories[index] || '');
context.fillText(opts.categories[index] || '', startX, startY + config.fontSize / 2);
} function drawPieText(series, opts, config, context, radius, center) {
var lineRadius = radius + config.pieChartLinePadding;
var textObjectCollection = [];
var lastTextObject = null; var seriesConvert = series.map(function (item) {
var arc = 2 * Math.PI - (item._start_ + 2 * Math.PI * item._proportion_ / 2);
var text = item.format ? item.format(+item._proportion_.toFixed(2)) : util.toFixed(item._proportion_ * 100) + '%';
var color = item.color;
return { arc: arc, text: text, color: color };
seriesConvert.forEach(function (item) {
// line end
var orginX1 = Math.cos(item.arc) * lineRadius;
var orginY1 = Math.sin(item.arc) * lineRadius; // line start
var orginX2 = Math.cos(item.arc) * radius;
var orginY2 = Math.sin(item.arc) * radius; // text start
var orginX3 = orginX1 >= 0 ? orginX1 + config.pieChartTextPadding : orginX1 - config.pieChartTextPadding;
var orginY3 = orginY1; var textWidth = measureText(item.text);
var startY = orginY3; if (lastTextObject && util.isSameXCoordinateArea(lastTextObject.start, { x: orginX3 })) {
if (orginX3 > 0) {
startY = Math.min(orginY3, lastTextObject.start.y);
} else if (orginX1 < 0) {
startY = Math.max(orginY3, lastTextObject.start.y);
} else {
if (orginY3 > 0) {
startY = Math.max(orginY3, lastTextObject.start.y);
} else {
startY = Math.min(orginY3, lastTextObject.start.y);
} if (orginX3 < 0) {
orginX3 -= textWidth;
} var textObject = {
lineStart: {
x: orginX2,
y: orginY2
lineEnd: {
x: orginX1,
y: orginY1
start: {
x: orginX3,
y: startY
width: textWidth,
height: config.fontSize,
text: item.text,
color: item.color
}; lastTextObject = avoidCollision(textObject, lastTextObject);
}); textObjectCollection.forEach(function (item) {
var lineStartPoistion = convertCoordinateOrigin(item.lineStart.x, item.lineStart.y, center);
var lineEndPoistion = convertCoordinateOrigin(item.lineEnd.x, item.lineEnd.y, center);
var textPosition = convertCoordinateOrigin(item.start.x, item.start.y, center);
context.moveTo(lineStartPoistion.x, lineStartPoistion.y);
var curveStartX = item.start.x < 0 ? textPosition.x + item.width : textPosition.x;
var textStartX = item.start.x < 0 ? textPosition.x - 5 : textPosition.x + 5;
context.quadraticCurveTo(lineEndPoistion.x, lineEndPoistion.y, curveStartX, textPosition.y);
context.moveTo(lineStartPoistion.x, lineStartPoistion.y);
context.moveTo(textPosition.x + item.width, textPosition.y);
context.arc(curveStartX, textPosition.y, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
context.fillText(item.text, textStartX, textPosition.y + 3);
context.stroke(); context.closePath();
} function drawToolTipSplitLine(offsetX, opts, config, context) {
var startY = config.padding;
var endY = opts.height - config.padding - config.xAxisHeight - config.legendHeight;
context.moveTo(offsetX, startY);
context.lineTo(offsetX, endY);
} function drawToolTip(textList, offset, opts, config, context) {
var legendWidth = 4;
var legendMarginRight = 5;
var arrowWidth = 8;
var isOverRightBorder = false;
offset = assign({
x: 0,
y: 0
}, offset);
offset.y -= 8;
var textWidth = textList.map(function (item) {
return measureText(item.text);
}); var toolTipWidth = legendWidth + legendMarginRight + 4 * config.toolTipPadding + Math.max.apply(null, textWidth);
var toolTipHeight = 2 * config.toolTipPadding + textList.length * config.toolTipLineHeight; // if beyond the right border
if (offset.x - Math.abs(opts._scrollDistance_) + arrowWidth + toolTipWidth > opts.width) {
isOverRightBorder = true;
} // draw background rect
context.setFillStyle(opts.tooltip.option.background || config.toolTipBackground);
if (isOverRightBorder) {
context.moveTo(offset.x, offset.y + 10);
context.lineTo(offset.x - arrowWidth, offset.y + 10 - 5);
context.lineTo(offset.x - arrowWidth, offset.y + 10 + 5);
context.moveTo(offset.x, offset.y + 10);
context.fillRect(offset.x - toolTipWidth - arrowWidth, offset.y, toolTipWidth, toolTipHeight);
} else {
context.moveTo(offset.x, offset.y + 10);
context.lineTo(offset.x + arrowWidth, offset.y + 10 - 5);
context.lineTo(offset.x + arrowWidth, offset.y + 10 + 5);
context.moveTo(offset.x, offset.y + 10);
context.fillRect(offset.x + arrowWidth, offset.y, toolTipWidth, toolTipHeight);
} context.closePath();
context.setGlobalAlpha(1); // draw legend
textList.forEach(function (item, index) {
var startX = offset.x + arrowWidth + 2 * config.toolTipPadding;
var startY = offset.y + (config.toolTipLineHeight - config.fontSize) / 2 + config.toolTipLineHeight * index + config.toolTipPadding;
if (isOverRightBorder) {
startX = offset.x - toolTipWidth - arrowWidth + 2 * config.toolTipPadding;
context.fillRect(startX, startY, legendWidth, config.fontSize);
}); // draw text list
textList.forEach(function (item, index) {
var startX = offset.x + arrowWidth + 2 * config.toolTipPadding + legendWidth + legendMarginRight;
if (isOverRightBorder) {
startX = offset.x - toolTipWidth - arrowWidth + 2 * config.toolTipPadding + +legendWidth + legendMarginRight;
var startY = offset.y + (config.toolTipLineHeight - config.fontSize) / 2 + config.toolTipLineHeight * index + config.toolTipPadding;
context.fillText(item.text, startX, startY + config.fontSize);
} function drawYAxisTitle(title, opts, config, context) {
var startX = config.xAxisHeight + (opts.height - config.xAxisHeight - measureText(title)) / 2;
context.setFillStyle(opts.yAxis.titleFontColor || '#333333');
context.translate(0, opts.height);
context.rotate(-90 * Math.PI / 180);
context.fillText(title, startX, config.padding + 0.5 * config.fontSize);
} function drawColumnDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1; var _calYAxisData = calYAxisData(series, opts, config),
ranges = _calYAxisData.ranges; var _getXAxisPoints = getXAxisPoints(opts.categories, opts, config),
xAxisPoints = _getXAxisPoints.xAxisPoints,
eachSpacing = _getXAxisPoints.eachSpacing; var minRange = ranges.pop();
var maxRange = ranges.shift();
if (opts._scrollDistance_ && opts._scrollDistance_ !== 0 && opts.enableScroll === true) {
context.translate(opts._scrollDistance_, 0);
} series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
var data = eachSeries.data;
var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
points = fixColumeData(points, eachSpacing, series.length, seriesIndex, config, opts); // 绘制柱状数据图
points.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (item !== null) {
var startX = item.x - item.width / 2 + 1;
var height = opts.height - item.y - config.padding - config.xAxisHeight - config.legendHeight;
context.moveTo(startX, item.y);
context.rect(startX, item.y, item.width - 2, height);
series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
var data = eachSeries.data;
var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
points = fixColumeData(points, eachSpacing, series.length, seriesIndex, config, opts);
if (opts.dataLabel !== false && process === 1) {
drawPointText(points, eachSeries, config, context);
return {
xAxisPoints: xAxisPoints,
eachSpacing: eachSpacing
} function drawAreaDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1; var _calYAxisData2 = calYAxisData(series, opts, config),
ranges = _calYAxisData2.ranges; var _getXAxisPoints2 = getXAxisPoints(opts.categories, opts, config),
xAxisPoints = _getXAxisPoints2.xAxisPoints,
eachSpacing = _getXAxisPoints2.eachSpacing; var minRange = ranges.pop();
var maxRange = ranges.shift();
var endY = opts.height - config.padding - config.xAxisHeight - config.legendHeight;
var calPoints = []; context.save();
if (opts._scrollDistance_ && opts._scrollDistance_ !== 0 && opts.enableScroll === true) {
context.translate(opts._scrollDistance_, 0);
} if (opts.tooltip && opts.tooltip.textList && opts.tooltip.textList.length && process === 1) {
drawToolTipSplitLine(opts.tooltip.offset.x, opts, config, context);
} series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
var data = eachSeries.data;
var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
calPoints.push(points); var splitPointList = splitPoints(points); splitPointList.forEach(function (points) {
// 绘制区域数据
if (points.length > 1) {
var firstPoint = points[0];
var lastPoint = points[points.length - 1]; context.moveTo(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y);
if (opts.extra.lineStyle === 'curve') {
points.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (index > 0) {
var ctrlPoint = createCurveControlPoints(points, index - 1);
context.bezierCurveTo(ctrlPoint.ctrA.x, ctrlPoint.ctrA.y, ctrlPoint.ctrB.x, ctrlPoint.ctrB.y, item.x, item.y);
} else {
points.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (index > 0) {
context.lineTo(item.x, item.y);
} context.lineTo(lastPoint.x, endY);
context.lineTo(firstPoint.x, endY);
context.lineTo(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y);
} else {
var item = points[0];
context.moveTo(item.x - eachSpacing / 2, item.y);
context.lineTo(item.x + eachSpacing / 2, item.y);
context.lineTo(item.x + eachSpacing / 2, endY);
context.lineTo(item.x - eachSpacing / 2, endY);
context.moveTo(item.x - eachSpacing / 2, item.y);
}); if (opts.dataPointShape !== false) {
var shape = config.dataPointShape[seriesIndex % config.dataPointShape.length];
drawPointShape(points, eachSeries.color, shape, context);
if (opts.dataLabel !== false && process === 1) {
series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
var data = eachSeries.data;
var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
drawPointText(points, eachSeries, config, context);
} context.restore(); return {
xAxisPoints: xAxisPoints,
calPoints: calPoints,
eachSpacing: eachSpacing
} function drawLineDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1; var _calYAxisData3 = calYAxisData(series, opts, config),
ranges = _calYAxisData3.ranges; var _getXAxisPoints3 = getXAxisPoints(opts.categories, opts, config),
xAxisPoints = _getXAxisPoints3.xAxisPoints,
eachSpacing = _getXAxisPoints3.eachSpacing; var minRange = ranges.pop();
var maxRange = ranges.shift();
var calPoints = []; context.save();
if (opts._scrollDistance_ && opts._scrollDistance_ !== 0 && opts.enableScroll === true) {
context.translate(opts._scrollDistance_, 0);
} if (opts.tooltip && opts.tooltip.textList && opts.tooltip.textList.length && process === 1) {
drawToolTipSplitLine(opts.tooltip.offset.x, opts, config, context);
} series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
var data = eachSeries.data;
var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
var splitPointList = splitPoints(points); splitPointList.forEach(function (points, index) {
if (points.length === 1) {
context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
context.arc(points[0].x, points[0].y, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
} else {
context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
if (opts.extra.lineStyle === 'curve') {
points.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (index > 0) {
var ctrlPoint = createCurveControlPoints(points, index - 1);
context.bezierCurveTo(ctrlPoint.ctrA.x, ctrlPoint.ctrA.y, ctrlPoint.ctrB.x, ctrlPoint.ctrB.y, item.x, item.y);
} else {
points.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (index > 0) {
context.lineTo(item.x, item.y);
context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
}); if (opts.dataPointShape !== false) {
var shape = config.dataPointShape[seriesIndex % config.dataPointShape.length];
drawPointShape(points, eachSeries.color, shape, context);
if (opts.dataLabel !== false && process === 1) {
series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
var data = eachSeries.data;
var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
drawPointText(points, eachSeries, config, context);
} context.restore(); return {
xAxisPoints: xAxisPoints,
calPoints: calPoints,
eachSpacing: eachSpacing
} function drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, process) {
if (opts._scrollDistance_ && opts._scrollDistance_ !== 0 && opts.enableScroll === true) {
context.translate(opts._scrollDistance_, 0);
if (opts.tooltip && opts.tooltip.textList && opts.tooltip.textList.length && process === 1) {
drawToolTip(opts.tooltip.textList, opts.tooltip.offset, opts, config, context);
} function drawXAxis(categories, opts, config, context) {
var _getXAxisPoints4 = getXAxisPoints(categories, opts, config),
xAxisPoints = _getXAxisPoints4.xAxisPoints,
startX = _getXAxisPoints4.startX,
endX = _getXAxisPoints4.endX,
eachSpacing = _getXAxisPoints4.eachSpacing; var startY = opts.height - config.padding - config.xAxisHeight - config.legendHeight;
var endY = startY + config.xAxisLineHeight; context.save();
if (opts._scrollDistance_ && opts._scrollDistance_ !== 0) {
context.translate(opts._scrollDistance_, 0);
} context.beginPath();
context.setStrokeStyle(opts.xAxis.gridColor || "#cccccc"); if (opts.xAxis.disableGrid !== true) {
if (opts.xAxis.type === 'calibration') {
xAxisPoints.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (index > 0) {
context.moveTo(item - eachSpacing / 2, startY);
context.lineTo(item - eachSpacing / 2, startY + 4);
} else {
xAxisPoints.forEach(function (item, index) {
context.moveTo(item, startY);
context.lineTo(item, endY);
context.stroke(); // 对X轴列表做抽稀处理
var validWidth = opts.width - 2 * config.padding - config.yAxisWidth - config.yAxisTitleWidth;
var maxXAxisListLength = Math.min(categories.length, Math.ceil(validWidth / config.fontSize / 1.5));
var ratio = Math.ceil(categories.length / maxXAxisListLength); categories = categories.map(function (item, index) {
return index % ratio !== 0 ? '' : item;
}); if (config._xAxisTextAngle_ === 0) {
context.setFillStyle(opts.xAxis.fontColor || '#666666');
categories.forEach(function (item, index) {
var offset = eachSpacing / 2 - measureText(item) / 2;
context.fillText(item, xAxisPoints[index] + offset, startY + config.fontSize + 5);
} else {
categories.forEach(function (item, index) {
context.setFillStyle(opts.xAxis.fontColor || '#666666');
var textWidth = measureText(item);
var offset = eachSpacing / 2 - textWidth; var _calRotateTranslate = calRotateTranslate(xAxisPoints[index] + eachSpacing / 2, startY + config.fontSize / 2 + 5, opts.height),
transX = _calRotateTranslate.transX,
transY = _calRotateTranslate.transY; context.rotate(-1 * config._xAxisTextAngle_);
context.translate(transX, transY);
context.fillText(item, xAxisPoints[index] + offset, startY + config.fontSize + 5);
} context.restore();
} function drawYAxisGrid(opts, config, context) {
var spacingValid = opts.height - 2 * config.padding - config.xAxisHeight - config.legendHeight;
var eachSpacing = Math.floor(spacingValid / config.yAxisSplit);
var yAxisTotalWidth = config.yAxisWidth + config.yAxisTitleWidth;
var startX = config.padding + yAxisTotalWidth;
var endX = opts.width - config.padding; var points = [];
for (var i = 0; i < config.yAxisSplit; i++) {
points.push(config.padding + eachSpacing * i);
points.push(config.padding + eachSpacing * config.yAxisSplit + 2); context.beginPath();
context.setStrokeStyle(opts.yAxis.gridColor || "#cccccc");
points.forEach(function (item, index) {
context.moveTo(startX, item);
context.lineTo(endX, item);
} function drawYAxis(series, opts, config, context) {
if (opts.yAxis.disabled === true) {
} var _calYAxisData4 = calYAxisData(series, opts, config),
rangesFormat = _calYAxisData4.rangesFormat; var yAxisTotalWidth = config.yAxisWidth + config.yAxisTitleWidth; var spacingValid = opts.height - 2 * config.padding - config.xAxisHeight - config.legendHeight;
var eachSpacing = Math.floor(spacingValid / config.yAxisSplit);
var startX = config.padding + yAxisTotalWidth;
var endX = opts.width - config.padding;
var endY = opts.height - config.padding - config.xAxisHeight - config.legendHeight; // set YAxis background
context.setFillStyle(opts.background || '#ffffff');
if (opts._scrollDistance_ < 0) {
context.fillRect(0, 0, startX, endY + config.xAxisHeight + 5);
context.fillRect(endX, 0, opts.width, endY + config.xAxisHeight + 5); var points = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= config.yAxisSplit; i++) {
points.push(config.padding + eachSpacing * i);
} context.stroke();
context.setFillStyle(opts.yAxis.fontColor || '#666666');
rangesFormat.forEach(function (item, index) {
var pos = points[index] ? points[index] : endY;
context.fillText(item, config.padding + config.yAxisTitleWidth, pos + config.fontSize / 2);
context.stroke(); if (opts.yAxis.title) {
drawYAxisTitle(opts.yAxis.title, opts, config, context);
} function drawLegend(series, opts, config, context) {
if (!opts.legend) {
// each legend shape width 15px
// the spacing between shape and text in each legend is the `padding`
// each legend spacing is the `padding`
// legend margin top `config.padding` var _calLegendData = calLegendData(series, opts, config),
legendList = _calLegendData.legendList; var padding = 5;
var marginTop = 8;
var shapeWidth = 15;
legendList.forEach(function (itemList, listIndex) {
var width = 0;
itemList.forEach(function (item) {
item.name = item.name || 'undefined';
width += 3 * padding + measureText(item.name) + shapeWidth;
var startX = (opts.width - width) / 2 + padding;
var startY = opts.height - config.padding - config.legendHeight + listIndex * (config.fontSize + marginTop) + padding + marginTop; context.setFontSize(config.fontSize);
itemList.forEach(function (item) {
switch (opts.type) {
case 'line':
context.moveTo(startX - 2, startY + 5);
context.lineTo(startX + 17, startY + 5);
context.moveTo(startX + 7.5, startY + 5);
context.arc(startX + 7.5, startY + 5, 4, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
case 'pie':
case 'ring':
context.moveTo(startX + 7.5, startY + 5);
context.arc(startX + 7.5, startY + 5, 7, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
context.moveTo(startX, startY);
context.rect(startX, startY, 15, 10);
startX += padding + shapeWidth;
context.setFillStyle(opts.extra.legendTextColor || '#333333');
context.fillText(item.name, startX, startY + 9);
startX += measureText(item.name) + 2 * padding;
function drawPieDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1; var pieOption = opts.extra.pie || {};
series = getPieDataPoints(series, process);
var centerPosition = {
x: opts.width / 2,
y: (opts.height - config.legendHeight) / 2
var radius = Math.min(centerPosition.x - config.pieChartLinePadding - config.pieChartTextPadding - config._pieTextMaxLength_, centerPosition.y - config.pieChartLinePadding - config.pieChartTextPadding);
if (opts.dataLabel) {
radius -= 10;
} else {
radius -= 2 * config.padding;
series = series.map(function (eachSeries) {
eachSeries._start_ += (pieOption.offsetAngle || 0) * Math.PI / 180;
return eachSeries;
series.forEach(function (eachSeries) {
context.moveTo(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
context.arc(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y, radius, eachSeries._start_, eachSeries._start_ + 2 * eachSeries._proportion_ * Math.PI);
if (opts.disablePieStroke !== true) {
}); if (opts.type === 'ring') {
var innerPieWidth = radius * 0.6;
if (typeof opts.extra.ringWidth === 'number' && opts.extra.ringWidth > 0) {
innerPieWidth = Math.max(0, radius - opts.extra.ringWidth);
context.setFillStyle(opts.background || '#ffffff');
context.moveTo(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
context.arc(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y, innerPieWidth, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
} if (opts.dataLabel !== false && process === 1) {
// fix https://github.com/xiaolin3303/wx-charts/issues/132
var valid = false;
for (var i = 0, len = series.length; i < len; i++) {
if (series[i].data > 0) {
valid = true;
} if (valid) {
drawPieText(series, opts, config, context, radius, centerPosition);
} if (process === 1 && opts.type === 'ring') {
drawRingTitle(opts, config, context);
} return {
center: centerPosition,
radius: radius,
series: series
} function drawRadarDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1; var radarOption = opts.extra.radar || {};
var coordinateAngle = getRadarCoordinateSeries(opts.categories.length);
var centerPosition = {
x: opts.width / 2,
y: (opts.height - config.legendHeight) / 2
}; var radius = Math.min(centerPosition.x - (getMaxTextListLength(opts.categories) + config.radarLabelTextMargin), centerPosition.y - config.radarLabelTextMargin); radius -= config.padding; // draw grid
context.setStrokeStyle(radarOption.gridColor || "#cccccc");
coordinateAngle.forEach(function (angle) {
var pos = convertCoordinateOrigin(radius * Math.cos(angle), radius * Math.sin(angle), centerPosition);
context.moveTo(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
context.lineTo(pos.x, pos.y);
context.closePath(); // draw split line grid var _loop = function _loop(i) {
var startPos = {};
context.setStrokeStyle(radarOption.gridColor || "#cccccc");
coordinateAngle.forEach(function (angle, index) {
var pos = convertCoordinateOrigin(radius / config.radarGridCount * i * Math.cos(angle), radius / config.radarGridCount * i * Math.sin(angle), centerPosition);
if (index === 0) {
startPos = pos;
context.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y);
} else {
context.lineTo(pos.x, pos.y);
context.lineTo(startPos.x, startPos.y);
}; for (var i = 1; i <= config.radarGridCount; i++) {
} var radarDataPoints = getRadarDataPoints(coordinateAngle, centerPosition, radius, series, opts, process);
radarDataPoints.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
// 绘制区域数据
eachSeries.data.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (index === 0) {
context.moveTo(item.position.x, item.position.y);
} else {
context.lineTo(item.position.x, item.position.y);
context.setGlobalAlpha(1); if (opts.dataPointShape !== false) {
var shape = config.dataPointShape[seriesIndex % config.dataPointShape.length];
var points = eachSeries.data.map(function (item) {
return item.position;
drawPointShape(points, eachSeries.color, shape, context);
// draw label text
drawRadarLabel(coordinateAngle, radius, centerPosition, opts, config, context); return {
center: centerPosition,
radius: radius,
angleList: coordinateAngle
} function drawCanvas(opts, context) {
} var Timing = {
easeIn: function easeIn(pos) {
return Math.pow(pos, 3);
}, easeOut: function easeOut(pos) {
return Math.pow(pos - 1, 3) + 1;
}, easeInOut: function easeInOut(pos) {
if ((pos /= 0.5) < 1) {
return 0.5 * Math.pow(pos, 3);
} else {
return 0.5 * (Math.pow(pos - 2, 3) + 2);
}, linear: function linear(pos) {
return pos;
}; function Animation(opts) {
this.isStop = false;
opts.duration = typeof opts.duration === 'undefined' ? 1000 : opts.duration;
opts.timing = opts.timing || 'linear'; var delay = 17; var createAnimationFrame = function createAnimationFrame() {
if (typeof requestAnimationFrame !== 'undefined') {
return requestAnimationFrame;
} else if (typeof setTimeout !== 'undefined') {
return function (step, delay) {
setTimeout(function () {
var timeStamp = +new Date();
}, delay);
} else {
return function (step) {
var animationFrame = createAnimationFrame();
var startTimeStamp = null;
var _step = function step(timestamp) {
if (timestamp === null || this.isStop === true) {
opts.onProcess && opts.onProcess(1);
opts.onAnimationFinish && opts.onAnimationFinish();
if (startTimeStamp === null) {
startTimeStamp = timestamp;
if (timestamp - startTimeStamp < opts.duration) {
var process = (timestamp - startTimeStamp) / opts.duration;
var timingFunction = Timing[opts.timing];
process = timingFunction(process);
opts.onProcess && opts.onProcess(process);
animationFrame(_step, delay);
} else {
opts.onProcess && opts.onProcess(1);
opts.onAnimationFinish && opts.onAnimationFinish();
_step = _step.bind(this); animationFrame(_step, delay);
} // stop animation immediately
// and tigger onAnimationFinish
Animation.prototype.stop = function () {
this.isStop = true;
}; function drawCharts(type, opts, config, context) {
var _this = this; var series = opts.series;
var categories = opts.categories;
series = fillSeriesColor(series, config); var _calLegendData = calLegendData(series, opts, config),
legendHeight = _calLegendData.legendHeight; config.legendHeight = legendHeight; var _calYAxisData = calYAxisData(series, opts, config),
yAxisWidth = _calYAxisData.yAxisWidth; config.yAxisWidth = yAxisWidth;
if (categories && categories.length) {
var _calCategoriesData = calCategoriesData(categories, opts, config),
xAxisHeight = _calCategoriesData.xAxisHeight,
angle = _calCategoriesData.angle; config.xAxisHeight = xAxisHeight;
config._xAxisTextAngle_ = angle;
if (type === 'pie' || type === 'ring') {
config._pieTextMaxLength_ = opts.dataLabel === false ? 0 : getPieTextMaxLength(series);
} var duration = opts.animation ? 1000 : 0;
this.animationInstance && this.animationInstance.stop();
switch (type) {
case 'line':
this.animationInstance = new Animation({
timing: 'easeIn',
duration: duration,
onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
drawYAxisGrid(opts, config, context); var _drawLineDataPoints = drawLineDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process),
xAxisPoints = _drawLineDataPoints.xAxisPoints,
calPoints = _drawLineDataPoints.calPoints,
eachSpacing = _drawLineDataPoints.eachSpacing; _this.chartData.xAxisPoints = xAxisPoints;
_this.chartData.calPoints = calPoints;
_this.chartData.eachSpacing = eachSpacing;
drawXAxis(categories, opts, config, context);
drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context);
drawYAxis(series, opts, config, context);
drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, process);
drawCanvas(opts, context);
onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
case 'column':
this.animationInstance = new Animation({
timing: 'easeIn',
duration: duration,
onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
drawYAxisGrid(opts, config, context); var _drawColumnDataPoints = drawColumnDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process),
xAxisPoints = _drawColumnDataPoints.xAxisPoints,
eachSpacing = _drawColumnDataPoints.eachSpacing; _this.chartData.xAxisPoints = xAxisPoints;
_this.chartData.eachSpacing = eachSpacing;
drawXAxis(categories, opts, config, context);
drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context);
drawYAxis(series, opts, config, context);
drawCanvas(opts, context);
onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
case 'area':
this.animationInstance = new Animation({
timing: 'easeIn',
duration: duration,
onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
drawYAxisGrid(opts, config, context); var _drawAreaDataPoints = drawAreaDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process),
xAxisPoints = _drawAreaDataPoints.xAxisPoints,
calPoints = _drawAreaDataPoints.calPoints,
eachSpacing = _drawAreaDataPoints.eachSpacing; _this.chartData.xAxisPoints = xAxisPoints;
_this.chartData.calPoints = calPoints;
_this.chartData.eachSpacing = eachSpacing;
drawXAxis(categories, opts, config, context);
drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context);
drawYAxis(series, opts, config, context);
drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, process);
drawCanvas(opts, context);
onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
case 'ring':
case 'pie':
this.animationInstance = new Animation({
timing: 'easeInOut',
duration: duration,
onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
_this.chartData.pieData = drawPieDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process);
drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context);
drawCanvas(opts, context);
onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
case 'radar':
this.animationInstance = new Animation({
timing: 'easeInOut',
duration: duration,
onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
_this.chartData.radarData = drawRadarDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process);
drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context);
drawCanvas(opts, context);
onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
} // simple event implement function Event() {
this.events = {};
} Event.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener) {
this.events[type] = this.events[type] || [];
}; Event.prototype.trigger = function () {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
} var type = args[0];
var params = args.slice(1);
if (!!this.events[type]) {
this.events[type].forEach(function (listener) {
try {
listener.apply(null, params);
} catch (e) {
}; var Charts = function Charts(opts) {
opts.title = opts.title || {};
opts.subtitle = opts.subtitle || {};
opts.yAxis = opts.yAxis || {};
opts.xAxis = opts.xAxis || {};
opts.extra = opts.extra || {};
opts.legend = opts.legend === false ? false : true;
opts.animation = opts.animation === false ? false : true;
var config$$1 = assign({}, config);
config$$1.yAxisTitleWidth = opts.yAxis.disabled !== true && opts.yAxis.title ? config$$1.yAxisTitleWidth : 0;
config$$1.pieChartLinePadding = opts.dataLabel === false ? 0 : config$$1.pieChartLinePadding;
config$$1.pieChartTextPadding = opts.dataLabel === false ? 0 : config$$1.pieChartTextPadding; this.opts = opts;
this.config = config$$1;
this.context = wx.createCanvasContext(opts.canvasId);
// store calcuated chart data
// such as chart point coordinate
this.chartData = {};
this.event = new Event();
this.scrollOption = {
currentOffset: 0,
startTouchX: 0,
distance: 0
}; drawCharts.call(this, opts.type, opts, config$$1, this.context);
}; Charts.prototype.updateData = function () {
var data = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; this.opts.series = data.series || this.opts.series;
this.opts.categories = data.categories || this.opts.categories; this.opts.title = assign({}, this.opts.title, data.title || {});
this.opts.subtitle = assign({}, this.opts.subtitle, data.subtitle || {}); drawCharts.call(this, this.opts.type, this.opts, this.config, this.context);
}; Charts.prototype.stopAnimation = function () {
this.animationInstance && this.animationInstance.stop();
}; Charts.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener) {
this.event.addEventListener(type, listener);
}; Charts.prototype.getCurrentDataIndex = function (e) {
var touches = e.touches && e.touches.length ? e.touches : e.changedTouches;
if (touches && touches.length) {
var _touches$ = touches[0],
x = _touches$.x,
y = _touches$.y; if (this.opts.type === 'pie' || this.opts.type === 'ring') {
return findPieChartCurrentIndex({ x: x, y: y }, this.chartData.pieData);
} else if (this.opts.type === 'radar') {
return findRadarChartCurrentIndex({ x: x, y: y }, this.chartData.radarData, this.opts.categories.length);
} else {
return findCurrentIndex({ x: x, y: y }, this.chartData.xAxisPoints, this.opts, this.config, Math.abs(this.scrollOption.currentOffset));
return -1;
}; Charts.prototype.showToolTip = function (e) {
var option = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; if (this.opts.type === 'line' || this.opts.type === 'area') {
var index = this.getCurrentDataIndex(e);
var currentOffset = this.scrollOption.currentOffset; var opts = assign({}, this.opts, {
_scrollDistance_: currentOffset,
animation: false
if (index > -1) {
var seriesData = getSeriesDataItem(this.opts.series, index);
if (seriesData.length !== 0) {
var _getToolTipData = getToolTipData(seriesData, this.chartData.calPoints, index, this.opts.categories, option),
textList = _getToolTipData.textList,
offset = _getToolTipData.offset; opts.tooltip = {
textList: textList,
offset: offset,
option: option
drawCharts.call(this, opts.type, opts, this.config, this.context);
}; Charts.prototype.scrollStart = function (e) {
if (e.touches[0] && this.opts.enableScroll === true) {
this.scrollOption.startTouchX = e.touches[0].x;
}; Charts.prototype.scroll = function (e) {
// TODO throtting...
if (e.touches[0] && this.opts.enableScroll === true) {
var _distance = e.touches[0].x - this.scrollOption.startTouchX;
var currentOffset = this.scrollOption.currentOffset; var validDistance = calValidDistance(currentOffset + _distance, this.chartData, this.config, this.opts); this.scrollOption.distance = _distance = validDistance - currentOffset;
var opts = assign({}, this.opts, {
_scrollDistance_: currentOffset + _distance,
animation: false
}); drawCharts.call(this, opts.type, opts, this.config, this.context);
}; Charts.prototype.scrollEnd = function (e) {
if (this.opts.enableScroll === true) {
var _scrollOption = this.scrollOption,
currentOffset = _scrollOption.currentOffset,
distance = _scrollOption.distance; this.scrollOption.currentOffset = currentOffset + distance;
this.scrollOption.distance = 0;
}; module.exports = Charts;
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