浮点优化选项 -ffast-math:极大地提高浮点运算速度【转】
关于浮点优化选项:(摘自C in a nutshell)
C99 浮点环境支持科学和数学级别的应用,这些应用必须有相当高的精度,但是某些应用却不是如此,注重速度高于精度。对于这些以速度为重的应用, -ffast-math 选项定义了预处理器宏 __FAST_MATH__, 指示编译不必遵循 IEEE 和 ISO 的浮点运算标准。-ffast-math标记是一个群组选项,可以分别启用下面六个优化选项:
Disables the use of the global variable errno for math functions that represent a single floating-point instruction.
The "unsafe math optimizations" are those that might violate floating-point math standards, or that do away with verification of arguments and results. Using such optimizations may involve linking code that modifies the floating-point processor's control flags.
Generates "nonstop" code, on the assumption that no math exceptions will be raised that can be handled by the user program.
Generates executable code that disregards infinities and NaN ("not a number") values in arguments and results.
This option indicates that your program does not depend on a certain rounding behavior, and does not attempt to change the floating-point environment's default rounding mode. This setting is currently the default, and its opposite, -frounding-math, is still experimental.
This option permits optimizations that limit the number of floating-point exceptions that may be raised by signaling NaNs. This setting is currently the default, and its opposite, -fsignaling-nans, is still experimental.
分别使用marvell(gcc4.1.1) 以及 maemo 编译器(codesourcery 2005q3-2,gcc3.4.4)并使用不同的编译选项进行测试对比。 程序运行在 PXA310 624M CPU 下。
marvell 编译器 + -ffast-math
arm-iwmmxt-Linux-gnueabi-gcc float.c -o float1
arm-iwmmxt-linux-gnueabi-strip float1
arm-iwmmxt-linux-gnueabi-gcc -ffast-math float.c -o float2
arm-iwmmxt-linux-gnueabi-strip float2
/mnt/share # ./float1
Start time is: 0.0
DIV End time is: 4.4294564932
MUL End time is: 5.4294622841
ADD End time is: 6.4294699686
SUB End time is: 7.4294810851
/mnt/share # ./float2
Start time is: 0.0
DIV End time is: 1.66616
MUL End time is: 2.122699
ADD End time is: 3.253242
SUB End time is: 4.363897
Meamo 编译器 + -ffast-math
gcc -mfloat-abi=soft -march=iwmmxt float.c -o cs_float1
strip cs_float1
gcc -mfloat-abi=soft -march=iwmmxt -ffast-math float.c -o cs_float2
strip cs_float2
/mnt/share # ./cs_float1
Start time is: 0.0
DIV End time is: 4.4294865258
MUL End time is: 5.258137
ADD End time is: 7.4294683333
SUB End time is: 8.169521
/mnt/share # ./cs_float2
Start time is: 0.0
DIV End time is: 1.330878
MUL End time is: 3.4294658034
ADD End time is: 4.110022
SUB End time is: 6.4294530884
以下运行在 meamo文件系统下:
Nokia-N810-42-19:/mnt/share# ./cs_float1
Start time is: 0.0
DIV End time is: 4.4294844089
MUL End time is: 5.229302
ADD End time is: 7.4294646888
SUB End time is: 8.127102
Nokia-N810-42-19:/mnt/share# ./cs_float2
Start time is: 0.0
DIV End time is: 1.320814
MUL End time is: 2.673556
ADD End time is: 4.84794
SUB End time is: 5.530572
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